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Dover Township Overview
Dover Township, PA Code of Ordinances
OFFICIALS of the TOWNSHIP OF DOVER County of York, Pennsylvania
Chapter 1 Administration and Government
Chapter 2 [Reserved]
Chapter 3 [Reserved]
Chapter 4 Buildings
Chapter 5 Code Enforcement
Chapter 6 Conduct
Chapter 7 Fire Prevention and Fire Protection
Chapter 8 Fire Insurance Escrow
Chapter 9 [Reserved]
Chapter 10 Health and Safety
Chapter 11 Housing
Chapter 12 [Reserved]
Chapter 13 Licenses, Permits and General Business Regulations
Chapter 14 Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks
Chapter 15 Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Chapter 16 Parks and Recreation
Chapter 17 [Reserved]
Chapter 18 [Reserved]
Chapter 19 Stormwater Management
Chapter 20 Solid Waste
Chapter 21 Streets and Sidewalks
Chapter 22 Subdivision and Land Development
Chapter 23 [Reserved]
Chapter 24 Taxation; Special
Chapter 25 [Reserved]
Chapter 26 Water, Sewer and Sewage Disposal
Chapter 27 Zoning
Table to Disposition of All Ordinances
Table to Disposition of Significant Resolutions
§ 22-901.   Purpose.
   The specific purposes of these special provisions are:
      A.   To regulate the subdivision or development of land within any designated floodplain area in order to promote the general health, welfare and safety of the community.
      B.   To require that each subdivision lot in any designated floodplain areas be provided with a safe building site with adequate access; and that public facilities which serve such uses be designed and installed to preclude flood at the time of initial construction.
      C.   To protect individuals from buying lands which are unsuitable for use because of flood by prohibiting the improper subdivision or development of unprotected lands within the designated floodplain areas.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 901)
§ 22-902.   Abrogation and Greater Restrictions.
   This Part supplements the Uniform Construction Code [Chapter 5, Part 1] as well as the Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27] and the Floodplain Building Regulations [Chapter 4, Part 1]. To the extent that this Part imposes greater requirements or more complete disclosure in any respect, or to the extent that the provisions of this Part are more restrictive, it shall be deemed and interpreted to control such other provisions of this Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27], the Floodplain Building Regulations [Chapter 4, Part 1] or the Uniform Construction Code [Chapter 5, Part 1].
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 902)
§ 22-903.   Design Standards and Improvements in Designated Floodplain Areas.
   1.   General.
      A.   Where not prohibited by this or any other laws or ordinances, land located in any designated floodplain area may be platted for development with the provision that the developer construct all buildings and structures to preclude flood damage in accordance with this Chapter, the Uniform Construction Code [Chapter 5, Part 1], the other ordinances of the Township and any other laws and ordinances regulating such development. Specifically, FEMA regulations shall be considered.
      B.   No subdivision or land development, or part thereof, shall be approved if the proposed development or improvements will individually or collectively increases the 100-year flood elevation:
         (1)   By any height, when the subdivision or land development occurs within an identified floodway area.
         (2)   By more than 1 foot, if the subdivision or land development occurs in any other portion of the identified floodplain area.
      C.   Building sites for residences or any other type of dwelling or accommoda tion shall not be permitted in any floodway area. Sites for these uses may be permitted outside the floodway area in a floodplain area if the lowest habitable floor (including basement) is elevated to the regulatory flood elevation. If fill is used to raise the elevation of a site, the fill area shall extend laterally for a distance of at least 15 feet beyond the limits of the proposed structure, and access shall meet the requirements of § 22-903.3 below.
      D.   Building sites for nonresidential structures or buildings shall not be permitted in any floodway area. Sites for such structures or buildings outside the floodway in a floodplain area shall be protected as provided for in § 22-903.1.C above. However, the Board of Township Supervisors may allow the subdivision or development of areas or sites for commercial and industrial uses at an elevation below the regulatory flood elevation if the developer otherwise protects the area to that height, or assures that the buildings or structures will be flood-proofed to the regulatory flood elevation.
      E.   If the Board of Township Supervisors determines that only a part of a proposed plan can be safely developed, it shall limit development to that part and shall require that development proceed consistent with this determination.
      F.   When a developer does not intend to develop the plan himself, and the Board of Township Supervisors determines that additional controls are required to ensure safe development, it may require the developer to impose appropriate deed restrictions on the land. Such deed restrictions shall be inserted in every deed and noted on every recorded plan.
