3.20.020   Formal bids - Notice of invitation.
   For all purchases and contracts for supplies, services and equipment of an estimated value of $25,000.00 or over and for all public works contracts required to be competitively bid under the general laws of the state of California applicable to public works contracts, or such other sum as may be authorized by Section 1110 of the city Charter for which the city manager has not made a determination to use the alternative procedures set forth in this chapter, bids shall be invited by notices in the form and published as follows:
   A.   Notices inviting bids shall include, among other things, the following statements:
      1.   A general description of the supplies, services or equipment to be purchased, or the public works projects to be constructed, or the services to be performed or the personal property to be sold;
      2.   Location where bid blanks and specifications may be secured;
      3.   The time and place for opening bids; and
      4.   The type and character of bidder's security required, if any.
   B.   Notice inviting bids shall be published once in the official newspaper of the city at least 2 weeks before the date set for the opening of bids.
   C.   For public works projects for which this formal bid procedure is used, the notice inviting bids shall also be mailed to all construction trade journals specified in Public Contract Code Section 22036 at least 30 calendar days before the date of opening the bids. This paragraph shall only apply if the city council has elected to become subject to the uniform public construction cost accounting procedures pursuant to the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act set forth at Section 22000 et seq., of the Public Contract Code.
(Prior code § 2.105 (Ord. 669, Ord. 1825 §5, Ord. 1979 §5))(Ord. 2433 §2)