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Dublin, Ohio Code of Ordinances
CITY OFFICIALS (December 31, 2023)
   All permanent signs shall also comply with the following requirements and with the height, area and setback requirements of § 153.161.
   (A)   Wall Signs. Wall signs are permitted for any business or use not identified by a ground sign.
      (1)   Placement.
         (a)   Wall signs shall not protrude more than 14 inches from the wall or face of the building to which it is attached, whether or not a raceway is used.
         (b)   Signs may be attached to a building wall or architecturally integrated extension which faces a street, parking lot or service drive, or may be attached to a canopy which projects beyond the building, provided that no part of the sign may extend above the roof or canopy.
      (2)   Height. Refer to § 153.161 for height limitations according to use. The height of a wall sign is measured from the established grade line to the top of the sign. Note that corporate office signs along interstate districts have no height, but in no case shall the sign extend above the roof line of the building.
         (a)   Signs may be attached to a building facade which faces a street, parking lot or service drive. It may be attached to a canopy which projects beyond the building, provided that no part of the sign extends above the roof or canopy.
      (3)   Size. The maximum allowable size for any wall sign shall be one square foot for every lineal foot of width of the building face to which the sign is attached, but shall not exceed the maximum size allowed for the use by § 153.161 unless located in the Interstate District.
      (4)   Number. Wall signs shall be limited in number to one per building or use. For buildings or uses on corner lots having at least 100 feet of lot frontage on each of two public rights-of-way, a second wall sign is permitted facing the second right-of-way. Each sign is limited to one square foot in area for every lineal foot of width of the building face to which the sign is attached, not exceeding the installed maximum size allowed for the use by § 153.161. The distance between the signs shall not be less than two-thirds the length of the longest elevation to which the sign is attached. The distance will be measured by two straight lines along the elevations of the building, from edge of sign to edge of sign. In no case shall two wall signs be closer than 30 feet apart. The provision for a second sign does not apply to individual tenants in a multi-tenant building.
   (B)   Ground Signs. Ground signs shall include free-standing, pole, pylon and monument signs. A ground sign is permitted only when all of the following conditions are fulfilled:
      (1)   Placement.
         (a)   The sign is located on the property to which it refers;
         (b)   The use is free-standing on its individual lot, is accessible by automobile and has off- street parking;
         (c)   The use has no wall sign visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent property; and
         (d)   Such signs shall not be located in such a way that they interfere with the safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
      (2)   Size. The maximum allowable size for any ground sign shall be in accordance with § 153.161.
      (3)   Height. Refer to § 153.161 for height limitation according to use. The height shall be measured from the established grade line to the highest point of the sign or its frame/support. The height may not be artificially increased by the use of mounding.
      (4)   Setback. All ground signs must be set back a minimum of eight feet from any public right-of-way or property boundary line unless such signs are specifically exempted of this requirement, refer to § 153.161.
      (5)   Number. Ground signs shall be limited in number to one per lot or multiple lots if devoted to one specific use or user. Buildings on corner lots having at least 100 feet of frontage on two public rights-of-way may be entitled to two ground signs, one facing each public right-of-way, if they meet the following criteria:
         (a)   The total combined height of both signs shall not exceed one and one-third times the maximum permitted height of a single ground sign for that use.
         (b)   The total combined area of both signs shall not exceed one and one-third times the maximum permitted area of a single ground sign for that use.
         (c)   The two signs shall be no closer than two-thirds the length of the longest public right-of-way frontage. The distance shall be measured by drawing two straight lines, measured from the edge of each sign, forming a 90 degree angle.
   (C)   Window Signs. Window signs shall be permitted for the use specified in § 153.161 in addition to any permitted wall sign or ground sign. The sum of the area of the window signs and the area of the wall or ground sign may not exceed the maximum allowable area for the wall or ground sign.
