§ 350.07 Illumination of Signs
   Signs may be illuminated only in accordance with the following regulations:
   (a)   Controls. Sign illumination shall be designed and placed so as not to cause glare which may result in traffic hazards or which may interfere with the customary use of nearby residences.
   (b)   Prohibitions. Flashing or intermittent illumination shall not be permitted except as provided in Section 350.10(1)(5), Section 350.16, and Section 350.161 governing wall murals using electronic media.
   (c)   Districts. In Residential Districts, only nameplates and bulletin boards may be illuminated. All signs in non-residential districts may be illuminated.
   (d)   Electronic Message Centers. Signs displaying electronically-changing or animated messages (as defined in division (f)(2) of Section 350.03) are permitted as specified in the “schedules” referenced in division (b) of Section 350.14 and division (b) of Section 350.15 and as permitted in Section 350.161 governing wall murals.
(Ord. No. 1282-06. Passed 11-27-06, eff. 1-6-07)
§ 350.08 General Location Standards
   The following regulations regarding the location and placement of signs are generally applicable to all zoning districts:
   (a)   Vertical Clearance. The lowest element of any sign which occupies the vertical space above a pedestrian or vehicular way and is designed to permit traffic thereunder shall be at least ten (10) feet above the finished grade of a sidewalk or other pedestrian way and at least sixteen (16) feet above the finished grade of a pavement used for vehicular traffic if such sign is located within eighteen (18) inches of the vertical projection of the pavement edge. Awnings or canopies displaying signs shall meet the clearance standards of Chapter 3113 of the Building Code.
   (b)   Visibility at Intersections. Signs shall be located and designed so as to maintain a substantially clear view between two and one-half (2.5) feet and eight (8) feet above grade in a triangle formed by intersecting street right-of-way lines and a line thirty (30) feet from the point where the street lines intersect. At the intersection of a driveway and a public street, such triangle shall be defined by the street right-of-way line, the driveway pavement edge and a line ten (10) feet from the point of intersection.
   (c)   Relation to Specific or Setback Building Lines. A free-standing identification or business sign located in front of a “Specific or Setback Building Line” or in a front yard area shall be set within a curbed, planted island or area a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet in area. (See also divisions 350.13(b), 350.14(c) and 350.15(c)).
   (d)   Relation to Traffic Devices. Unless regulated otherwise in the Traffic Code of the City, signs shall not be erected so as to obstruct sight lines along any public way or so as to obstruct sight lines to traffic control lights, street name signs at intersections or signals at railroad grade crossings. Signs visible from the sight lines along a street shall not contain symbols or words such as “stop”, “go”, “slow”, etc., or red, yellow or green lights that resemble highway traffic control devices.
   (e)   Projecting Signs. A projecting sign shall not extend above the wall to which it is attached, shall extend horizontally no more than four (4) feet from the wall surface, shall not extend closer than two (2) feet to a curb, and shall not be located within four (4) feet of an interior side lot line or party wall. The two (2) sign faces of a projecting sign shall be separated by no more than two (2) feet.
   (f)   Wall Signs. A wall sign shall not extend above the wall to which it is attached, and such sign shall be set back from the ends of the building or party wall lines a minimum distance of six (6) inches. A wall sign mounted on a vertically-oriented roof surface (as defined in division (f)(12) of Section 350.03) shall not extend above the top of such surface.
   (g)   Canopy Signs. A sign which is attached to the fascia of a canopy shall not extend beyond the edges of that surface.
   (h)   Roof Signs. A roof sign shall be set back from the ends of the building or party wall lines a minimum distance of two (2) feet.
(Ord. No. 3076-A-89. Passed 12-10-90, eff. 12-20-90)
§ 350.09 Freeway Interchange Signs
   In order to provide information to the highway traveler, a retail business located in proximity to a freeway interchange shall be permitted one (1) additional free-standing identification sign in accordance with the following regulations:
   (a)   Distance from Interchange. The use to which the sign refers shall be located within six hundred sixty (660) feet (one-eighth (1/8) mile) of the nearest freeway exit ramp, measured from the intersection of the center lines of the exit ramp and the public street to the nearest property line of the use.
   (b)   Height. The height of such sign shall not exceed eighty (80) feet above grade level at the base of the sign structure.
   (c)   Size. Sign face area shall not exceed two hundred and twenty-five (225) square feet and shall be permitted in addition to sign face area otherwise permitted for the property.
   (d)   Sign Location. Signs shall be located on the business premises and shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from the freeway right-of-way, ten (10) feet from other street right-of-way lines, twenty-five (25) feet from interior lot lines and fifty (50) feet from Residential District lines. Such sign shall be oriented for readability principally from the freeway.
