Where speed limits are not posted, and where no special hazard exists, the following speed shall be lawful: twenty five (25) miles per hour on streets and highways and fifteen (15) miles per hour in alleys. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any vehicle:
A. One to four (4) miles per hour over the unposted speed limit;
B. Five (5) to nine (9) miles per hour over the unposted speed limit;
C. Ten (10) to nineteen (19) miles per hour over the unposted speed limit;
D. Twenty (20) to thirty nine (39) miles per hour over the unposted limit;
E. Forty (40) miles per hour or more over the unposted speed limit. (1968 Code §§6-5-1, 6-5-2; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 90-24; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 03-49; Ord. 03-173)
A. It is hereby determined that the speed limits stated in section 10.5.102 of this article are the maximum reasonable and safe speed limits in each zone, except where the City Traffic Engineer determines on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that any speed limit set forth in section 10.5.102 of this article is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at any intersection or other place or upon any parts of any street or highway, in which case the Traffic Engineer shall determine and declare a reasonable and safe maximum speed limit not to exceed fifty five (55) miles per hour which shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice are erected at the intersection or other place or part of the street or highway.
B. Appropriate signs giving notice that the speed limit set forth in section 10.5.102 of this article is the maximum speed may be posted by the Traffic Engineer.
C. Whenever posted speed limits are established in accord with this section, the speed limits shall be recorded as provided in section 10.1.312 of this chapter.
D. It is hereby determined that the posted speed limits determined, posted and recorded are the maximum reasonable or safe speed limits at the locations.
E. It is hereby determined that the speed of twenty (20) miles per hour is the maximum reasonable and safe speed in school zones, and the Traffic Engineer shall establish speed zones by posting appropriate signs giving notice thereof in lieu of the requirements of this section. (1968 Code §§6-5-2, 6-5-3; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 79-32; Ord. 90-24; Ord. 01-42)
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any vehicle:
A. One To Four Miles Per Hour Over The Posted Speed Limit:
1. One to four (4) miles per hour over the posted speed limit in a posted school zone;
2. One to four (4) miles per hour over the posted speed limit in a posted construction zone.
B. Five To Nine Miles Per Hour Over The Posted Speed Limit:
1. Five (5) to nine (9) miles per hour over the posted speed limit in a posted school zone;
2. Five (5) to nine (9) miles per hour over the posted speed limit in a posted construction zone.
C. Ten To Nineteen Miles Per Hour Over The Maximum Posted Speed Limit:
1. Ten (10) to nineteen (19) miles per hour over the maximum posted speed limit in a posted school zone;
2. Ten (10) to nineteen (19) miles per hour over the maximum posted speed limit in a posted construction zone.
D. Twenty To Thirty Nine Miles Per Hour Over The Posted Speed Limit:
1. Twenty (20) to thirty nine (39) miles per hour over the maximum posted speed limit in a posted school zone;
2. Twenty (20) to thirty nine (39) miles per hour over the maximum posted speed limit in a posted construction zone.
E. Forty Miles Per Hour Or More Over The Maximum Posted Speed Limit:
1. Forty (40) miles per hour or more over the maximum posted speed limit in a posted school zone;
2. Forty (40) miles per hour or more over the maximum posted speed limit in a posted construction zone.
F. AVIS Violations: It shall be a violation of this subsection for any person to drive any vehicle at a speed five (5) to twenty four (24) miles per hour above the posted speed limit in an area which is monitored by AVIS.
1. No person shall be convicted of a violation of this subsection unless Section 10.1.115 Automated Vehicle Identification Systems (AVIS), which governs violations detected by AVIS, is complied with. (Ord. 98-249; Ord. 00-112; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 08-222; Ord. 10-47; Ord. 24-33)
In every charge of a violation relating to speed limits, the complaint or summons or notice to appear shall specify the speed at which the defendant is alleged to have driven and the speed limit applicable within the district or at the location of the City. (1968 Code §6-5-5; Ord. 77-69; Ord. 90-24; Ord. 01-42)
A. No person shall drive a motor vehicle on any street at a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable forward movement of traffic, except when a reduced speed shall be necessary for safe operation of the vehicle or in compliance with law.
B. It is hereby determined upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that slow speeds on certain streets described in traffic control records as provided in section 10.1.312 of this chapter consistently impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic on the facilities described in the records and it is declared that the minimum speed limit upon those streets or expressways shall be as stated, which speed so declared shall be effective at the time specified when signs are erected giving notice. Any speed less than the minimum speed limit shall be prima facie evidence that the lesser speed is unlawful, except when a reduced speed shall be necessary for the safe operation of the vehicle when a special hazard exists. (1968 Code §6-5-6; Ord. 75-86; Ord. 85-263; Ord. 88-151; Ord. 01-42)