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Trees and Shrubs
917.01   Purpose and intent.
917.02   Licensing and insurance.
917.03   Definitions.
917.04   Forestry management by the Department of Public Service.
917.05   Reforestation.
917.06   Permits.
917.07   Developer’s or property owner’s responsibility.
917.08   Protection of trees and shrubs.
917.09   Landmark trees.
917.10   Compensation for trees destroyed or damaged.
917.11   Private trees; disease, insect and other hazards.
917.12   Trimming and removal of trees on private property.
917.13   Appeal process.
917.14   Budget.
917.15   Enforcement.
917.16   Emergency measures.
917.17   Prior ordinances.
917.20   Tree removal reimbursement program.
917.22   Applications and procedure for reimbursement.
917.99   Penalty.
Power to regulate shade trees and shrubbery - see Ohio R.C. 715.20
Assessments for tree planting - see Ohio R.C. 727.011
Mass removal of trees - see BUS. REG. Ch. 713
   (a)    It is in the best interest of the City and its citizens that a comprehensive tree management program be adopted and that laws be adopted to regulate this program to better control tree planting, tree removal, tree maintenance and tree protection activities within the City.
   (b)    The purpose of this chapter is to permit management and protection of trees for public health, safety and the general welfare, to preserve and promote the city and its landscape resource values and to define the power and duties of those who administer this chapter.
   (c)    It shall be the intent of this Chapter and Ordinances to clearly define the duties of property owners with respect to trees and maintenance costs.
   (d)   The Conneaut Tree Policy is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully rewritten herein. (Ord. 25-13. Passed 3-25-13.)
   It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the commercial activity or business of planting, cutting, trimming, pruning, removing, spraying, or otherwise treating trees, shrubs or vines within the City without first producing evidence of a business license issued by the City. Before any license shall be issued, each applicant shall first file evidence of possession of Workers' Compensation and liability insurance in the minimum amounts of $1,000,000 for bodily injury or death and $100,000 property damage indemnifying the City or any person injured or damage resulting from the pursuit of such endeavor as herein described.
(Ord. 25-13. Passed 3-25-13.)