   (e)   Retail Business. For purposes of this section “retail businesses” shall include all non-residential uses permitted in the General Retail zoning district.
(Ord. No. 3076-A-89. Passed 12-10-90, eff. 12-20-90)
§ 350.10 Billboards
   Billboards, as defined in division (e)(1) of Section 350.03, shall be permitted only in accordance with the following regulations and other applicable regulations of this chapter:
   (a)   Zoning Districts. Billboards shall be permitted only in General Industry and Unrestricted Industry Districts, except that billboards directed at any angle toward a freeway may be permitted in Semi- Industry Districts. Billboards shall not be permitted in Cleveland Landmark Districts, Public Land Protective Districts. Business Revitalization Districts or on the opposite side of any street bordering such districts. No billboards shall be permitted on the cast side of State Route 176 (the Jennings Freeway) and only one (1) billboard shall be permitted on the west side of State Route 176 (the Jennings Freeway).
   (b)   Sign Types. Billboards shall be permitted as either free-standing or wall signs, unless otherwise restricted in these Codified Ordinances. In General Industry and Unrestricted Industry districts, billboards shall also be permitted as roof signs not exceeding permitted building height and meeting the standards of division (h) of Section 350.08.
   (c)   Size. Billboard sign panels shall not exceed eight hundred and twenty (820) square feet in area and shall be further limited in size by the setback regulations in divisions (g) and (h) of this section. For purposes of determining required setbacks, the measurement of sign panel area shall exclude “extensions” projecting beyond the otherwise rectangular or standard geometric panel dimensions, provided that these extensions do not exceed twenty- one percent (21%) of such standard panel area.
   (d)   Height. The maximum height of a billboard above the roadway surface to which it is oriented shall be fifty (50) feet. However, in no case shall the height of the billboard as measured from the grade of the lot on which it is placed exceed the maximum permitted height for main buildings.
   (e)   Spacing. Along freeways, the minimum distance between billboards located on one (1) side of the road shall be fourteen hundred (1,400) feet. Along freeways, the minimum distance between billboards located on opposite sides of the road and visible to approaching traffic shall have a minimum spacing of five hundred (500) feet. Along other roads, such distance shall be seven hundred fifty (750) feet between two (2) billboards which are each less than one hundred (100) square feet in area and shall be one thousand (1,000) feet in all other instances. Except for double-sided (“back-to-back”) billboard panels, not more than one (1) billboard panel may be located on a single structure.
   (f)   Distance from Street Lines. Billboards shall be located behind the required building setback lines of the lots on which they are located. In addition, billboards shall be located a minimum distance of twenty-five (25) feet measured in any direction from the point of intersection of the right-of-way lines of two (2) intersecting streets.
   (g)   Distance from Zoning District Lines. Billboards located along streets other than freeways shall be set back at least two hundred (200) feet from Residential, Local Retail and General Retail District lines. For such billboard panels exceeding three hundred eighty (380) square feet in area, all minimum setbacks from zoning district lines shall be increased one (1) foot for each one (1) additional square foot of sign panel area. Billboards along freeways shall be set back at least fifty (50) feet from Residential, Local Retail, and General Retail District lines.
   (h)   Distance from Bridges Not on Freeways and from Parkways. A billboard directed at any angle toward a bridge, not on a freeway or toward a bridge not on a freeway or toward a parkway shall be set back from the outer pavement edge a minimum of one (1) foot for each one (1) square foot of sign panel area. However, the minimum such setback shall be three hundred thirty (330) feet. Furthermore, as required by State regulations, no billboard may be located within five hundred (500) feet of the interchange of a freeway, as measured along the right edge of the main traveled roadway in the direction of travel from the beginning or ending of pavement widening at the exit or entrance to the freeway.
   (i)   Distance from Freeways. A billboard directed at any angle toward a freeway shall be located outside of the freeway right-of-way, but in no case closer than fifty (50) feet from the freeway pavement edge.
   (j)   Illumination. Billboards shall be illuminated only by means of continuous reflected light. Internally- illuminated or back-lit billboards shall not be permitted. Billboards shall not include automatic changeable copy signs (i.e., electronic message centers) as defined in division (f)(2) of Section 350.03.
   (k)   Referral to City Planning Department. Any Building Permit application for installation of a new billboard shall be referred to the Director of the City Planning Department for a determination of compliance with the location, spacing and setback regulations of this section. In making this determination, the Director and staff of the Department shall utilize a map maintained by the Department showing locations of existing billboards, zoning districts and other information necessary to make such determination.
