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Dover Township Overview
Dover Township, PA Code of Ordinances
OFFICIALS of the TOWNSHIP OF DOVER County of York, Pennsylvania
Chapter 1 Administration and Government
Chapter 2 [Reserved]
Chapter 3 [Reserved]
Chapter 4 Buildings
Chapter 5 Code Enforcement
Chapter 6 Conduct
Chapter 7 Fire Prevention and Fire Protection
Chapter 8 Fire Insurance Escrow
Chapter 9 [Reserved]
Chapter 10 Health and Safety
Chapter 11 Housing
Chapter 12 [Reserved]
Chapter 13 Licenses, Permits and General Business Regulations
Chapter 14 Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks
Chapter 15 Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Chapter 16 Parks and Recreation
Chapter 17 [Reserved]
Chapter 18 [Reserved]
Chapter 19 Stormwater Management
Chapter 20 Solid Waste
Chapter 21 Streets and Sidewalks
Chapter 22 Subdivision and Land Development
Chapter 23 [Reserved]
Chapter 24 Taxation; Special
Chapter 25 [Reserved]
Chapter 26 Water, Sewer and Sewage Disposal
Chapter 27 Zoning
Table to Disposition of All Ordinances
Table to Disposition of Significant Resolutions
§ 22-501.   Plan Requirements.
   1.   The applicant shall submit nine copies of the application for review of preliminary subdivision or land development plan and nine copies of the preliminary plan prepared in accordance with § 22-302. Where revised submissions are made, nine copies of the set (if five sheets or less) or nine copies of each revised sheet shall be resubmitted to the Township agent 10 working days prior to the scheduled meeting of which the plan is to be reviewed by the Planning Commission or the Board of Supervisors.
   2.   The submittal shall contain the following specifications:
      A.   Plans shall be on sheet sizes 24 inches x 36 inches and drawn to a scale not smaller than 1 inch = 100 feet. If the plan requires more than one sheet, each sheet shall be numbered and a sheet layout index shall be provided. The Board of Township Supervisors may require final plans at a scale of 1 inch = 50 feet as a condition of preliminary approval to assure legibility in cases warranted by the complexity of the proposal. The plans shall be so developed to be transmittable in an electronic format compatible with the Township GIS system. Preliminary plan submittals shall be on a durable, reproducible material.
      B.   The designation, “Preliminary Plan.”
      C.   Proposed project name, use of land, and municipality or municipalities in which located.
      D.   North point (with north point oriented to the top of the plan sheet), graphic scale, written scale, and date, including the month, day, and year that the original drawing was completed, and the month, day and year for each revision, if any.
      E.   Name(s), address(es), and contact information (phone and fax) of record owner(s), equitable owner(s), and subdivider (s).
      F.   Name, address, seal, registration number, date, and signature of professional engineer or professional land surveyor responsible for preparation of the plan, certifying that the designer of the plan has been to the site and observed the present condition and that the plan indicates the actual condition of the site. Surveys shall contain a certification as to the accuracy of the plan (minimum error of closure shall not be less than 1 part in 10,000).
      G.   Names of all current abutting property owners and respective deed references.
      H.   Notarized signature(s) of the legal and/or equitable owner(s) certifying concurrence with the plan.
      I.   A location map, for the purpose of locating the property being subdivided, providing its relationship to adjoining properties all developments, significant streets, streams, municipal boundaries, zoning boundaries and growth boundary lines and drawn to a scale of not less than 1 inch = 1,000 feet. Map shall extend 5,000 feet on each side of the property. A location map must be provided on the plan for the purpose of locating the property. An additional location map, meeting the remaining requirements, may be submitted independent of the plan set on an 11" x 17" sheet.
      J.   If construction is to occur in phases, a plan showing the progression of phases, how each phase relates to completed and future phases, and a time line indicating when each phase is to be commenced and completed.
      K.   Boundaries of the property being subdivided showing bearings and distances, and the location of municipal boundaries, zoning boundaries and growth boundary lines.
      L.   The layout of lots showing approximate dimensions, lot numbers, the approximate area of each lot.
      M.   All existing and proposed easements and rights-of-way, the purpose for which the easements and rights-of-way have been established and recording information.
      N.   Site date table, including:
         (1)   Tax map and parcel numbers.
         (2)   Total acreage.
         (3)   Existing zoning.
         (4)   Existing use.
         (5)   Proposed use.
         (6)   Total number of lots, number per phase.
         (7)   Allowable: Density (minimum/maximum), lot size, minimum lot width, minimum lot depth, maximum impervious coverage, minimum front, side and rear setbacks.