      (1)   Placement. Window signs shall be limited to the ground floor or first floor windows only, unless a use is located in the second or higher stories of a building and has no first floor occupancy.
      (2)   Number. Window signs shall be limited to one sign per window.
      (3)   Size. The total area of all such window signs is not to exceed 10% of the total window area of the establishment or ten square feet, whichever is less. The maximum allowable area on the second floor may not exceed that of the first floor.
('80 Code, § 1189.10) (Ord. 66-94, passed 3-20-95; Am. Ord. 103-95, passed 12-18-95; Am. Ord. 12-21, passed 4-12-21) Penalty, see § 153.999
   The following standards supplement the general requirements within § 153.156. Unless otherwise explicitly stated below, the following standards supersede the provisions within § 153.156 when regulating temporary signage.
   (A)   Banners.
      (1)   General. Banners are permitted only for the promotion of special events, during a grand opening, or during the time between permanent sign permit approval and installation. A temporary sign permit is required for all banners.
      (2)   Location. All banners shall be located on the site where the abovementioned activity occurs. They shall not be located in any public right-of-way or in such a way that they would interfere with the safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
      (3)   Illumination. Banners shall not be illuminated.
      (4)   Size, Height. Such signs shall be limited to 30 square feet in area. If located on the building, it cannot be located higher than 15 feet to the top of the banner.
      (5)   Placement. All banners shall be safely secured to a building, structure, or stake, and shall have ventilated faces to reduce wind load.
      (6)   Duration. Banners may be erected for a maximum of 14 days.
   (B)   Community Activities Signs.
      (1)   General. The installation of these banners is coordinated through Communications and Public Information and Special Events. Temporary banners or standardize sandwich board signs may be installed during a community activity. On-site temporary signage before or during, a community activity, with the exception of banners and gas-inflatable devices, does not require a permit.
      (2)   Illumination. May not be illuminated.
      (3)   Duration. May not be displayed more than seven days immediately preceding the event and shall be removed no later than 24 hours following conclusion of the event.
   (C)   Construction Fence Signs.
      (1)   General. Construction fence signs require a sign permit.
      (2)   Location and Duration. Permitted to be affixed to construction or site fencing during the duration of construction.
      (3)   Illumination. May not be illuminated.
   (D)   Construction Trailer Signs.
      (1)   General. Construction Trailer Signs do not require a sign permit. Such signs are subject to the restrictions listed in § 153.153 and § 153.154.
   (E)   Development Period Signs.
      (1)   General. Application shall be made to the Planning Director or designee for review. A sign permit must be obtained in accordance with § 153.151.
      (2)   Location. Must be installed on the property for which a valid building permit is in effect. Must be placed at least eight feet from any public right-of-way.
      (3)   Illumination. May not be illuminated.
      (4)   Placement, Number. Signs are permitted per development site. Signs are limited to no more than one sign per street frontage, except that sites having at least 200 feet of frontage on each of two public rights-of-way may place a second sign facing the second right-of-way, if both signs comply with code requirements. If the site is entitled to two development period signs, the distance between the signs shall be not less than two-thirds the length of the longest right-of-way frontage. The distance shall be measured by drawing two straight lines, from the edge of each sign, forming a 90-degree angle.
      (5)   Size, Height. Such signs shall be limited to 32 square feet in area and eight feet in height.
      (6)   Duration. Approval shall be for a period not to exceed one year. In residential subdivisions, development signs shall be removed when 75% of the lots in such subdivision have received any certificate of occupancy.
   (F)   Garage or Yard Sale Period Signs.
      (1)   General. A sign permit must be obtained in accordance with § 153.151.
      (2)   Number. A maximum of three such signs may be posted after a garage sale permit has been obtained.
      (3)   Size, Height. Such signs are provided by the city and shall be limited to two square feet in area and one-foot in height.
      (4)   Placement. They may be located in a public right-of-way so long as no safety or visibility hazards are created.