   (l)   Nonconforming Billboards. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 350.19, a legal nonconforming billboard may be replaced or may be reconstructed to an extent greater than otherwise permitted if the City Planning Commission determines that such replacement or reconstruction will satisfy the following conditions:
      (1)   Site and Design Improvements. The site of the new or reconstructed billboard shall be landscaped and otherwise improved, through use of an ornamental base or frame, a streamlined support structure, or similar features effective in improving the appearance of the site. At a minimum, evergreen shrubs, at least three (3) feet in height at the time of planting and four (4) feet in height after two (2) growing seasons, shall be planted at maximum intervals of four (4) feet along any side of the base of the billboard oriented toward a public street. Such planting shall extend at least the full width of the billboard panel. In addition, all portions of the parcel(s) of land on which the billboard site is located shall be planted with grass or other suitable vegetative ground cover between the billboard and all public streets abutting the parcel(s).
      (2)   Degree of Nonconformity. The new or reconstructed billboard shall be no greater in size, height, number of panels, or any panel dimension than is the existing billboard, nor shall the new or reconstructed billboard be less conforming to any zoning regulation than is the existing billboard, except that a panel or sign face may be added to the back of a billboard where previously there had been no panel or sign face.
      (3)   Location. The new or reconstructed billboard shall be placed in precisely the same location as the existing billboard unless the City Planning Commission determines that a different location on the same parcel of land would be more effective in meeting the intent of the sign regulations, as stated in Section 350.01.
      (4)   Sign Type. With respect to the “sign types” defined in division (f) of Section 350.03, the new or reconstructed billboard shall be the same type as the existing billboard unless the City Planning Commission determines that a different sign type would be more compatible with the subject property or nearby properties.
      (5)   Changeable Copy. The new or reconstructed billboard may incorporate automatic changeable copy only if such copy is limited to a single billboard panel or two (2) back-to-back billboard panels and only if each such panel replaces two (2) or more billboard panels on a single parcel of property or two (2) or more billboard panels on adjacent properties. The replacement billboard panel shall not be larger than any of the billboard panels it is replacing. In the case of a sign utilizing changeable copy, each message shall remain fixed for at least eight (8) seconds.
(Ord. No. 1233-15. Passed 11-9-15, eff. 11-11-15)
§ 350.11 Political Signs
   Political signs, as defined in division (e)(9) of Section 350.03, shall be permitted in addition to otherwise permitted signs and sign area and only in accordance with the following regulations and other applicable regulations of this chapter:
   (a)   Location. Political signs shall not be placed on any public property, public right-of-way, utility pole, bridge or bridge abutment. The location of political signs on private property is further prescribed in this chapter by the regulations for each zoning district.
   (b)   Number and Area. The maximum size of any political sign shall be eight (8) square feet if located in a Residential District and sixty-four (64) square feet if located in a non-residential district. In no case shall the total area of all free-standing political signs on a lot exceed sixty-four (64) square feet, except for a lot on which billboards are permitted. In such a case, political signs may be displayed in accordance with the regulations for billboards in Section 350.10.
   (c)   Substitution. In addition to the specifically authorized political signs, political messages may be displayed in place of commercial messages on any permitted billboard or other permitted permanent sign.
(Ord. No. 3076-A-89. Passed 12-10-90, eff. 12-20-90)
§ 350.12 Temporary Signs
   Temporary signs, as defined in division (e)(11) of Section 350.03, shall be permitted in addition to otherwise permitted signs and sign area in accordance with the following regulations and other applicable regulations of the Building Code and other City ordinances.
   (a)   Banners. The area of all banners displayed for a business or other non-residential use shall be limited to twenty-five percent (25%) of the permitted permanent sign area. Each business or use shall display banners for no more than four (4) months during any calendar year. Banners shall be displayed only as wall, window, canopy or projecting signs in accordance with the applicable regulations pertaining to each sign type. (NOTE: Regulations of this chapter do not apply to banners displayed in the public right-of-way).
   (b)   Portable Signs. Portable signs shall be permitted only for community facility uses as listed in division (a) of Section 337.01 of the Zoning Code and for businesses located in Retail or Industrial Districts, and shall be displayed for no more than one (1) period of not more than thirty (30) consecutive days per calendar year. Portable signs shall be limited to one (1) per lot, forty (40) square feet in sign face area, and six (6) feet in height. Such sign shall be set back a minimum of one (1) foot from the street right-of-way lines and twenty (20) feet from side lot lines.
