1. Pre-application Procedures.
A. Prior to the preparation of any plans, it is suggested that prospective developers consult with PADEP concerning soil suitability when on-site sewage disposal facilities are proposed.
B. Prospective developers shall consult the York County Conservation District representative concerning erosion and sediment pollution control and the effect of geologic conditions on the proposed development. At the same time, a determina tion should be made as to whether or not any flood hazards either exist or will be created as a result of the subdivision or development.
2. Preliminary Plan Requirements. The following information shall be required as part of the preliminary plan and shall be prepared by the appropriate responsible professional:
A. Name of engineer, surveyor or other qualified person responsible for providing the information required in this Section.
B. A map showing the location of the proposed subdivision or land develop ment with respect to any designated floodplain area, including information on, but not limited to, the 100-year flood elevations, boundaries of the floodplain areas or floodway areas, proposed lots and sites, fills, flood or erosion protective facilities, and areas subject to special deed restrictions.
C. Where the subdivision or land development lies partially or completely within any designated floodplain area, or where the subdivision or land develop ment borders on a floodplain area, the preliminary plan map shall include detailed information giving the location and elevation of proposed roads, public utilities and building sites. All such maps shall also show contours at intervals of no greater than 5 feet, and shall identify accurately the boundaries of the floodplain areas.
D. Such other information as is required by this Chapter.
3. Final Plan Requirements. The following information shall be required as part of the final plan and shall be prepared by the appropriate design professional:
A. All information required for the submission of the preliminary plan incorporating any changes requested by the Board of Township Supervisors and/or Planning Commission.
B. A map showing the exact location and elevation of all proposed buildings, structures, roads and public utilities to be constructed within any designated floodplain area. All such maps shall show contours at intervals of no greater than 5 feet within the floodplain area, and shall identify accurately the boundaries of the floodprone areas.
C. Submission of the final plan shall also be accompanied by all required permits and related documentation from PADEP, and any other Commonwealth agency, or local municipality where any alteration or relocation of a stream or watercourse is proposed. In addition, documentation shall be submitted indicating that all affected adjacent municipalities have been notified in advance of the proposed alteration or relocation. The Department of Community and Economic Development and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) shall also be notified in advance of any such proposed activity, and proof of such notification shall be submitted in advance of the Dover Township Planning Commission meeting at which such plan is to be considered.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 904)
The grant of a permit or approval of a plan for any proposed subdivision or land development to be located within any designated floodplain area shall not constitute a representation, guarantee or warranty of any kind by the Township or by any official or employee thereof of the practicability or safety of the proposed use, and shall create no liability upon the Township, its officials or employees.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 905)
Part 10
Stormwater Management Plan Requirements
Stormwater Management Plan Requirements
1. A stormwater management plan (SWMP), prepared in accordance with the Dover Township Stormwater Management Ordinance (SWM Ord.) [Chapter 19] shall be required for each subdivision or land development plan at the preliminary plan submittal stage. As an integral part of the SWMP, erosion and sediment pollution control measures shall be included. A SWMP must be approved prior to the construction of any improvements.
2. All SWMPs shall be prepared and certified by the appropriate design professional.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 1001)
1. The SWMP shall contain all items required by the SWM Ord. [Chapter 19].
2. The subdivison or land development plan shall contain the following:
A. Staging or implementation schedule for constructing the proposed stormwater control system.
B. Detailed maintenance requirements and schedule to ensure adequate maintenance of stormwater management facilities.
C. Reference to the approved SWMP including:
(1) Title.
(2) Preparer.
(3) Final date or approved plan.
D. All essential grading and structural elements of the plan.
E. If the subdivision or land development is to be developed in stages, a general drainage plan for the entire tract shall be provided with the first stage and appropriate development stages for the drainage system indicated thereon.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 1002)