3.64.100   Transfer of jurisdiction over parking facilities to city - Authority of commission.
   Notwithstanding any provision of the Vehicle Parking District Law of 1943 to the contrary, the commission may, subject to the provisions of Section 3.64.110, adopt a resolution authorizing the city, acting through the council, to operate, manage, maintain and take possession and complete charge, supervision and control of any or all parking places under the jurisdiction of the commission under the Vehicle Parking District Law of 1943 and to make and enforce all necessary regulations for the use of such parking places and to fix, regulate and collect rentals, fees or charges for the parking of vehicles in such parking places and to pledge any or all of such revenues (A) to the operation and maintenance of such parking places as a part of the operation and maintenance of any one or more enterprises and (B) to pay the principal of and interest on, and otherwise to secure any or all revenue bonds issued by the council pursuant to this chapter.
(Prior code §16A.10 (Ord. 764 §10))