         (8)   Proposed: Density (minimum/maximum), lot size, minimum lot width, minimum lot depth, maximum impervious coverage.
         (9)   Length of new streets.
         (10)   Required number of parking spaces and handicapped spaces, including calculation justification, and number of parking spaces and handicapped spaces provided.
      O.   All existing buildings, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water mains, wells, septic systems, culverts, utility lines, fuel storage tanks and other significant man- made features. Wells and septic systems on adjacent properties within 400 feet.
      P.   All existing environmentally constraining resources, including water courses and bodies; woodlands; “outstanding,” “rare, threatened and endangered” and “historic” trees; wetlands; springs; floodplains; steep slopes of 15%–25%; prohibitive slopes of 25% or greater; wellhead protection zones; and other significant natural features. The area of each natural feature shall be quantified and noted on the plan.
      Q.   Where a floodplain is shown on the plan, a note shall be provided acknowledging § 22-905, “Disclaimer of Municipal Liability.”
      R.   Existing (from field data) and proposed contours of the site at vertical intervals of 2 feet for areas with an average slope of 10% or less and at intervals of 5 feet for areas with an average slope exceeding 10%. For lots in excess of 30 acres, existing and proposed contours at the required interval, for the area affected by the proposed improvements, only. For residual tracts in excess of 10 acres contour intervals of 10 feet. For floodplains, which are included in a detail study area, base flood elevations and water surface contours, taken from the latest FIRM’s.
      S.   The location and elevation of the datum to which the contour elevations refer shall be an established USGS bench mark and/or a Township GPS monument.
      T.   For land subject to flooding, further information shall be submitted as set forth in Part 9 of this Chapter relative to floodplain area regulations.
      U.   The typical cross section, names, centerline profiles, and widths of right-of- way, cartway and paving of proposed streets, alleys and easements.
      V.   Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or reserved for schools, parks, playgrounds, parking areas, common open space, or other public, semi-public or community purpose.
      W.   All existing or proposed streets on or within 400 feet of the tract, including name, right-of-way width, cartway width and Township and State road numbers.
      X.   A copy of any deed restrictions imposed on the property as a condition of sale by the present owner or other entity.
      Y.   Front, side and rear building setback lines with dimensions and labels.
      Z.   Location of screens and/or buffers.
      AA.   When on-lot disposal sewage systems and/or stormwater infiltration areas are proposed, locations of the required soil percolation test sites and probe holes shall be shown. A replacement area shall be provided, when required by the Sewage Enforcement Officer.
      BB.   When on-site water supply is proposed, the approximate location of all well sites shall be shown. For lots also to be served by on-lot sewage disposal systems, required isolation distances shall be drawn on the plan.
      CC.   Clear sight triangles at street intersections, as set forth in § 22-704.K(1) of this Chapter.
      DD.   Location of proposed storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water mains, fire hydrants, and stormwater management facilities, including plan/profiles indicating size, material and invert elevations. Plans are to show service locations for each lot.
      EE.   Proposed building locations and respective parking areas.
      FF.   Locations of proposed curbs, sidewalks, drives and street trees.
      GG.   Well head protection areas, including list of restrictions.
      HH.   Where the preliminary plan covers only a part of the subdivider’s holdings, a key map at a scale not smaller than 400 feet to the inch, showing the entire tract, its topography at contour intervals of at least 20 feet, its man-made and natural features, and the proposed street layout for the entire tract; abutting streets and names of abutting property owners; and the portion of the tract included in the preliminary plan submission.
      II.   A landscape plan shall be provided in accordance with Part 9.
      JJ.   Such supporting documentation as required in § 22-502.
      KK.   Signature blocks and date spaces for the following:
         (1)   Planning Commission (5 lines).
         (2)   Board of Township Supervisors (5 lines).
      LL.   Required waivers, including descriptions, ordinance section references, conditions imposed by the Board of Supervisors and approval dates, shall be listed on the first page of the plan set.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 501)
§ 22-502.   Supporting Documentation.
   1.   Feasibility study on sewer and water facilities for the tract in accordance with § 22-503.
   2.   A planning module for land development.
   3.   In the event that the plans propose extension of service into the project by any authority or jurisdiction other than the Township, a statement from the applicable authority or jurisdiction regarding the adequacy of such extension shall be submitted.
   4.   A traffic impact study, where required herein.
   5.   An environmental impact assessment report, where required herein.
   6.   Verification of compliance with floodplain area and wetlands regulations as set forth herein.
   7.   A preliminary grading plan in accordance with § 22-712.H.
   8.   A stormwater management plan in accordance with the Part 10 (herein) requirements and the Dover Township Stormwater Management Ordinance [Chapter 19].