   (c)   Inflatable Signs. An inflatable sign shall be displayed no more than fourteen (14) days during a calendar year on any lot in a General Retail, Shopping Center or Industrial District. Inflatable signs shall be permitted in no other circumstances. Inflatable signs shall be limited to one (1) per lot, forty (40) feet in any dimension, and for display as either a free-standing or roof sign. The height of such sign above ground level shall not exceed permitted building height by more than twenty (20) feet.
   (d)   Window Signs. Temporary window signs, as permitted in Retail and Industrial Districts, shall cover no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of window area, as defined in division (a)(3) of Section 350.05.
   (e)   Pennants. The display of strings of pennants streamers, pinwheels, balloons and similar objects, as defined in division (f)(8) of Section 350.03, shall be prohibited except as permitted for carnivals and open- air festivals in accordance with the regulations of Section 329.07 and for new businesses under division (c) of Section 350.20.
   (f)   Other Temporary Signs. Real estate, development and political signs and signs for new businesses shall be permitted as temporary signs in accordance with other regulations of this chapter.
   (g)   Illumination. Temporary signs shall be illuminated only in accordance with the regulations of Section 350.07.
   (h)   Carnivals and Festivals. Notwithstanding the regulations of this chapter, temporary signs may be permitted for carnivals and open-air festivals in accordance with the regulations of Section 329.07.
   (i)   Safety Standards. Temporary signs shall meet regulations of the Building Code, National Electrical Code and other applicable codes.
   (j)   Nonconforming Temporary Signs. See division (d) of Section 350.19.
(Ord. No. 3076-A-89. Passed 12-10-90, eff. 12-20-90)
§ 350.13 Signs for Residential Districts
   Signs in Residential Districts and Residence- Office Districts, as well as signs for community facility uses permitted in these districts, shall be permitted as regulated below:
   (a)   Permitted Types, Number, Area and Height (Residential). Signs by use and structural type are permitted only in accordance with regulations presented in the schedule of Permitted Types, Number, Area and Height (Residential). Sign types not listed are prohibited except for political signs which are permitted as regulated in Section 350.11. Automatic changeable copy signs are prohibited in all Residence Districts. (All signs are permanent unless listed as temporary).
   Schedule of Permitted Types, Number, Area, & Height
Signs by Use Type
Land Use Categories
1-2 Family Dwellings
(Row Houses)2
Multi-family Apartments
Community Facility3
Signs by Use Type
Land Use Categories
1-2 Family Dwellings
(Row Houses)2
Multi-family Apartments
Community Facility3
TYPES: wall or free standing
TYPES: wall
Not Permitted
Not Permitted
#: 2 per dwelling unit
#: 1 per dwelling unit
SF: 2
SF: 2
Ht: 3 ft.
TYPES: wall or free standing
#: minimum necessary as approved by Building Commissioner
SF: 1
SF: 4
SF: 4
SF: 4
Ht: 2 ft.
Ht: 3 ft.
Ht: 3 ft.
Ht: 3 ft.
Identification 2
TYPES: wall, free-standing or canopy
#: 1 per vehicular entrance to a subdivision
#: 1 per vehicular entrance
#: 1 per vehicular 1 entrance
#: 1 per vehicular entrance
SF: 20
SF: 20
SF: 20
SF: 40
Ht: 5 ft.
Ht: 5 ft.
Ht: 5 ft.
Ht: 5 ft.
Not Permitted
TYPES: wall or free standing
#: minimum necessary as approved by Building Commissioner
SF: 4
SF: 4
SF: 4
Ht: 3 ft.
Ht: 3 ft.
Ht: 3 ft.
Real Estate
TYPES: free-standing or window
TYPES: free-standing or window
TYPES: wall, window or free-standing
#: 1 per lot
#: 1 per unit
#: 1 per vehicular entrance
SF: 6
SF: 6
SF: 32
SF: 32
Ht: 6 ft.
Ht: 6 ft.
Ht: 8 ft.
Ht: 8 ft.
Development (Temporary)
TYPES: free-standing
TYPES: wall, window or free-standing
#: 1 per vehicular entrance to a subdivision
#: 1 per vehicular entrance
SF: 48
SF: 64
SF: 64
SF: 64
Ht: 10 ft.
Ht: 10 ft.
Ht: 10 ft.
Ht: 10 ft.
Bulletin Board
Not Permitted
Not Permitted
Not Permitted
TYPES: wall or free- standing
#: 1 per lot
SF: 40
Ht. 8 ft.
TYPE: Permitted signs by structural type
#: Maximum number of signs
SF: Maximum sign face area (in square ft.) per side of each sign
Ht: Maximum height for free-standing signs
   1   1 additional identification sign not exceeding 10 square feet in area shall be permitted for each apartment building in a complex of 2 or more such buildings.
