§ 551.06 Responsibility to Provide Containers and Location of Containers
   Sufficient solid waste containers, as set forth in Section 551.02, shall be in conformity with applicable State statutes and local regulations or rules adopted by the Director of Public Works. They shall be provided, kept clean and located as follows:
   (a)   Single or Two (2) Family Dwellings. Where there are not more than two (2) dwelling units on a single premises where wastes accumulate, each unit occupant shall provide and properly maintain solid waste containers sufficient to house the solid waste for his or her respective unit.
   (b)   Multiple Dwellings. Where there are more than two (2) dwelling units on a single premises where wastes accumulate, the owner of the premises, the lessor or the managing agent shall provide and properly maintain solid waste containers of sufficient capacity to contain the solid waste materials of each dwelling unit.
   (c)   Food Service and Food Handling Operations. Food service and food handling operations which store solid waste shall do so only in dumpsters, compactors and other containers that are kept and maintained fully closed and airtight at all times, except in the act of loading or unloading, and shall store such waste in accordance with the Ohio Food Service law, local ordinances and rules and regulations adopted by the Director of Public Service. When the Director of Health determines that small containers are used by a food service or food handling operator in such a way as to constitute a public nuisance, he or she shall have the authority to order the use of dumpsters or compactors. In case of such an order, the food service or food handling operator may appeal such order as provided by the City Charter.
   (d)   Underground Containers. After December 16, 1981, no underground solid waste container shall be permitted in the City.
   (e)   Location of Containers. All solid waste containers, including waste containers used for automated waste collection and curbside recycling, shall be located on private property and not on a street, alley, sidewalk, or other public place and stored under the requirements of the Zoning Code. No person shall store a solid waste container in the front of a residential property including on any porch or in the area between the street and the front of a residential structure. All solid waste containers shall be stored in the rear of a residential property, hidden from public view where possible.
(Ord. No. 545-2022. Passed 6-6-22, eff. 6-13-22)