   9.   A hydrogeological study, where required by the Township Engineer.
   10.   A floodplain analysis in accordance with Part 9, where applicable.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 502)
§ 22-503.   Feasibility Report of Sewer and Water Facilities.
   1.   The developer shall submit a feasibility report in duplicate concerning the availability and/or adaptability of sewer and water facilities in or near a proposed land development.
   2.   Said report shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer and submitted in connection with the preliminary plan for review and recommendations by the local office of the Pennsylvania Department of Protection.
   3.   The feasibility report shall consist of an examination of possible connection to an existing sewage system and water supply system:
      A.   The study shall include the distance from the nearest public sewer and public water to accommodate the proposed land development.
      B.   If the above method of sewage disposal is found to be feasible, formal application shall be made to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Protection, for module approval prior to the construction of sewers or treatment facilities.
      C.   The Board of Supervisors will approve subsurface sewage disposal systems only when the Department of Environmental Protection certifies the suitability of the land for on-site sewage disposal and the feasibility study indicates:
         (1)   Justification of the project necessitates consideration of this method.
         (2)   The water supply yield is adequate for the type of development proposed.
         (3)   The installation of such systems will not endanger or decrease groundwater supplies of properties adjacent to the land development.
   4.   In the case of land developments of five or fewer dwellings existing or proposed, the water supply feasibility study is not required.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 503)
§ 22-504.   Review Procedure.
   1.   Copies of the preliminary plan and supporting documentation shall be comment and report:
      A.   Township Public Works Director (3).
      B.   Township Sewer Authority (1).
      C.   Township Fire Chief/Fire Marshall (1).
      D.   Township Zoning Officer (2).
      E.   Township Planning Commission (1).
      F.   Township Records (1).
   2.   The applicant shall file copies of the plans, required fees and necessary related documents to:
      A.   York County Conservation District.
      B.   Appointed Township Engineer.
      C.   York County Planning Commission.
      D.   Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
      E.   Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
   3.   During the course of the Planning Commission’s review of the preliminary plan and prior to any action by the Board of Township Supervisors, within the required 90- day review period, the preliminary plan may be revised by the applicant. The required number of copies of the revised plan shall be submitted which shall note the dates of any and all revisions and a summary of the nature thereof. One of the copies submitted shall be color coded to identify the revisions. If it is determined that the revision(s) are of a substantial nature, the applicant shall sign a statement stipulating that a new 90- day time period shall commence from the date of the Planning Commission’s meeting next following the filing of the revised preliminary plan. Or, in the alternative, the applicant shall sign a statement granting an extension of time for a lesser period to be concurred with by the Planning Commission. The additional reviews required for revised plans may require the payment of additional fees by the applicant.
   4.   Upon review of a subdivision or land development plan, the Township Engineer shall make comments and recommendations in writing to the Township Planning Commission and the Board of Township Supervisors.
   5.   The Board of Township Supervisors shall render its decision and communicate it to the applicant in accordance with the requirements of § 22-309 of this Chapter.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 504)
Part 6
Final Plan Submission
§ 22-601.   Plan Requirements.
   1.   The applicant shall submit nine copies of an application for review of final subdivision or land development plan and nine copies of the final plan to the Township. The final plan shall be prepared in accordance with § 22-302. Plans shall conform in all important details with preliminary plans as previously approved, and any conditions specified in the approval of preliminary plans shall be incorporated in the final plans. Where revised submissions are made, 10 copies of the set (if 5 sheets or less) or 10 copies of each revised sheet shall be resubmitted to the Township agent 10 working days prior to the scheduled meeting of which the plan is to be reviewed by the Planning Commission or the Board of Supervisors.
   2.   Final plans shall show the following:
      A.   Sheet sizes shall be 24 inches x 36 inches and shall be drawn to a scale no smaller than 1 inches = 100 feet unless a larger scale has been required as a condition of preliminary approval. Where more than one sheet is required, an index sheet of the entire subdivision or land development shall be shown on a sheet of the same size. The plans shall be so developed to be transmittable in an electronic format compatible with the Township GIS system. Final plan submittals shall be on a durable, reproducible material. The final plan shall be formatted so that it is legible when reduced to 18 inches x 24 inches size for recording.
      B.   The designation, final plan, and date submitted.
      C.   Proposed and existing tract boundary lines, street addresses for each lot, right-of-way lines of streets, easements, and other right-of-way and property lines of residential lots and other sites with accurate dimensions, bearings, or internal angles, and radii, arcs, and deflection angles, gross and net tract areas for each lot, and identify and dimension minimum lot width. The error of closure shall not be more than 1 part in 10,000.