   2   In any One-Family or Two-Family Residential District, such signs are permitted only for subdivisions of at least 10 lots.
   3   Identification or Bulletin Board signs using electronically changeable copy may be permitted for Community Facility Uses only in accordance with the regulations of division (g) of this section.
   (b)   Location (Residential). Signs as permitted for residential and community facility uses shall conform with the location regulations presented in the Schedule of Location Regulations (Residential) in addition to the regulations of Section 350.08.
   Schedule of Location Regulations (Residential)
   Free-Standing Sign Types
Minimum Distance From
Nameplate Political & Information
Real Estate* & Development
All Lot Lines
5 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
25 ft.
Occupied 1-2
Family Dwelling
35 ft.
75 ft.
   *   Real estate signs for individual 1-family, 2-family and townhouse units shall be located a minimum distance of 2 feet from every lot line and dwelling.
   (c)   Garage Sale and Open House Sign Regulations. Signs directing attention to a real estate open house or a sale of household items from a garage or house shall be permitted for one (1) and two (2) family dwellings and townhouses (rowhouses) in accordance with the following regulations:
      (1)   Maximum Number of Signs: One (1) per lot or townhouse unit;
      (2)   Permitted Sign Types: Window or free- standing;
      (3)   Maximum Sign Area: Four (4) square feet per sign;
      (4)   Maximum Height: Four (4) feet for free- standing signs;
      (5)   Location: Five (5) feet minimum setback from every lot line;
      (6)   Display Period: No more than three (3) four (4) day periods per year.
   (d)   Temporary Directional Signs. Signs directing attention to a real estate open house, garage sale or house auction, for a single-family, two (2) family or townhouse unit, may be displayed as free-standing signs on “tree lawn” areas in accordance with the following regulations:
      (1)   Maximum Number of Signs: Four (4) per event, with no more than two (2) per block for any single event;
      (2)   Maximum Sign Area: Two (2) square feet per sign;
      (3)   Maximum Heights: Three (3) feet;
      (4)   Location: At least one (1) foot from curbs and sidewalks and only on corner lots or at street intersections;
      (5)   Display Period: Only on the days of the event and not more than three (3) three (3) day periods per year for garage sales and house auctions and not more than two (2) days per week for open house events;
      (6)   Consent: Temporary directional signs shall be displayed only with the consent of the owner of the property that immediately adjoins the tree lawn on which the sign is to be placed.
   (e)   Signs or Accessory Business Uses. In any Multi-Family Residential District, a business or home occupation permitted as an accessory use may be identified by means of a permitted nameplate sign. Such sign may be displayed as either a wall or window sign not exceeding two (2) square feet in area and illuminated, if at all, by reflected light from a light source which is not visible from beyond the subject lot. No such signs, however, shall be permitted in an One- Family or Two-Family Residential District.
   (f)   Office Buildings. Signs for office buildings in Residence-Office Districts shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations for retail uses as provided in Section 350.14.
   (g)   Community Facility Uses. A variance shall be required and may be granted for Identification or Bulletin Board signs using electronically changeable copy to display information pertinent to a Community Facility use on the premises of such Community Facility use only if the Board of Zoning Appeals determines that the sign will provide community information without adversely affecting the character of nearby residential properties, in accordance with the following provisions.
      (1)   Community Facility Uses, for purposes of these provisions, shall include schools, places of worship, libraries, museums, hospitals, municipal recreation centers, parks, playgrounds, police stations, fire stations and other principal uses determined to be similar uses by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
      (2)   Information displayed on the sign shall be limited to information that pertains to the community facility use on which property the sign is located. Each display of information shall remain static or fixed for a minimum of twenty (20) seconds, thereby prohibiting flashing, scrolling, animated or other copy that gives the appearance of motion.
      (3)   The sign using electronically changeable copy shall be either a wall sign or a freestanding sign or portion of such sign and shall be a maximum of thirty (30) square feet in area.
      (4)   The placement and design of the sign using electronically changeable copy shall be approved by the City Planning Commission and Landmarks Commission, as applicable, in accordance with the design review guidelines established in this Zoning Code for signs and, specifically, with the intent of ensuring compatibility with the character of nearby residential properties.
      (5)   The Board of Zoning Appeals may approve a sign that varies from these provisions if both the Board and the City Planning Commission or Landmarks Commission, as applicable, determine that the sign will meet a community need without adversely impacting the character of nearby residential properties.
(Ord. No. 934-10. Passed 5-16-11, eff. 5-20-11)