One, Two and Three-Family Dwelling Code
150.001 Adoption by reference
150.002 Amendments, deletions and additions
150.003 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code adopted
National Electric Code
150.020 Adoption by reference
150.021 Amendments, deletions and additions
150.022 (Reserved)
150.023 (Reserved)
Driveway and Sidewalk Construction
150.035 Registration required; fee and bond
150.036 Construction crossing curb, tree lawn or sidewalk
150.037 Time limitation
150.038 Construction standards
150.039 Sidewalk construction
150.040 Grading and draining building lots
Encroachments on Municipal Property
150.055 Encroachments on easement areas; encroachment agreements
150.056 (Reserved)
150.057 (Reserved)
Moving Structures
150.105 Definitions
150.106 Permit required; application
150.107 Deposits
150.108 Duties of Building Official
150.109 Duties of permittee
150.110 Enforcement
Numbering Dwellings
150.125 Manner of numbering and system
150.126 Initial lines
150.127 Even and odd numbers; spacing
Licensing Contractors
150.140 Definitions
150.141 Registration
150.142 Term and renewal
150.143 Assignment, transfer, use by third persons
150.144 Suspension and revocation
150.145 Appeals
150.146 Exemptions
Building Permits
150.155 Permit issuance
150.156 (Reserved)
150.157 (Reserved)
150.158 Failure to complete work
150.159 Containment and disposal of construction site debris
150.160 Containment of and Limitation Upon Construction Noise
Building Code Fees
150.175 Fees required
150.176 Plans examination fees
150.177 New building and additions permit fees
150.178 Alterations permit fee
150.179 Industrialized units, prefabricated assemblies and relocated buildings permit fees
150.180 Rehabilitation permit fees
150.181 Fee for inspection of existing buildings
150.182 Reinspection fees
150.183 Warm air heating and ventilation permit fees
150.184 Environmental comfort systems permits; fees
150.185 Refrigeration permit fees
150.186 Steam and hot water heating permit fees
150.187 Prefabricated fireplace, wood or coal-burning stove fees
150.188 Certificate of occupancy fees
150.189 Fire protection systems fees
150.190 Advance construction starts
150.191 Plumbing permit fees
150.192 Electrical permit fees
150.193 Fire hydrant permit fee
Administration and Enforcement
150.215 Building Official
150.216 (Reserved)
150.217 Inspections
150.218 State procedure for fire damaged structures
Property Maintenance Code
150.230 Adoption of Property Maintenance Code
150.231 Additions, insertions and changes
150.999 Penalty
There is hereby adopted by reference the 2013 Residential Code of Ohio including Appendix F of the 2009 International Residential Code, which shall be known as the Dublin Residential Code, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended by this chapter. One copy of such Code has been and is now filed in the office of the Clerk of Council. Such Code is hereby adopted and incorporated as if fully set out at length herein, and from the date on which this chapter shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the city.
(Ord. 02-13, passed 1-28-13; Am. Ord. 01-16, passed 2-8-16)
The Ohio Residential Code shall be amended as follows:
(A) The 2013 Residential Code of Ohio, Table R301.2(1) shall be completed as follows:
Ground Snow Load | 20 psf |
Wind speed: | 90 mph |
Seismic Design Category: | B |
Weathering | Severe |
Frost Line Depth | 36 inches |
Termite Damage | Moderate to Heavy |
Winter Design Temperature | 0-10 degrees |
Ice shield underlayment required | Yes |
Flood hazards | Refer to Chapter 151 of the City of Dublin Codified Ordinances |
Air Freezing Index | 1400 |
Mean Annual Temperature | 50 degrees |
(B) A new Section 302.4 be added as follows:
302.4 CERTIFICATION. The elevation and location of all new buildings shall be certified by a registered land surveyor or a person under the direct supervision of a registered land surveyor.
(Ord. 02-13, passed 1-28-13)