   2.   Drainage Facilities.
      A.   Storm drainage facilities shall be designed to convey the flow of surface waters without damage to persons or property. The system shall insure drainage at all points along streets, and provide positive drainage away from buildings, on- site water supply systems and on-lot disposal sewage systems.
      B.   Plans shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Township Supervi sors. The Board of Township Supervisors may require a primarily underground system to accommodate frequent floods and a secondary surface system to accommodate larger, less frequent floods. Drainage plans shall be consistent with local and regional drainage plans. The facilities shall be designed to prevent the discharge of excess runoff onto adjacent properties. All drainage facilities shall be designed in accordance with Part 10 of this Chapter and the Township Stormwater Management Ordinance [Chapter 19].
   3.   Streets and Driveways. The finished elevation of proposed streets and driveways shall not be greater than 1 foot below the regulatory flood elevation. Profiles and elevations of streets and driveways to determine compliance with this requirement, and as required by other provisions of this Chapter, shall be submitted with the preliminary plan. Drainage openings shall be sufficient to discharge flood flows without unduly increasing flood heights.
   4.   Sewer Facilities. All sewage systems located in any designated floodplain area, whether public or private, shall be floodproofed up to the regulatory flood elevation.
   5.   Water Facilities. All water systems located in any designated floodplain area, whether public or private, shall be floodproofed up to the regulatory flood elevation.
   6.   Other Utilities and Facilities. All other public or private utilities and facilities, including gas and electric, shall be elevated or floodproofed up to the regulatory flood elevation.
   7.   Excavation and Grading. Where any excavation or grading is proposed or where any existing trees, shrubs, or other vegetative cover will be removed, the developer shall consult the York County Conservation District representative concerning plans for erosion and sediment pollution control, and to also obtain a report on the soil characteristics of the site so that determination can be made as to the type and degree of development the site may accommodate.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 903)
§ 22-904.   Application Procedures and Requirements.
   1.   Pre-application Procedures.
      A.   Prior to the preparation of any plans, it is suggested that prospective developers consult with PADEP concerning soil suitability when on-site sewage disposal facilities are proposed.
      B.   Prospective developers shall consult the York County Conservation District representative concerning erosion and sediment pollution control and the effect of geologic conditions on the proposed development. At the same time, a determina tion should be made as to whether or not any flood hazards either exist or will be created as a result of the subdivision or development.
   2.   Preliminary Plan Requirements. The following information shall be required as part of the preliminary plan and shall be prepared by the appropriate responsible professional:
      A.   Name of engineer, surveyor or other qualified person responsible for providing the information required in this Section.
      B.   A map showing the location of the proposed subdivision or land develop ment with respect to any designated floodplain area, including information on, but not limited to, the 100-year flood elevations, boundaries of the floodplain areas or floodway areas, proposed lots and sites, fills, flood or erosion protective facilities, and areas subject to special deed restrictions.
      C.   Where the subdivision or land development lies partially or completely within any designated floodplain area, or where the subdivision or land develop ment borders on a floodplain area, the preliminary plan map shall include detailed information giving the location and elevation of proposed roads, public utilities and building sites. All such maps shall also show contours at intervals of no greater than 5 feet, and shall identify accurately the boundaries of the floodplain areas.
      D.   Such other information as is required by this Chapter.
   3.   Final Plan Requirements. The following information shall be required as part of the final plan and shall be prepared by the appropriate design professional:
      A.   All information required for the submission of the preliminary plan incorporating any changes requested by the Board of Township Supervisors and/or Planning Commission.
      B.   A map showing the exact location and elevation of all proposed buildings, structures, roads and public utilities to be constructed within any designated floodplain area. All such maps shall show contours at intervals of no greater than 5 feet within the floodplain area, and shall identify accurately the boundaries of the floodprone areas.
      C.   Submission of the final plan shall also be accompanied by all required permits and related documentation from PADEP, and any other Commonwealth agency, or local municipality where any alteration or relocation of a stream or watercourse is proposed. In addition, documentation shall be submitted indicating that all affected adjacent municipalities have been notified in advance of the proposed alteration or relocation. The Department of Community and Economic Development and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) shall also be notified in advance of any such proposed activity, and proof of such notification shall be submitted in advance of the Dover Township Planning Commission meeting at which such plan is to be considered.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 904)
§ 22-905.   Disclaimer of Township Liability.
   The grant of a permit or approval of a plan for any proposed subdivision or land development to be located within any designated floodplain area shall not constitute a representation, guarantee or warranty of any kind by the Township or by any official or employee thereof of the practicability or safety of the proposed use, and shall create no liability upon the Township, its officials or employees.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 905)
Part 10
Stormwater Management Plan Requirements
§ 22-1001.   Scope.