      (5)   Duration. Erected within 24 hours before a garage or yard sale and removed no later than two hours after the garage sale has ended.
   (G)   Gas-Inflatable Sign/Device.
      (1)   General/Duration. Such signs are permitted only for special events in accordance with the restrictions set forth in § 153.158(B) and § 153.158(L), and for seasonal decorations in accordance with the requirements of § 153.158(K). A temporary sign permit is required for all gas-inflatable devices. A scaled diagram of the device and a site plan showing where the device is to be located are required.
      (2)   Location. Shall be located only on the site where the special event occurs.
      (3)   Materials. Must not be inflated with helium or any other buoyant gas.
      (4)   Illumination. May not be internally illuminated.
      (5)   Placement. Shall be securely attached/tethered to the ground so that they will not shift more than three feet in any direction during any wind condition up to 25 miles per hour. Such signs shall not be attached to or mounted on any platform, roof, or similar structure, and must be placed so that they will be clear of all utility lines, roads, parking lots and adjacent property in case of collapse.
   (H)   Model Home Period Sign.
      (1)   General. A sign permit must be obtained in accordance with § 153.151. See § 153.073 for additional regulation pertaining to model homes. Shall be permitted in lieu of an exempt residential sale or leasing period sign as described in § 153.158(I).
      (2)   Location. Shall be located only on the lot or parcel where homes are being constructed.
      (3)   Size, Height. Such signs shall be limited to eight square feet in area and six feet in height.
      (4)   Illumination. May not be internally illuminated.
      (5)   Duration. Shall be permitted during any period when an approved residential development is under construction, until such time as the subdivision or development is complete or the model home is discontinued.
   (I)   Non-residential Sale or Leasing Period Signs.
      (1)   General. A sign permit must be obtained in accordance with § 153.151, and information verifying the availability of space for lease or sale shall be required with the permit submission.
      (2)   Number. One such sign is permitted per parcel, either ground, wall, or window. One additional ground sign shall be permitted for a parcel with freeway frontage.
      (3)   Size, Height.
         (a)   Ground-mounted signs. 
            1.   Non-freeway frontage. Signs are limited to 15 square feet in area and four feet in height.
            2.   Freeway frontage. Signs are limited to 24 square feet in area and eight feet in height.
         (b)   Wall signs. Wall signs shall be limited to 16 square feet in area with a maximum height of 15 feet to the top of the sign.
         (c)   Window signs. Window signs shall not to exceed 10% of the total window area of the establishment or six square feet, whichever is less.
      (4)   Placement. Signs must be located so that they do not interfere with the safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
      (5)   Duration. Such signs shall be permitted for one year and renewed on an annual basis.
      (6)   Materials/Design. Such signs shall be professionally design and constructed of a uniform sign design, as established by City Council. Ground and wall signs shall be constructed of MDO, Medium Density Overlay. Ground signs shall be post mounted.
   (J)   Residential Sale or Leasing Period Sign.
      (1)   General. A sign permit is not required for Residential Sale or Leasing Period Signs. Such signs are subject to the restrictions listed in § 153.153 and § 153.154.
      (2)   Size, Height. Such signs are limited to seven square feet in area and three feet in height in all residential areas.
      (3)   Placement. Free-standing signs must be located so that they do not interfere with the safe movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Permitted temporary off-premises signs must not be located so that they interfere with the safe movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic and may not be located within street medians.
      (4)   Duration. Such signs are permitted during any period when any premise or part thereof is actively offered for sale or lease, and removed no later than 30 days after the premises or part thereof is occupied by a new owner or tenant.
   (K)   Seasonal Business Period Sign.
      (1)   General. A sign permit must be obtained in accordance with § 153.151.
      (2)   Number. One sign per street frontage is permitted.
      (3)   Size, Height. Such signs are limited to 32 square feet in area and eight feet in height.
      (4)   Setback. They must be set back at least eight feet from any public right-of-way.
