No person owning or having the possession, charge or control of a car, vehicle, boat or vessel, having in or upon it a substance that is foul, putrid, offensive, dangerous or detrimental to public health, shall allow such car, vehicle, boat or vessel to remain in the City longer than the time necessary for the completion of its loading.
(Ord. No. 773-A-80. Passed 12-14-81, eff. 12-16-81)
No person shall park a truck or other commercially licensed vehicle, whether loaded or unloaded, which is used for the collection and transportation of solid waste, garbage or the contents of private sewage tanks, on a public street, alley or other public place or on private property in a residential district, as provided for in Chapter 337, except for loading purposes or emergency repairs.
(Ord. No. 773-A-80. Passed 12-14-81, eff. 12-16-81)
(a) As used in this section, “Commercial Car,” “Trailer,” “Truck” and “Vehicle” shall have the meaning ascribed to them in Chapter 401 of the Codified Ordinances.
(b) No person shall dump or otherwise dispose of solid waste or industrial waste by commercial car, trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer or truck on any public or private property not licensed as a solid waste disposal facility pursuant to this chapter, except as provided in Section 551.29. Any owner of a commercial car, trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer or truck who permits or employs another person to use the vehicle and who knows or should have known through due diligence that the vehicle will be used for the purpose described in this division is guilty of a violation of this division.
(c) No person shall dump or otherwise dispose of solid waste or industrial waste by any vehicle other than a commercial car, trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer or truck on any public or private property or place not licensed as a solid waste disposal facility pursuant to this chapter, except as provided in Section 551.29. Any owner of a vehicle who permits or employs another person to use the vehicle and who knows or should have known through due diligence that the vehicle will be used for the purpose described in this division is guilty of a violation of this division.
(d) This Council determines that solid waste and industrial waste dumped or otherwise deposited on public or private property not licensed as a solid waste disposal facility pursuant to this chapter, except as provided in Section 551.29, constitutes a public nuisance which must be abated, for this reason, any expense or costs incurred in removing waste dumped or deposited in violation of this section shall be paid by the violator. The Director of Public Service is hereby authorized to send written notice to violators of division (b) and (c) of this section to remove waste dumped or deposited in violation of this section within five (5) days of receipt of the notice. If the violator fails to remove the waste within the time provided in the notice, the Director of Public Service may remove the waste and the Director of Law may take any action necessary to collect the cost of the removal from the violator.
(Ord. No. 893-91. Passed 4-15-91, eff. 4-22-91)
The Director of Public Service is hereby authorized to pay a reward to any person who provides the City with information leading to the identification and conviction of any person for a violation of divisions (b) or (c) of Section 551.26. Such reward shall be in an amount equal to one-half (1/2) of the fine which is actually imposed by a court in accordance with divisions (g) and (h) of Section 551.99 and collected by the City. A person entitled to a reward as provided in this section must file a claim with the Director of Public Service to collect the reward.
(Ord. No. 1829-90. Passed 2-4-91, eff. 2-11-91)
(a) Directors of departments that contract for demolition work shall include in all such contracts a provision providing that it is a material breach and cause to cancel the contract for the contractor to dump solid waste from the demolition on any public or private property or place not licensed as a solid waste disposal facility pursuant to this chapter, except as provided in Section 551.29.
(b) In the event that a demolition contract is cancelled pursuant to division (a) of this section, the contractor shall be barred from obtaining another contract with the City of Cleveland for demolition services for a period of one (1) year from the date of cancellation.
(Ord. No. 2167-A-87. Passed 5-22-89, eff. 5-30-89. Renumbered by Ord. No. 1947-89. Passed 9-11-89, eff. 9-15-89)