Chapter 1.12
1.12.010   Right of entry procedures.
1.12.010   Right of entry procedures.
   A.   Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any ordinance or resolution or the provisions of any secondary code adopted by any ordinance, or whenever there is reasonable cause to believe that there exists a violation of any provision of such ordinance, resolution or code in any building, or upon any premises, or whenever any authorized official of the city has reasonable cause to believe that any building or premises is unsafe, substandard, unsanitary, or dangerous as defined in any provision of any such ordinance, resolution or code, any authorized official of the city may enter such building or premises at all reasonable times to inspect the same and to perform any duty imposed upon such official by any provision of such ordinance, resolution or code. However, except in emergency situations, when consent of the owner and/or occupant to the inspection has not been otherwise obtained, the official shall give notice as follows:
      1.   If the building or premises is occupied, the official shall first present to the occupant city-issued credentials that include the official’s name, position, title, and photograph. The official shall then request entry at a time convenient to the occupant within 24 hours of the time of the request;
      2.   If the building or premises is unoccupied, the official shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other person having charge or control of the building or premises, and if located, the official shall present credentials to the owner or other person and then request entry at any time convenient to such owner or other person, but within 24 hours of the time of request;
      3.   If the owner or other person is located outside of the city, the official may notify that person by telephone or letter, and in doing so shall transmit sufficient information to identify the official’s capacity to the owner or other person and may request entry at a time convenient to such owner or other person, within 72 hours of such telephonic request, or the receipt of such letter.
   If entry is refused by the occupant, the owner, or other person having charge or control of the building or premises, or the official, after making a reasonable effort, cannot locate the owner, or other person having charge or control of the building or premises, so as to request entry, then the official may seek and obtain an appropriate inspection order, inspection warrant, search warrant, or such other available remedy provided by law to secure entry to such building or premises.
   B.   “Authorized official” as used in this section refers to any official of the city, their deputies, assistants, and authorized employees who are charged with the enforcement of a particular provision of any ordinance, resolution, or secondary code adopted by ordinance.
(Prior code § 1.22 (Ord. 1071 §1), Ord. 2268)