   (A)   Fees. Permit and any other fees as determined by Council are posted in a fee schedule available through the Planning Division. The application fee is payable at the time of application and the permit fee is payable upon receipt of the sign permit.
   (B)   Reinspection and maintenance. All signs for which a permit shall be issued in accordance with this subchapter shall be subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   The Planning Director or designee shall reinspect each sign once every 24 months following erection of such sign to determine its continued compliance with the approved permit and plans as they were issued and to ensure proper operating conditions and maintenance in accordance with this subchapter. The sign owner shall be solely responsible for maintaining the appearance, safety and structural integrity of the sign at all times.
      (2)   Whenever the inspecting official finds a sign in need of repair, support, replacement, cleaning, repainting, or any maintenance service necessary to maintain reasonable and proper appearance and public safety, he or she shall issue an order to the owner allowing 30 days to effect needed repairs or maintenance. If the inspecting official determines that the existing condition of the sign creates an immediate hazard to the health or safety of the general public, he or she shall issue an order to the owner requiring the sign to be removed immediately.
      (3)   Failure of an owner to comply with the provisions listed above shall be cause for the inspecting official to order the permit issued for the sign void and issue an order for the sign to be removed. The cost of removal will be assessed to the property owner. If the property owner refuses to pay for removal of the sign, the cost of such removal shall be assessed to the property owner's tax records.
   (C)   Registration of sign contractors. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, install, relocate, alter, or maintain, any building mounted or ground sign within the city if the person is not currently registered with the city as a registered sign contractor or has not provided the bond required by division (E) of this section.
      (1)   A person desiring to be a registered sign contractor authorized to construct, install, relocate, alter, maintain, or remove building mounted or ground signs within the city shall register with the Division of Planning on a form prescribed by the Division for such registration and pay the fee for such registration as prescribed in the city's fee schedule.
      (2)   The registration form shall include the following information:
         (a)   Name of the registrant;
            1.   Name includes fictitious names or trade names (i.e., the "DBA" name) as well as the legal name of the entity or natural person.
         (b)   Current address of the registrant;
         (c)   Current phone number of the registrant;
         (d)   A space or box to indicate whether the application is for a new registration, or a renewal of an existing registration;
         (e)   Designation of a person who will be the primary contact between the registrant and the city, including the address, phone number, and e-mail address for such person;
         (f)   A statement, signed by a person with authority to bind the prospective registrant, acknowledging that the erection of signs within the city is subject to the Dublin Codified Ordinances and agreeing that the prospective registrant shall not construct, install, relocate, alter, maintain, or remove any ground or building mounted sign unless in compliance with the City of Dublin Codified Ordinances.
         (g)   Proof of general commercial liability insurance with a minimum combined bodily and property damage coverage in the amount of $300,000, and showing the city as a certificate holder. Liability insurance coverage shall be maintained in full force and effect and a copy of any policy changes including renewal forwarded to the Planning Division throughout the term of registration.
         (h)   Any other information as determined by the Planning Director.
      (3)   It shall be the duty of the registrant to provide updated information to the city if any person listed in the registration form disassociates from the registrant or any address, telephone number, or e-mail address changes for the registrant or its designated contact person.
      (4)   If the registrant is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited liability partnership, or other entity that is not a natural person, the registrant shall include the information listed above for all shareholders, partners, members, or other persons holding greater than a 10% equity interest in the entity.
      (5)   Failure to provide all required information shall result in denial of registration.
      (6)   The Planning Director may revoke the registration, or deny a registration renewal, to a person who has forfeited any portion of the bond required by division (E) of this section within the prior three calendar years, or who installs, constructs, relocates, or alters a sign without first obtaining a permit.
      (7)   No person who has outstanding fees, taxes, or judgments against said person and in favor of the city shall be registered until every such fee, tax, or judgment is satisfied. No person who is subject of an outstanding zoning violation shall be registered until such violation is resolved.
      (8)   Registration shall not be effective until the registrant has been provided a certificate issued by the city stating that the registrant has been registered.
      (9)   Registration renewals shall be due between November 1 and December 1 of each year. Registrations will expire at 12:00 a.m. on December 31. All first-time registrants who are registered after January 1 shall have to reregister within the registration renewal period of the same year. Example: a first-time registrant who registers March 1, 2019, will have to re-register during the registration renewal period in 2019.
   (D)   Permit applicant's acknowledgment. In conjunction with the submittal of an application for a sign permit, the owner of the property, tenant in possession of the property, or registered sign contractor shall comply with the following at the time of application submittal:
      (1)   The owner of the property, tenant in possession of the property, or registered sign contractor shall have acknowledged in writing that the installation of the sign(s) is required to comply with the terms of the approved permit.
      (2)   The owner of the property, tenant in possession of the property, or registered sign contractor shall have acknowledged in writing that all fabrication and installation work and materials used in connection with the sign(s) shall conform to the requirements of the municipality and be installed under the Chief Building Official's and Planning Director's general supervision; that the owner of the property, tenant in possession of the property, or registered sign contractor is required to notify the Chief Building Official and Planning Director in writing three days or more before any installation has begun on such sign(s) to permit inspection; that in the event of any violation of, or noncompliance with, any of the provisions and stipulations of the approved permit(s), the municipality shall have the right to stop the work forthwith and complete or cause the completion of such improvements according to the approved permit and that in such event the owner of the property, tenant in possession of the property, or registered sign contractor shall reimburse the municipality for any and all expenses incurred thereby. The city may draw upon the bond provided pursuant to division (E) of this section to collect such reimbursement. Drawing upon the bond shall not prevent the city from pursuing any other remedy available to collect reimbursement for its expenses.