   (L)   Seasonal Decorations.
      (1)   General. Seasonal decorations do not require a sign permit. Such decorations are subject to the restrictions listed in § 153.153 and § 153.154.
      (2)   Illumination. Such decorations may be illuminated, providing no safety or visibility hazards are caused by such illumination. Animated and flashing seasonal decorations are permitted for residential uses only, and may not be installed in locations that create safety or visibility hazards.
      (3)   Duration. Decorations erected or installed shall be permitted an aggregate total of 60 days in any one given year.
   (M)   Special Events.
      (1)   General. A temporary sign permit will be issued for a special event only after a special event application form has been filled out and approved. The event coordinator is required to complete a special event application form, which includes a description of the proposed signage. On-site temporary signage before or during a special event, with the exception of banners and gas-inflatable devices, does not require a permit.
      (2)   Number. A special event organizer may erect a maximum of eight temporary off-premise signs, provided that a sign permit is obtained from the Planning Director or designee before installation. The location and number of signs permitted, up to the maximum permitted in § 153.158(L) will be determined on a case-by-case basis, based on considerations of traffic safety and size of attendance.
      (3)   Placement. The city will provide and install standardized sandwich boards for all off-premise signs. The event organizer is responsible for supplying paper or plastic signs, which will be affixed to the boards.
      (4)   Size. A maximum of two signs may be up to six square feet in area and three feet in height. A maximum of six signs may be up to two square feet in area and one foot in height.
      (5)   Duration. A maximum of two signs may be installed no earlier than seven days immediately preceding the event but must be removed no later than 24 hours following conclusion of the event. A maximum of six signs may be installed no earlier than 24 hours immediately preceding the event but must be removed within 24 hours following conclusion of the event.
      (6)   Illumination. May not be illuminated.
   (N)   Other Temporary Signs.
      (1)   General. All other temporary signs do not require a sign permit and are subject to the restrictions listed in § 153.153 and § 153.154. Permission to post such signs must be obtained from the owner(s) of the property on which the signs are placed.
      (2)   Number. Up to four temporary signs may be erected on a lot or parcel.
      (3)   Size. No temporary sign may exceed six square feet in size unless specifically permitted elsewhere in this section.
      (4)   Height. No temporary sign may exceed three feet in height unless specifically permitted elsewhere in this section.
      (5)   Illumination. Are not to be illuminated in any manner.
      (6)   Placement. Are not to be affixed to any utility pole, tree, or natural object, are not located within a right-of-way, and do not create a safety or visibility hazard.
      (7)   Duration. All of the permitted signs are limited to a period of four months.
('80 Code, § 1189.11) (Ord. 66-94, passed 3-20-95; Am. Ord. 103-95, passed 12-18- 95; Am. Ord. 12-21, passed 4-12-21; Am. Ord. 10-22, passed 4-11-22) Penalty, see § 153.999
   For all permanent sign types listed below, a sign permit must be obtained in accordance with § 153.151. In addition to the requirements and regulations in §§ 153.150 through 153.162, the following special conditions shall apply:
   (A)   Corporate Office Signs along Interstate District.
      (1)   For the purposes of this chapter, the Interstate District is hereby defined to include property with frontage on Interstate 270 that has been improved with corporate office building(s) constructed with two or more stories above the natural grade. Such building is entitled to a wall sign or a ground sign facing the interstate in addition to other permitted signage. In all cases, a maximum of two signs shall be permitted. For wall signs, the permitted sign area is based upon the number of building stories above natural grade and the building setback from the interstate right-of-way line. Buildings that are set back at least 50 feet from the interstate shall be entitled to 100 square feet of signage per story, up to a maximum of 300 square feet. Multi-story buildings set back less than 50 feet from the interstate shall be entitled to a maximum 100 square feet of wall signage regardless of number of stories. Any such wall sign shall be individual channel letters and shall be limited to one color. Wall signs may not extend above the roof line of the building. They may not be attached to a penthouse or roof structure including but not limited to mechanical equipment or roof screening. For ground signs, the permitted sign size is based upon the building setback. Buildings set back at least 100 feet from the interstate, shall be entitled to a sign no greater than 80 feet in area and not more than 12 feet in height.
