General Provisions
51.01 Title
51.02 Adoption of state law
51.03 Definitions
51.04 Jurisdiction
51.05 Properties without access to a sanitary sewer system
51.06 Properties with access to a sanitary sewer system
51.07 Septic tank soil absorption system exemption
51.08 Exemptions for large parcels
Requirements for Sewage Disposal
51.15 General requirements
51.16 Permit requirements
51.17 Lot dimensions
51.18 Surveys
51.19 Subdivisions
51.20 Site evaluation
51.21 Installation requirements
51.22 Construction standards and specifications
Administration and Enforcement
51.35 Inspections
51.36 Notice of violation
51.37 Appeal
51.38 Litigation expenses
Disposal Connection
51.45 Disposal connection application fee
On-Site Sewage Disposal Installer Registration
51.60 Definitions
51.61 Applicability
51.62 Enforcement
51.63 Onsite system permit and inspection fees
51.99 Penalty
For onsite sewage disposal fees, see § 32.040