487.01   Excessive Propulsion Power
487.02   Mufflers; Exception
487.03   Whistles and Lights
487.04   Lights for Watercraft
487.05   Flashing Lights
487.06   Personal Flotation Devices
487.07   Flame Arrestors
487.08   Whistles and Bells
487.09   Fire Extinguishers
487.10   Anchor
487.11   Ventilation
487.12   Violation of Required Equipment
487.13   Watercraft Display Flag; Use
   Unnecessary noise from exhaust prohibited, CO 605.12
   Water Traffic Code penalty, CO 481.99
Statutory reference:
   Required equipment, RC 1547.26 et seq.
§ 487.01 Excessive Propulsion Power
   No watercraft shall be equipped with any motor or other propulsion machinery beyond its safe power capacity, taking into consideration the type and construction of such watercraft and other existing operating conditions.
(Ord. No. 1684-76. Passed 6-29-76, eff. 7-6-76)
§ 487.02 Mufflers; Exception
   All powercraft operating in City waters shall be equipped with an exhaust muffler or silencer of sufficient size and capacity to effectually muffle and prevent excessive or unusual noise from the exhaust of any engines installed or aboard such powercraft. No person shall operate a powercraft with an exhaust muffler cut-out open or in any other manner which renders the exhaust muffler ineffective in muffling the sound of the engine exhaust. This section does not apply when such powercraft is operating in a regularly scheduled and duly authorized race, regatta or other aquatic event.
(Ord. No. 1684-76. Passed 6-29-76, eff. 7-6-76)