      (2)   Buildings setback less than 100 feet from the interstate shall be entitled to a sign no greater than 50 feet in area and not more than eight feet in height. All Interstate District signs shall conform to all setback, design, location, and other requirements not specifically addressed in this section.
   (B)   Joint Identification Signs. One ground sign identifying only the name of a shopping center or other building complex shall be permitted, if there is a minimum of three uses sharing the same site. Such signs shall be permitted in addition to the permitted signs of individual occupants, but shall not list the names of these occupants. A joint identification sign shall not exceed the maximum permitted height of any ground sign identifying the individual occupants and the area of a joint identification sign shall not exceed 80 square feet. A second joint identification sign of the same size is permitted if the site has frontage on two streets, provided that the total lot frontage (on two streets) is 1,000 feet or greater. The two signs shall be no closer than 75 feet. For all buildings or complexes designed and/or intended for multi-tenant usage, a total sign plan conforming to all the requirements of this Code must be submitted to the Planning Director or designee before any sign permit for the complex or an individual tenant will be issued.
   (C)   Entry Feature Signs. These shall include signs graphically identifying a subdivision and/or multi-family development. Such signs shall be limited to monument signs only. Pole and pylon signs are prohibited. Such signs must consist entirely of natural materials, such as wood, brick and stone. The reverse sides of such signs shall be finished to match the fronts. The graphic area of such signs shall not exceed 20 square feet and the height of the monument shall be limited to six feet. Such signs may not interfere with the safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. If an entry feature sign is to be located within the right-of-way it must be reviewed and approved by City Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Engineer. Such signage must meet Dublin lighting and landscaping requirements.
   (D)   Signs within the Architectural Review District. Refer to the Architectural Review Board regulations and the Historic Design Guidelines for regulations pertaining to signs in these locations.
   (E)   Nonconforming Signs. All pre-existing illegal nonconforming signs must be removed in accordance with this subchapter. The Planning Director shall issue an order for the sign to be removed within 15 days. The cost of removal will be assessed to the property owner. If the property owner refuses to pay for removal of the sign, the cost of such removal shall be assessed to the property owner's tax records. All pre-existing legal signs that do not conform to the standards of this subchapter must be brought into conformity under any of the following conditions:
      (1)   Upon any change in the use of the property for which such property was intended at the time this subchapter became effective.
      (2)   Upon the discontinuance of the present use of property for a period of more than six months.
      (3)   Upon alterations to the existing sign, the following regulations shall apply:
         (a)   Structural. No display sign shall hereafter be altered, rebuilt, enlarged, extended, or relocated except in conformity with the provisions of this subchapter.
         (b)   Repainting or Refacing. The repainting of existing nonconforming signs shall not be considered an alteration within the meaning of this section. Refacing an existing nonconforming sign shall not be considered an alteration as long as the refacing constitutes an exact replica of the existing sign face. The design, color scheme, translucency, graphics and text must exactly match those existing. If any portion of the replacement face(s) is not an exact replica of the original sign face, the replacement face(s) must be brought into compliance with this subchapter in so far as practicable.
         (c)   Existing Signs; Continuance. Except as otherwise specifically provided, nothing in this section shall require the removal or discontinuance of a legally existing nonconforming permanent display sign which is attached to the property, as distinguished from a temporary or portable sign, that is not altered, rebuilt, enlarged, extended or relocated.
   (F)   Gasoline Stations. Gasoline stations, whose principal business is the sale of motor fuel, may display signs in addition to those hereinabove authorized. Such signs shall be limited to the following:
      (1)   One non-illuminated, double-faced sign not exceeding five square feet on a side is permitted for each set of motor fuel pumps identifying “self service” or “full service.”
