483.01 Floating Objects
483.02 Safety Devices on Commercial Piers
483.03 Drifting Debris
483.04 Oil Spillage; Removal and Recovery
483.05 Nuisances; Abatement
483.06 Prohibited Riding Positions
483.07 Operating Unsafe Watercraft
483.08 Throwing Objects at Watercraft
483.09 Boat Livery Records; Safety Equipment on Rental or Charter Watercraft
483.10 Aquatic Events
483.11 Watercraft Abandonment; Impounding, Redemption and Disposal
483.12 Going on Ice Prohibited; Exception
All vessels, watercraft, logs, pilings, building material, scows, houseboats or any other article of value found adrift in Cleveland waters, may be taken in charge by the Chief of Police or officer designated by him or her and shall be subject to reclamation by the owner thereof, on payment by him or her to the City of any expense incurred by the City, and in case of failure to reclaim, may be sold or disposed of according to law.
(Ord. No. 1684-76. Passed 6-29-76, eff. 7-6-76)
Every owner, agent or lessee having charge of any commercial pier shall furnish and keep for use on such pier at least one (1) serviceable thirty (30) inch ring life buoy, and one (1) serviceable thirty (30) inch ring life buoy for every three hundred (300) lineal feet of berthing space to each of which shall be attached at least two hundred (200) feet of suitable line, one (1) end of which shall be fastened to the ring buoy. Each ring buoy and line attached thereto shall be kept in a suitable box or rack on the pier for the use of the public in case of accident, which box or rack shall be properly labeled and be at all times kept clear of obstructions. No person shall take away, molest, injure or destroy the same except for use in saving life and property.
(Ord. No. 1684-76. Passed 6-29-76, eff. 7-6-76)
No owner, agent or lessee in charge of any pier shall allow the whole, or any part thereof, to fall into or remain adrift in the navigable City waters or drift away. Fender piles broken or loose, shall be removed by the owner, agent or lessee of any pier, and upon failure to do so, the same may be removed by the City and the expense thereto shall be paid by and recoverable from the owner, agent or lessee of such pier to the City.
(Ord. No. 1684-76. Passed 6-29-76, eff. 7-6-76)