§ 551.041 Infractions Related to Automated Waste Collection and Curbside Recycling
   It is essential to the success of the automated waste collection and curbside recycling program described in division (b) that waste set out for collection is placed in the correct container for the type of waste involved.
   If the correct container is not used, it increases both the labor and disposal costs for the waste. If recyclable materials become contaminated by regular household waste, then they must be disposed of as regular solid waste, which is more costly than treating them as recyclables. If the regular household waste container is used for the disposal of recyclable materials, then the economic and environmental benefits of recycling are not realized.
   To achieve the goals of the program it is necessary that all citizens use the container intended for disposal of the type of waste involved and avoid all mixing of recyclable materials and regular household waste.
   (a)   No person shall do any of the following at any parcel included in the automated waste collection and curbside recycling program described in division (b):
      (1)   Set out for collection the container designated for recyclable materials if its contents exceed two percent (2%) regular household waste by volume.
      (2)   Set out for collection the container designated for regular household waste if its contents exceed ten percent (10%) recyclable materials by volume.
      (3)   Set out for collection any regular household waste in any container or bag other than the container designated for regular household waste for use in the automated waste collection program.
   It is not a violation of this division to set out for collection at any parcel included in the program described in division (b) special waste set out in accordance with Section 551.05.
   Nothing in this section shall be construed as abrogating or limiting any other section of these Codified Ordinances including without limitation the prohibition on setting out an excessively large quantity of waste for collection as proscribed by Section 551.111.
   (b)   The offenses established in division (a) pertain to any parcel that is included in the automated waste collection and curbside recycling program in which the waste is collected by means of a truck equipped with mechanical arms. The City will distribute two (2) containers to each household in the program, one (1) designated for regular household waste, and the other designated for recyclable materials.
   (c)   As use in this section:
      (1)   "Recyclable materials" means glass, metal cans, plastic bottles, mixed paper, and cardboard that are prepared for collection in accordance with this chapter and the rules and regulations issued under it.
      (2)   "Regular household waste" means waste generated in ordinary residential uses excluding recyclable materials, hazardous waste and any waste excluded from being placed out for curbside collection by law, rule or regulation.
(Ord. No. 974-13. Passed 12-1-14, eff. 12-31-14)