      (2)   Price and grade information can be displayed only on the permitted sign, in manually changeable copy. Changeable copy for these purposes shall not include liquid crystal display (LCD), light emitting diodes (LED), or other similar electro/mechanical displays. This is the only circumstance in which changeable copy may be used.
      (3)   Signs limited to the identification of the brand name, logo or type of fuel sold and other signs as may be required by law shall be permitted on the motor fuel pumps. Fuel pumps shall not be illuminated. No signs projecting above the pumps may be permitted, except as required by law.
      (4)   Any other such signs as may be required by law.
   (G)   Architectural Review District. Signs within the Architectural Review District shall require prior review and approval by the Architectural Review Board. Signs within the Architectural Review District shall be in conformance with the Historic Dublin Guidelines, or any properly adopted successor guidelines or regulations. In no case shall such guidelines permit signage which exceed the size, height, color, opacity, and design requirements within this subchapter.
   (H)   Drive-Thru Menu Board Signs. This shall include free-standing, pole, pylon and monument signs. A drive-thru menu board sign is permitted only when all of the following conditions are fulfilled:
      (1)   The sign is located on the property to which it refers;
      (2)   The sign is not visible from the public right-of-way; and
      (3)   The sign does not exceed 32 square feet in size.
   (I)   Signs on Vending Machines, Trash Bins, or Other Devices. All such signs shall be screened from view of any public right-of-way and adjoining private property.
   (J)   Neon Signs. Neon may only be used for internal illumination if totally enclosed and not externally visible.
('80 Code, § 1189.12) (Ord. 66-94, passed 3-20-95; Am. Ord. 103-95, passed 12-18-95; Am. Ord. 26-10, passed 8-9-10; Am. Ord. 12-21, passed 4-12-21) Penalty, see § 153.999
   (A)   Fees. Permit and any other fees as determined by Council are posted in a fee schedule available through the Planning Division. The application fee is payable at the time of application and the permit fee is payable upon receipt of the sign permit.
   (B)   Reinspection and maintenance. All signs for which a permit shall be issued in accordance with this subchapter shall be subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   The Planning Director or designee shall reinspect each sign once every 24 months following erection of such sign to determine its continued compliance with the approved permit and plans as they were issued and to ensure proper operating conditions and maintenance in accordance with this subchapter. The sign owner shall be solely responsible for maintaining the appearance, safety and structural integrity of the sign at all times.
      (2)   Whenever the inspecting official finds a sign in need of repair, support, replacement, cleaning, repainting, or any maintenance service necessary to maintain reasonable and proper appearance and public safety, he or she shall issue an order to the owner allowing 30 days to effect needed repairs or maintenance. If the inspecting official determines that the existing condition of the sign creates an immediate hazard to the health or safety of the general public, he or she shall issue an order to the owner requiring the sign to be removed immediately.
      (3)   Failure of an owner to comply with the provisions listed above shall be cause for the inspecting official to order the permit issued for the sign void and issue an order for the sign to be removed. The cost of removal will be assessed to the property owner. If the property owner refuses to pay for removal of the sign, the cost of such removal shall be assessed to the property owner's tax records.
   (C)   Registration of sign contractors. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, install, relocate, alter, or maintain, any building mounted or ground sign within the city if the person is not currently registered with the city as a registered sign contractor or has not provided the bond required by division (E) of this section.
      (1)   A person desiring to be a registered sign contractor authorized to construct, install, relocate, alter, maintain, or remove building mounted or ground signs within the city shall register with the Division of Planning on a form prescribed by the Division for such registration and pay the fee for such registration as prescribed in the city's fee schedule.
      (2)   The registration form shall include the following information:
         (a)   Name of the registrant;
            1.   Name includes fictitious names or trade names (i.e., the "DBA" name) as well as the legal name of the entity or natural person.