   1.   A stormwater management plan (SWMP), prepared in accordance with the Dover Township Stormwater Management Ordinance (SWM Ord.) [Chapter 19] shall be required for each subdivision or land development plan at the preliminary plan submittal stage. As an integral part of the SWMP, erosion and sediment pollution control measures shall be included. A SWMP must be approved prior to the construction of any improvements.
   2.   All SWMPs shall be prepared and certified by the appropriate design professional.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 1001)
§ 22-1002.   Content.
   1.   The SWMP shall contain all items required by the SWM Ord. [Chapter 19].
   2.   The subdivison or land development plan shall contain the following:
      A.   Staging or implementation schedule for constructing the proposed stormwater control system.
      B.   Detailed maintenance requirements and schedule to ensure adequate maintenance of stormwater management facilities.
      C.   Reference to the approved SWMP including:
         (1)   Title.
         (2)   Preparer.
         (3)   Final date or approved plan.
      D.   All essential grading and structural elements of the plan.
      E.   If the subdivision or land development is to be developed in stages, a general drainage plan for the entire tract shall be provided with the first stage and appropriate development stages for the drainage system indicated thereon.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 1002)
§ 22-1003.   Design Standards.
   1.   Design standards shall be those contained within the Stormwater Management Ordinance [Chapter 19].
   2.   Basin low-flow channels shall be designed to filter sediment and pollutants from site discharge. Appropriate vegetation should be chosen for this purpose and the channel should meander through the basin to maximize the amount of pollutant removal. Impervious low-flow channels are prohibited in basins collecting more than two drainage acres. Each basin design should include landscaping considerations, such as plant lists, to promote pollutant removal.
   3.   Stormwater management basins with side slopes steeper than 4:1 are prohibited.
   4.   Residential homes located in the designated growth area as defined in the Township Comprehensive Plan and homes located in the appropriate well-head protection areas shall be provided with roof drain seepage pits unless the soil is determined to be unsuitable for infiltration. Suitable soil infiltration rates would range from 2-6 inches/hour.
   5.   Subsurface infiltration shall not be permitted in areas where it will adversely affect subsurface sewage disposal or well heads.
   6.   All natural drainage ways and existing contouring of pre-development drainage patterns shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible, and post-development drainage patterns shall simulate pre-development patterns. Where existing (on/off site) wetlands accept runoff from the site, there shall be no reduction in the runoff volume of surface flows after development. Drainage easements shall be provided to protect these natural drainage courses and wetland areas.
   7.   Generally, significant horizontal and vertical alignment changes of the collection system shall be achieved through the use of manholes and/or inlets. Inlets shall be placed at the end of the radii of intersecting streets.
   8.   The minimum slope for unlined, open channels shall be 2%; minimum slope for pipes and lined channels shall be .5%.
   9.   Energy dissipaters/erosion control devices shall be placed at the outlets of all pipes where flow velocities exceed maximum permitted channel velocities.
   10.   Vertical pipes, inlets and other surface water receiving structures shall be installed with trash racks, or so designed to control trash accumulation. Headwalls and endwalls, in residential areas, shall be constructed with grates so as to limit access to open pipes.
   11.   Storm sewer inlets which direct flow off-site and the last inlet prior to a stormwater management facility shall be designed as water quality inlets to provide sediment control and pollutant removal. All such inlets shall be accompanied by a note on the plans concerning maintenance.
   12.   In wellhead protection areas as identified on the Dover Township Wellhead Protection Overlay Map, water quality inlets shall be provided to collect and remove pollutants from parking lot runoff.
   13.   Use of parking lots for detention storage may be approved by the Board of Township Supervisors, after review and recommendations from the Township Engineer.
   14.   No stormwater runoff or natural drainage water shall be so diverted as to overload existing drainage systems, or create flooding or the need for additional drainage structures on other private properties or public lands.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 1003)
§ 22-1004.   Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control.
   In those areas involving residential development where there are no new improvements being proposed (i.e., no new streets, drainage ways, detention ponds, etc.) and/or other stormwater management facilities, a typical individual lot erosion and sediment pollution control plan or notation shall be placed on the subdivision or land development plan. In all instances, the York County Conservation District’s require ments for submittal and review of the erosion and sediment pollution control plan shall be met. York County Conservation District’s approval of the erosion and sedimentation plan must be obtained prior to final preliminary plan approval.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 1004)