The election of jury trial is hereby eliminated relating to the following sections of this Code and violations of the following sections of this Code shall not be punishable by imprisonment, but shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), by a sentence of probation, or by a combination of such fine and sentence of probation.
Section 4.2.102, "Park Hours", of this Code;
Section 4.3.109, "Watercraft Permits", of this Code;
Section 6.7.107, "Duty To Restrain Animals", of this Code;
Section 6.7.115, "Noisy Pets Or Animals Prohibited", of this Code;
Section 6.7.121, "Limitations On Feeding Of Wildlife", of this Code.
Section 6.8.102, "Inoculation Required For Dogs And Cats", of this Code;
Section 6.8.103, "License Required For Dogs And Cats", of this Code;
Section 6.8.107, "License Tags; Substitutes", of this Code;
Section 6.11.105, "Violation And Penalties", of this Code;
Section 9.6.105, "Urination Or Defecation", of this Code;
Section 9.6.108, "City Facility Security/Regulation; Violation", of this Code. Penalty: For a violation of section 9.6.108 of this Code, the maximum penalty shall be: A first time conviction shall be punished by confiscation of the marijuana possessed and a fine of not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). A second or subsequent conviction shall be punished by confiscation of the marijuana possessed and a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00);
Section 9.6.202, "Littering Prohibited", of this Code;
Section 9.8.101, "Noise Prohibited", of this Code;
Section 9.9.101, "Construction Of Buildings Or Structures", of this Code;
Section 9.9.103, "Climbing On Property", of this Code;
Section 9.9.202, "Littering On Park Property", of this Code;
Section 9.9.203, "Use Of Trash Receptacles", of this Code;
Section 9.9.301, "Animal Defecation", of this Code;
Section 9.9.302, "Dogs, Domestic Animals At Large", of this Code;
Section 9.9.303, "Hoofed Animals", of this Code;
Section 9.9.401, "Park Water Activities", of this Code;
Section 9.9.402, "Picnic Areas", of this Code;
Section 9.9.404, "Camping Restrictions", of this Code;
Section 9.9.405, "Fishing; Limitations", of this Code;
Section 9.9.406, "Games, Athletic Activities", of this Code;
Section 9.9.407, "Advertising", of this Code;
Violations of chapter 10, articles 2 and 3 of this Code;
Violations of sections 10.4.101 through 10.4.106 and 10.4.108 of this Code;
Section 10.5.101, "Reasonable And Prudent Speed; Special Hazards", of this Code;
Subsections 10.5.102A, B and C of this Code, unposted speed limits;
Subsections 10.5.104A, B and C, "Exceeding Posted Speed Limit", and F, "AVIS Violations", of this Code;
Section 10.5.106, "Minimum Speed Regulations", of this Code;
Subsection 10.6.102A, "Careless Driving", of this Code;
Violation of chapter 10, articles 7 through 23 of this Code;
Violations of sections 10.24.101 through 10.24.108 of this Code;
Violations of chapter 10, articles 25 through 27 of this Code;
Section 10.28.101, "Compulsory Vehicle Insurance", of this Code. (Ord. 88-204; Ord. 91-35; Ord. 92-67; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 02-50; Ord. 10-47; Ord. 13-72; Ord. 14-14; Ord. 18-24; Ord. 18-115; Ord. 24-20)