         (b)   Current address of the registrant;
         (c)   Current phone number of the registrant;
         (d)   A space or box to indicate whether the application is for a new registration, or a renewal of an existing registration;
         (e)   Designation of a person who will be the primary contact between the registrant and the city, including the address, phone number, and e-mail address for such person;
         (f)   A statement, signed by a person with authority to bind the prospective registrant, acknowledging that the erection of signs within the city is subject to the Dublin Codified Ordinances and agreeing that the prospective registrant shall not construct, install, relocate, alter, maintain, or remove any ground or building mounted sign unless in compliance with the City of Dublin Codified Ordinances.
         (g)   Proof of general commercial liability insurance with a minimum combined bodily and property damage coverage in the amount of $300,000, and showing the city as a certificate holder. Liability insurance coverage shall be maintained in full force and effect and a copy of any policy changes including renewal forwarded to the Planning Division throughout the term of registration.
         (h)   Any other information as determined by the Planning Director.
      (3)   It shall be the duty of the registrant to provide updated information to the city if any person listed in the registration form disassociates from the registrant or any address, telephone number, or e-mail address changes for the registrant or its designated contact person.
      (4)   If the registrant is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited liability partnership, or other entity that is not a natural person, the registrant shall include the information listed above for all shareholders, partners, members, or other persons holding greater than a 10% equity interest in the entity.
      (5)   Failure to provide all required information shall result in denial of registration.
      (6)   The Planning Director may revoke the registration, or deny a registration renewal, to a person who has forfeited any portion of the bond required by division (E) of this section within the prior three calendar years, or who installs, constructs, relocates, or alters a sign without first obtaining a permit.
      (7)   No person who has outstanding fees, taxes, or judgments against said person and in favor of the city shall be registered until every such fee, tax, or judgment is satisfied. No person who is subject of an outstanding zoning violation shall be registered until such violation is resolved.
      (8)   Registration shall not be effective until the registrant has been provided a certificate issued by the city stating that the registrant has been registered.
      (9)   Registration renewals shall be due between November 1 and December 1 of each year. Registrations will expire at 12:00 a.m. on December 31. All first-time registrants who are registered after January 1 shall have to reregister within the registration renewal period of the same year. Example: a first-time registrant who registers March 1, 2019, will have to re-register during the registration renewal period in 2019.
   (D)   Permit applicant's acknowledgment. In conjunction with the submittal of an application for a sign permit, the owner of the property, tenant in possession of the property, or registered sign contractor shall comply with the following at the time of application submittal:
      (1)   The owner of the property, tenant in possession of the property, or registered sign contractor shall have acknowledged in writing that the installation of the sign(s) is required to comply with the terms of the approved permit.
      (2)   The owner of the property, tenant in possession of the property, or registered sign contractor shall have acknowledged in writing that all fabrication and installation work and materials used in connection with the sign(s) shall conform to the requirements of the municipality and be installed under the Chief Building Official's and Planning Director's general supervision; that the owner of the property, tenant in possession of the property, or registered sign contractor is required to notify the Chief Building Official and Planning Director in writing three days or more before any installation has begun on such sign(s) to permit inspection; that in the event of any violation of, or noncompliance with, any of the provisions and stipulations of the approved permit(s), the municipality shall have the right to stop the work forthwith and complete or cause the completion of such improvements according to the approved permit and that in such event the owner of the property, tenant in possession of the property, or registered sign contractor shall reimburse the municipality for any and all expenses incurred thereby. The city may draw upon the bond provided pursuant to division (E) of this section to collect such reimbursement. Drawing upon the bond shall not prevent the city from pursuing any other remedy available to collect reimbursement for its expenses.