      D.   The information required to be shown or provided with the preliminary plan as listed in §§ 22-501 and 22-502.
      E.   The location of sidewalks, pedestrian systems, signage, and street lights.
      F.   Profiles showing proposed centerline of the street. The profiles shall include at least the following: existing and proposed grades at the centerline of the street and storm sewer facilities showing locations, material, invert elevations and sizes.
      G.   Plan/profiles indicating size, material and invert elevation of all sanitary sewer storm sewers and water facilities. Plan is to indicate service connection locations.
      H.   The location and description of existing and proposed survey monuments according to § 22-706.
      I.   Copy of approved and signed set of preliminary plans, including post construction soil erosion and sedimentation control plans.
      J.   Statement by owner offering dedication of streets, rights-of-way easements and any sites for public uses which are to be dedicated.
      K.   Signature blocks and date spaces for recommendation/approval by the following:
         (1)   Township Planning Commission (1 line).
         (2)   Board of Township Supervisors (5 lines).
         (3)   Township Municipal Authority (where required).
         (4)   York County Planning Commission (to be signed by the Director).
         (5)   Township Engineer.
      L.   PADEP code number referencing approval of the plan revision module.
      M.   Sealed and signed by the appropriate design professional, as defined by Part 3 of this Chapter.
      N.   For subdivisions or land developments located in the zone of contribution of a municipal well, the zone boundaries should be shown, a note shall be added to the plan indicating the subdivision or land development is located within the zone of contribution of a municipal well as defined in the Township Comprehensive Plan, the restrictions for that zone should be listed.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 601)
§ 22-602.   Supporting Documentation.
   1.   Whenever any improvements are proposed in connection with a subdivision or land development, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide adequate engineering and related designs, construction specifications, performance guarantees, and ownership and maintenance responsibilities in accordance with the standards and requirements set forth in this Chapter, as applicable.
   2.   If water is to be supplied by means other than on-site wells, maintained and operated by individual lot owners, a copy of a certificate of public convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such, a cooperative agreement or commitment must accompany the plan as evidence that the proposed development will be supplied with an adequate, reliable and safe water supply meeting State and Federal standards and regulations.
   3.   Stormwater management plan approved by the Township Engineer.
   4.   An erosion and sediment pollution control plan approved by the York County Conservation District.
   5.   An overall grading plan, including lowest habitable floor elevations for each proposed structure.
   6.   A notation on the plan relating to the conformance with the requirement for a highway occupancy permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, in accordance with § 22-315 of this Chapter.
   7.   A sealed landscaping plan in accordance with Part 11.
   8.   A traffic impact study, if applicable.
   9.   Suitable documentation that the applicable plans are in conformity with ordinances and regulations governing the extension of utility services.
   10.   Such other certificates, affidavits, endorsements, or dedications as may be required by the Board of Township Supervisors in the enforcement of these regulations.
   11.   Floodplain requirements in accordance with Part 9 and where applicable, proof of notification to the administering agencies, that modifications to the floodplain will result from development.
   12.   Copies of approved PennDOT, DEP and COE permits.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 602)
§ 22-603.   Review Procedure.
   1.   Copies of the final plan and supporting documentation shall be distributed by the Township agent to the following reviewing and advisory bodies for comment and report:
      A.   Township Public Works Director (3).
      B.   Township Sewer Authority (1).
      C.   Township Fire Chief/Fire Marshall (1).
      D.   Township Zoning Officer (2).
      E.   Township Planning Commission (1).
      F.   Township Records (1).
   2.   The applicant shall file copies of the plans, required fees and necessary related documents to:
      A.   York County Conservation District.
      B.   Appointed Township Engineer.
      C.   York County Planning Commission.
      D.   Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
      E.   Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
   3.   Additionally, final plans shall be submitted to adjacent municipalities and governmental agencies or authorities identified in § 22-308 that may be affected by the plan.
   4.   Upon review of a subdivision or land development plan, the Township Engineer shall make comments and recommendations in writing to the Township Planning Commission and the Board of Township Supervisors.
   5.   During the course of the Planning Commission’s review of the final plan and prior to any action by the Board of Township Supervisors within the required 90-day period, the final plan may be revised by the applicant according to the procedure for preliminary plan revisions and as set forth in § 22-504 herein, and a new 90-day review period will begin as also set forth in § 22-504.
   6.   The Board of Township Supervisors shall render its decision and communicate it to the applicant in accordance with the requirements of § 22-309 of this Chapter.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 603)