   (E)   Sign contractor bond required. A registered sign contractor shall maintain a bond as described in division (F) of this section, to be applied against any building mounted or ground sign the sign contractor constructs, installs, alters, relocates, or maintains. The registered sign contractor shall not commence work on any building mounted or ground sign until providing the required bond. Expiration of the bond or other failure to maintain it in good standing shall be cause for immediate revocation of the sign contractor's registration. At the time of registration or re-registration with the city, the sign contractor shall provide proof that the bond remains in good standing and is in the amount that the Planning Director has established pursuant to division (F) of this section.
   (F)   Form of sign contractor bond. The bond required by division (E) of this section shall be in a form approved by the Planning Director and conditioned to save the city harmless from all loss and damage to persons or property which may be occasioned in any way, by accident or the want of care or skill on the part of the registered sign contractor or any agent thereof, in the prosecution of the work. The bond shall also provide for payment to the city for damages to the city or city property in the course of performance of work, including reimbursement to the city of any expenses the city incurs in remedying or removing a noncompliant sign constructed, installed, altered, relocated, or maintained by the registered sign contractor. The bond shall be in an amount to be determined and published by the Planning Director, in an amount or amounts reasonably calculated to provide security to the city.
('80 Code, § 1189.13) (Ord. 66-94, passed 3-20-95; Am. Ord. 42-18, passed 6-25-18; Am. Ord. 12-21, passed 4-12-21) Penalty, see § 153.999
   (A)   A sign shall be considered abandoned:
      (1)   When the sign remains after the discontinuance of a use.
         (a)   A business is considered to have discontinued operations if it is closed to the public for at least 90 consecutive days.
         (b)   A seasonal business is considered to have discontinued operations if it is closed to the public for at least 72 hours after the expiration of an 80-day seasonal business permit.
      (2)   When the sign on its immediate premises is not adequately maintained and the repairs or maintenance ordered under § 153.161(B) are not effected within the 30-day time limit.
      (3)   When the pre-existing legal sign does not conform to the provisions of this subchapter and is not brought into conformity upon any change in use or design as specified in § 153.160(J).
   (B)   The Planning Director shall determine whether a sign shall be considered abandoned. Upon determination that the sign is abandoned, the right to maintain and use such sign shall terminate immediately and the Planning Director shall issue an order for the sign to be removed within 15 days by the property owner. Any abandoned sign still standing after 15 days following an order for removal may be removed by the city. If the property owner refuses to pay for removal of the sign, the cost of such removal, as determined by City Council, will be added to the owner's tax records.
('80 Code, § 1189.14) (Ord. 66-94, passed 3-20-95; Am. Ord. 28-08, passed 5-19-08 6-25-18; Am. Ord. 12-21, passed 4-12-21) Penalty, see § 153.999
Wall Signs Maximum Area
Wall Signs Maximum Height
Ground Signs Maximum Area
Ground Signs Maximum Height
Ground Signs Minimum Setback
Window Signs Maximum Area
not permitted
Day Care (Conditional Use)
not permitted
Entry Feature Sign
not permitted
not permitted
Sexually Oriented Business
not permitted
not permitted
not permitted
Wall Signs Maximum Area
Wall Signs Maximum Height
Ground Signs Maximum Area
Ground Signs Maximum Height
Ground Signs Minimum Setback
Window Signs Maximum Area
Wall Signs Maximum Area
Wall Signs Maximum Height
Ground Signs Maximum Area
Ground Signs Maximum Height
Ground Signs Minimum Setback
Window Signs Maximum Area
School, Church, Library
not permitted
not permitted
Day Care/Nursing Homes
not permitted
Office (Admin., Professional)
General Commerce (Retail, Restaurant, Lodging, Consumer Service, Personal Service, Entertainment, Wholesaling, Bank, Hospital, Manufacturing, Research)
Joint Identification
not permitted
not permitted
Service Stations
see § 153.160(L)
see § 153.160(L)
see § 153.160(L)
('80 Code, § 1189.15) (Ord. 66-94, passed 3-20-95; Am. Ord. 12-21, passed 4-12-21) Penalty, see § 153.999
   (A)   The regulations contained within this chapter apply to all resources within the boundaries of Historic Dublin, as identified on Appendix F, as well as designated outlying historic resources as specified in Appendix G of the City of Dublin’s Zoning Code, and amendments or additions as approved by City Council. All resources located within these designated areas require approval by the Architectural Review Board (ARB) for certain activities related to renovation, rehabilitation, new construction, or demolition as provided in this chapter. The purpose and duties of the ARB are contained in § 153.175.
   (B)   The designated resources are subject to the regulations of the zoning district in which they are located. Historic Dublin contains the city’s four Historic Zoning Districts but may also contain resources that have other zoning designations. The regulations for the Historic Zoning Districts are contained within this subchapter.
   (C)   The Historic Design Guidelines also apply to all resources within Historic Dublin and resources identified on Appendix G. The Guidelines supplement the review standards contained within the City of Dublin’s Zoning Code and will guide the ARB in determining requests for approvals. While the Guidelines are not zoning regulations, they are critical to interpreting the intent of these regulations and should be used in unison with them. The Guidelines provide additional detail and explanation of the regulations and provide important guidance in applying the regulations. The Guidelines are critically important in ARB’s consideration of conditions of approval as authorized in § 153.176.
(Ord. 03-21, passed 2-22-21; Am. Ord. 65-23, passed 12-11-23)