   (E)   Sign contractor bond required. A registered sign contractor shall maintain a bond as described in division (F) of this section, to be applied against any building mounted or ground sign the sign contractor constructs, installs, alters, relocates, or maintains. The registered sign contractor shall not commence work on any building mounted or ground sign until providing the required bond. Expiration of the bond or other failure to maintain it in good standing shall be cause for immediate revocation of the sign contractor's registration. At the time of registration or re-registration with the city, the sign contractor shall provide proof that the bond remains in good standing and is in the amount that the Planning Director has established pursuant to division (F) of this section.
   (F)   Form of sign contractor bond. The bond required by division (E) of this section shall be in a form approved by the Planning Director and conditioned to save the city harmless from all loss and damage to persons or property which may be occasioned in any way, by accident or the want of care or skill on the part of the registered sign contractor or any agent thereof, in the prosecution of the work. The bond shall also provide for payment to the city for damages to the city or city property in the course of performance of work, including reimbursement to the city of any expenses the city incurs in remedying or removing a noncompliant sign constructed, installed, altered, relocated, or maintained by the registered sign contractor. The bond shall be in an amount to be determined and published by the Planning Director, in an amount or amounts reasonably calculated to provide security to the city.
('80 Code, § 1189.13) (Ord. 66-94, passed 3-20-95; Am. Ord. 42-18, passed 6-25-18; Am. Ord. 12-21, passed 4-12-21) Penalty, see § 153.999
   (A)   A sign shall be considered abandoned:
      (1)   When the sign remains after the discontinuance of a use.
         (a)   A business is considered to have discontinued operations if it is closed to the public for at least 90 consecutive days.
         (b)   A seasonal business is considered to have discontinued operations if it is closed to the public for at least 72 hours after the expiration of an 80-day seasonal business permit.
      (2)   When the sign on its immediate premises is not adequately maintained and the repairs or maintenance ordered under § 153.161(B) are not effected within the 30-day time limit.
      (3)   When the pre-existing legal sign does not conform to the provisions of this subchapter and is not brought into conformity upon any change in use or design as specified in § 153.160(J).
   (B)   The Planning Director shall determine whether a sign shall be considered abandoned. Upon determination that the sign is abandoned, the right to maintain and use such sign shall terminate immediately and the Planning Director shall issue an order for the sign to be removed within 15 days by the property owner. Any abandoned sign still standing after 15 days following an order for removal may be removed by the city. If the property owner refuses to pay for removal of the sign, the cost of such removal, as determined by City Council, will be added to the owner's tax records.
('80 Code, § 1189.14) (Ord. 66-94, passed 3-20-95; Am. Ord. 28-08, passed 5-19-08 6-25-18; Am. Ord. 12-21, passed 4-12-21) Penalty, see § 153.999
Wall Signs Maximum Area
Wall Signs Maximum Height
Ground Signs Maximum Area
Ground Signs Maximum Height
Ground Signs Minimum Setback
Window Signs Maximum Area
not permitted
Day Care (Conditional Use)
not permitted
Entry Feature Sign
not permitted
not permitted
Sexually Oriented Business
not permitted
not permitted
not permitted
Wall Signs Maximum Area
Wall Signs Maximum Height
Ground Signs Maximum Area
Ground Signs Maximum Height
Ground Signs Minimum Setback
Window Signs Maximum Area
Wall Signs Maximum Area
Wall Signs Maximum Height
Ground Signs Maximum Area
Ground Signs Maximum Height
Ground Signs Minimum Setback
Window Signs Maximum Area
School, Church, Library
not permitted
not permitted
Day Care/Nursing Homes
not permitted
Office (Admin., Professional)
General Commerce (Retail, Restaurant, Lodging, Consumer Service, Personal Service, Entertainment, Wholesaling, Bank, Hospital, Manufacturing, Research)
Joint Identification
not permitted
not permitted
Service Stations
see § 153.160(L)
see § 153.160(L)
see § 153.160(L)
('80 Code, § 1189.15) (Ord. 66-94, passed 3-20-95; Am. Ord. 12-21, passed 4-12-21) Penalty, see § 153.999