§ 153.036 (RESERVED)
   This section reserved for future use.
(Ord. 53-03, passed 10-6-03; Am. Ord. 19-12, passed 4-23-12)
   (A)   Purpose. The Innovation District's requirements and standards are intended to provide four distinct zoning districts to implement the city's vision and goals in creating the Economic Advancement Zone as a critical component of the Central Ohio Innovation Corridor (COIC). The EAZ is envisioned as an important technology and research business center that will encourage the development and operation of suburban technology and office park campuses and promote individual sites for development attracting high-tech and related uses to the city. These requirements and standards are meant to foster the orderly growth and development of these uses as well as promote the development of commercial, service, recreational and residential uses in appropriately designated areas that serve the primary users in the districts. The goal is to create zoning districts that set development requirements to ensure that buildings and uses in the districts will adhere to high-quality, uniform design standards while addressing the unique needs of specialized industries and uses. At the same time, these requirements give a competitive advantage to the EAZ by providing a streamlined process for reviewing development proposals.
   (B)   Standard districts. All Innovation Districts are standard zoning districts under § 153.016(A) and shall constitute separate and distinct zoning classifications.
   (C)   Conflicts. If these requirements conflict in any manner with the City of Dublin Codified Ordinances, the provisions of the districts shall prevail. All matters not covered by the districts and their requirements shall be regulated by the requirements and standards contained in the City of Dublin Zoning Code.
   (D)   Severability. If any provision or provisions of this subchapter or the application thereof to any zoning lot, building or other structure or tract of land are declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or ineffective in whole or in part or to be inapplicable to any person or situation, the effect of such decision shall be limited to the provision or provisions which are expressly stated in the decision to be invalid or ineffective to the zoning lot, building or other structure or tract of land immediately involved. All other provisions of this subchapter shall continue to be separate and fully effective, and the application of any such provision to other persons or situations shall not be affected.
   (E)   Establishment of districts. There are hereby created five Innovation District zoning classifications within the EAZ: Research Office (ID-1); Research Flex (ID-2); Research Assembly (ID-4); Research Mixed Use (ID-4); and Research Recreation (ID-5) District.
   (F)   Zoning amendments. A request to zone or rezone land to any Innovation District designation shall be made in accordance with § 153.234, Zoning Text and Map Amendments.
   (G)   Applicability. Any development proposed to occur on land designated as ID-1, ID-2, ID-3, ID-4, and ID-5 shall be required to meet the requirements of the Innovation Districts as specified herein. In the case of the ID-5 District, development shall comply with the latest adopted version of "Planned Industrial Park Development Text: Northwest Dublin Commercial Park/Sports Ohio."
      (1)   Continuance of existing structures. Where a lawful structure exists at the effective date of this amendment that does not comply with the requirements of this Code because of restrictions such as front property line occupation, lot coverage, required build zone, buildable area, height or other requirements related to the structure, that structure may be continued as an existing structure as long as it meets the requirements of § 153.039(C)(11). Notwithstanding the provisions of § 153.004, the following shall apply to buildings and structures within the Innovation Districts.
      (2)   Expansion of existing structures. Existing structures may be extended, enlarged, altered, remodeled or modernized only after approval by the Administrative Review Team (ART) upon finding that all of the following conditions are met:
         (a)   That the existing structure meets all height, area and/or parking and loading provisions that were applicable immediately prior to the rezoning of the property on which it is located into an Innovation District.
         (b)   That the enlargement or extension is limited to the same parcel on which the existing structure was located on at the time of the adoption of this amendment.
         (c)   That the improvement does not interfere with the use of other properties in the vicinity.
         (d)   That the enlargement or extension does not exceed 50% of the GFA of the existing structure at the time of the adoption of this amendment.
      (3)   Compliance with parking requirements. Any existing structure which does not have the minimum number of parking spaces or loading areas as required by this Code, and which thereafter provides additional parking and/or loading spaces in conjunction with an improvement as permitted in § 153.039(C)(11)(b), shall be required to meet the minimum number of parking spaces as required by the district in which it is located.
      (4)   Reconstruction or movement. Should an existing structure be destroyed to an extent of more than 60% of its replacement value, exclusive of the foundation, that existing structure shall be reconstructed only in conformance with the provisions of this Code. Existing structures destroyed to an extent equal to or less than 60% of its replacement value, exclusive of the foundation, may be reconstructed in the location that existed prior to the adoption of this amendment. Should the property/building owner or lessee demolish more than 50% of the gross square footage of an existing structure, all improvements on the property must be constructed in accordance and/or brought into conformance with the requirements of this Code. All permitted reconstruction shall be started within 12 months of destruction and be continued until completion.
