§ 350.16 Signs in Design Review Districts
   For permit applications within Landmark Districts, Public Land Protective Districts or Business Revitalization Districts, the Landmarks Commission or City Planning Commission, as applicable, may authorize the Commissioner of Building and Housing to issue a permit which requires adherence to standards which are either less strict or more strict than the standards otherwise required by this chapter, if such action by the applicable Commission is in accordance with the following standards:
   (a)   Design Compatibility. Regulations of this chapter may be varied only if such variation will result in signage which is better suited to the design of the subject property or nearby properties of architectural or historic significance.
   (b)   Design Guidelines. Any variation from the regulations of this chapter shall be approved only in accordance with applicable design guidelines adopted by City Council or adopted by the applicable Commission pursuant to an ordinance of City Council.
   (c)   Minimum Variation. Any variation from the regulations of this chapter shall be the minimum necessary to ensure design compatibility.
   (d)   Written Record. In the record of its proceedings, the applicable Commission shall specifically identify any regulation of this chapter which is not met by an approved application and shall explain the necessity for granting such variation from the regulations.
   (e)   Final Action. An application which fails to meet any regulation of this chapter shall be approved only by direct action of the applicable Commission. The administrative approval provision of division (f) of Section 303.07 shall not be applicable in such cases.
(Ord. No. 3076-A-89. Passed 12-10-90, eff. 12-20-90)