5.08.110   Council to determine payments due city from grantee.
   The council may fix and determine in the ordinance granting the franchise the amount of franchise payments which shall be made by the grantee to the city. Such amount may be upon a fixed fee basis or upon a gross annual receipts basis. If upon a gross annual receipts basis, the council shall fix a percentage in the ordinance that shall be paid annually by the grantee.
   As part of the consideration for the granting of each franchise, the grantee shall agree to pay the price or payments fixed by the council. In determining the consideration to be paid by the grantee, the council shall have the right to take into consideration any benefits (other than franchise payments) to the city and its inhabitants, giving weight to such factors as:
   A.   Extensions of service;
   B.   Improvement of services;
   C.   Surrender of existing franchise or parts thereof;
   D.   Settling litigation between city and grantee;
   E.   Performance of specific franchise obligations; and
   F.   Any other similar beneficial factors.
   Where the council has fixed a percentage of gross receipts to be paid for the exercise of grantee’s franchise, and where the operations of the grantee extend beyond the territorial boundaries of the city, the council shall have the right to allocate such percentage payments so that such grantee shall pay only for its operations, for which a franchise is required, within the city.
(Prior code §10A.11 (Ord. 702 §11))