A. Where trash receptacles are provided in any park, all refuse and trash related to park use shall be placed in the receptacles provided. In no event shall residential trash or construction debris be placed in the receptacles.
B. Where trash receptacles are not provided, all refuse and trash shall be carried away from the park by the person responsible for its presence and properly disposed of elsewhere 1 . (Ord. 89-97; Ord. 01-42)
1 | 1. See chapter 6 of this Code. |
It is unlawful for any person to allow any animal over which the person has control to defecate upon any park land without the excrement being removed by the person in control of the animal from the park and dispose of properly. The Park Manager may designate areas of the parks where the rule does not apply. (Ord. 18-24)
A. It is unlawful for any person to lead or allow to be loose any animal upon park premises; dogs, however, may be led or carried but not allowed loose. Dogs may be loose but under the control of the owner or keeper in those areas designated as dog parks or off-leash areas. Nothing in this section shall be construed as permitting the running of dogs at large. All dogs in those areas where the animals are permitted without leashes shall be under control at all times.
B. In any dog park or off-leash area designated by the Park Manager in which dogs are permitted without leashes, it is unlawful for any person:
1. To intentionally, knowingly or recklessly lead, bring or release any other type or species of animal into or upon the confined or fenced dog park or off-leash area; or
2. To fail to obey any posted rules, regulations or guidelines for use of the fenced dog park or off-leash area.
3. To bring a dangerous animal, as defined in section 6.7.102 of this Code, into a fenced dog park or off-leash area. (Ord. 18-24)
It is unlawful for any person to ride or walk any "hoofed animal" as defined in chapter 6 of this Code in any area in any park except on trails designated as a multi-purpose urban or multi- purpose park trail by the Park Manager, and except on ceremonial occasions as designated by the Park Manager. It is unlawful for any person to ride or permit to be ridden a hoofed animal in any park without a permit when a permit is required by the Director. (Ord. 18-24)
9.9.401: Park Water Activities
9.9.402: Picnic Areas
9.9.403: Fires And Fireworks
9.9.404: Camping Restrictions
9.9.405: Fishing; Limitations
9.9.406: Games, Athletic Activities
9.9.407: Advertising
9.9.408: Unlawful Entry
9.9.409: Firearms; Discharge
9.9.410: Alcohol Beverages
9.9.411: Gambling
A. It is unlawful for any person to swim, bathe or wade in any waters or waterways in or adjacent to any park, except in waters, at places and at times as are authorized by the Park Manager. Any person desiring to use the waters for other activities, except boating, shall first secure a temporary park permit from the Park Manager. No person shall frequent any waters or places customarily designated for the purpose of swimming, bathing, skin or scuba diving, or congregate at these places when the activity is prohibited by the Park Manager upon finding that the use of the water would be dangerous to the health, welfare and safety of the public.
B. It is unlawful for any person to go out onto the ice of any waters in or adjacent to any park unless the movement is permitted by the Park Manager. (Ord. 89-97; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-24)