3.64.110   Transfer of jurisdiction over parking facilities to city - Procedure for transfer.
   Before adopting any resolution pursuant to Section 3.64 100, the commission shall adopt a resolution declaring its intention to adopt a resolution pursuant to Section 3.64.100 and shall in such resolution designate (A) by general description, the parking place or places, jurisdiction over which is proposed to be transferred to the city, and (B) a time and place at which the commission shall hear protests to the adoption of the resolution provided for in Section 3.64.100. Such resolution of intention shall be published, posted and mailed and hearing shall be held all subject to the time limitations, and proceedings to adopt the resolution pursuant to Section 3.64.100 shall be terminated in the manner provided for a hearing on an ordinance of intention to form a vehicle parking district under the Vehicle Parking District Law of 1943. If at such hearing the proceedings are not so terminated, the commission may proceed to adopt a resolution pursuant to Section 3.64.100. A copy of each such resolution so adopted, certified by the secretary of the commission, shall be filed with the council, and the council shall thereupon assume jurisdiction of the parking place or places designated in such resolution for all purposes of this chapter.
(Prior code §16A. 11 (Ord. 764 §11))