      (5)   Existing uses. The long range implementation of the Economic Advancement Zone Plan requires sensitive treatment of existing uses that represent significant investment in the city. It is the intent of this section to permit existing uses to continue and to be considered conforming to this Code, even if the use is not otherwise permitted in the District or building type, provided that the following requirements are met:
         (a)   Continuation of use. All uses that were permitted or conditional uses under the zoning of a property immediately prior to its rezoning into an Innovation District shall continue to be allowed as permitted or conditional uses on the property in addition to those permitted and conditional uses under the applicable Innovation District, provided that at least one of the permitted or conditional uses under the prior zoning has been operated in an existing structure on the property within 12 months prior to the rezoning of the property into the Innovation District.
         (b)   Expansion of existing uses. In addition to the provisions of division (5)(a) above, any existing use may be extended throughout any building or parts of a building which were manifestly arranged or designed for that use at the time of adoption or amendment of this Code, but the use shall not be extended to occupy any land outside the building except as permitted by the ART in § 153.039(C)(11).
         (c)   Abandonment of existing uses. If an existing use is abandoned for any reason for a period of more than 12 months, any subsequent use shall conform to the requirements of this Code. With regard to a multi-tenant building, the term EXISTING USE shall mean all of the existing uses in that building.
         (d)   Determination of abandonment. An existing use shall be determined by the Director to be abandoned if one or more of the following conditions exist:
            1.   Utilities such as water, gas and electricity to the property have been disconnected;
            2.   The property, buildings and/or grounds have fallen into disrepair;
            3.   Signs or other indications as to the presence of the use have been removed;
            4.   Equipment or fixtures necessary for the operation of the use have been removed; or
            5.   Other actions, which in the opinion of the Director constitute an intention on the part of the property owner or lessee to abandon the use.
   (H)   District intent. As part of the Economic Advancement Zone, the following shall be the general intent of the Innovation Districts:
      (1)   Research Office (ID-1) District. The purpose of the Research Office District is to provide for the integration of large format research and office uses in multistory buildings. Uses within the ID-1 District may include a mix of office, research, laboratory, clean manufacturing, assembly, and other uses incidental to office, technology and research uses. Higher-intensity sites in this district include those with higher freeway and major arterial visibility. Architecture should include taller buildings and be provided at a higher level of quality, and parking structures should be considered where feasible to maximize development potential for the district. This district may include manufacturing of a lower intensity nature conducted in a manner and with a character that does not create significant negative effects. Clean manufacturing and assembly should be incidental to a larger office/research facility and/or should be constructed at a higher level of architectural quality expected in this highly visible district.
      (2)   Research support buffer. The research support buffer identifies those portions of the Economic Advancement Zone where conditions are most favorable for the future incorporation of commercial support services for businesses, employees and area residents. Based upon analysis of area traffic levels, expected growth and existing and planned road networks, a buffer area 1,300 feet from the west right-of-way line for Avery Road was determined to be the most visible areas with interchange adjacency and access to major arterials that are located at the entry point to the EAZ. The buffer is intended to provide opportunity for appropriately sited support uses that can be supported by employment and through traffic to enhance Dublin's marketability of the EAZ. The adopted EAZ Plan further identifies similar buffer areas north of SR 161 that will address future needs in that portion of the EAZ. With conditional review of commercial support uses, the buffer reduces the potential for future land use conflict and will allow for greater public review of support uses.
      (3)   Research Flex (ID-2) District. The purpose of the Research Flex District is to provide for the integration of small to medium-size research and office uses in flexible building construction with smaller footprints and lower building heights than the ID-1 District. This District focuses on, but is not limited to, the provision of flexible space that can accommodate a broad range of changing business and research needs as businesses grow and change. Construction in this district is focused on smaller sites for single users or larger tract development with multiple buildings housing a variety of companies. Greater attention to architectural detail and quality should be expected similar to the ID-1 District.
      (4)   Research Assembly (ID-3) District. The ID-3 District is intended to provide for a greater emphasis on large format buildings and sites. Located at the western extents of the EAZ, development focus in this area is intended for clean manufacturing and assembly at a higher intensity or scale. Uses are not expected to create significant impacts, and architecture is expected to accommodate uses with greater focus on manufacturing and assembly. Development within the ID-3 District may include uses and design quality appropriate to the ID-1 or ID-2 Districts but require less stringent architectural requirements.
      (5)   Research Mixed Use (ID-4) District. The ID-4 District provides opportunities for a limited mix of uses in close proximity to employment, recreational amenities and existing neighborhoods. This district is intended for smaller scale research uses, housing and office options either horizontally or vertically integrated as a coordinated mix of uses. Residential options should provide housing choices for employees within the Innovation Districts within easy walking or biking distance. Integration of offices and small support uses can provide a transition to adjacent land uses.
      (6)   Research Recreation (ID-5) District. The ID-5 District is intended to support the continued use and development of sports, recreation and amusement uses located within the Innovation Districts as an integral public amenity for residents and businesses within the area. This district is intended to accommodate existing sites and is not to be expanded further within the Economic Advancement Zone.
(Ord. 13-08, passed 4-7-08; Am. Ord. 32-11, passed 6-27-11)