9.50.020   Regulated areas.
   Regulated areas subject to the requirements and prohibitions of this chapter include the following areas within the city limits:
   A.   All greenways or parklands adjoining Big Chico Creek, Little Chico Creek, Lindo Channel, Comanche Creek, Edgar Slough, Sycamore Creek, Dead Horse Slough Teichert Ponds, any other stream, any manmade channel constructed to facilitate the use of water or convey storm water or watercourse which has been acquired or which is hereafter acquired by the city, either in fee title or by way of an easement which authorizes public use of the easement area;
   B.   Tributaries and any other “water of the United States,” as defined in 40 C.F.R. 122.2, including all surface watercourses and waterbodies, natural waterways and definite channels and depressions in the earth, or such sections or connections of such waters that have been lined with concrete, covered or channelized in the past, that may carry water, even though such waterways may only carry water during rains and storms and may not carry surface water at and during all times and seasons;
   C.   Riparian areas, which include the area between a stream or other body of water and the adjacent upland identified by soil characteristics and distinctive vegetation and wetlands and those portions of floodplains and valley bottoms that support riparian vegetation (herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees which are naturally associated with stream side environments, and with roots and branches extending in or over a creek channel).
(Ord. 2466 §6 (part))