All terms, phrases and words as used in this chapter shall have the meanings as defined in the Charter of the City of Chico, the Chico Municipal Code, or by common usage except for terms, phrases or words defined herein.
A. “Administrative Procedure and Policy.” Written policies and/or procedures adopted by the City Manager pursuant to Title 2 of the Chico Municipal Code, or by the City Council, and incorporated in the City of Chico Administrative Procedure and Policy Manual, herein referred to as “Administrative Procedure.”
B. “Advancement.” A pay increase within the limits of the pay range established for a job title.
C. “Appeal.” Any written request for relief filed pursuant to this chapter.
D. “Applicant.” Any person who has filed with the personnel office office an application for employment with the City or promotion to another City position.
E. “Appointing authority.” Councilmembers, the City Manager and department heads who, in their individual and/or collective capacities, have the authority, or have been delegated the authority, to make an appointment to a position to be filled, and to discipline or remove employees, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Charter or this Code.
F. “Appointment.” The selection of and acceptance by a candidate to a position in the classified service or exempt service.
G. “Appropriate unit.” A group of employees who have been organized and established pursuant to Article IV of this chapter.
H. “Assignment.” The allocation of a job title to a pay plan range.
I. “Candidate.” Any applicant who fulfills the requirements of a given job description, who has successfully completed the required examination(s) for that job description, and whose name has been listed upon an eligible list pursuant to this chapter.
J. “Career ladder promotion.” The promotional process as defined in the City of Chico Classification Plan.
K. “Certification.” The process of giving the appointing power the names of the candidates who are on an appropriate eligible list.
L. “Class.” A position or group of positions having qualifications, duties and responsibilities sufficiently similar that they share the same title, job description and qualifications.
M. “Classification plan.” A grouping of job titles and their respective descriptions for the various positions within the City services adopted pursuant to this chapter.
N. “Demotion.” A disciplinary action resulting in a change in employment status:
1. From one job title to a second job title which requires lesser desired qualifications and is assigned a lower pay range in the City's duly adopted pay plan; or
2. From one pay step to a lower pay step within a pay range assigned to a particular job title.
O. “Discharge.” Involuntary and complete separation from a position for either disciplinary reasons, inability to perform the duties of the position, or for failure to satisfactorily complete a designated probationary period.
P. “Eligible list.” A list of candidates who have qualified for certification to a specific job title. Eligible lists shall be in one of the following forms:
1. “Reemployment list.” A list containing the names of previous employees who have resigned following satisfactory service, and requested reemployment.
2. “Employment list.” A list of candidates who have been examined competitively for either an initial or promotional appointment to a position.
3. “Reinstatement List.” A list containing the names of employees laid off or displaced in accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter.
Q. “Employee organization.” Any organization which includes employees of the City and which has as one of its primary purposes the representation of its members in their employment relations with the City.
R. “Examination.” The process of measuring and evaluating the fitness and qualifications of applicants by appropriate testing procedures consisting of one or more of the following instruments alone or in combination:
1. Application evaluation test;
2. Personal interview test;
3. Performance test;
4. Physical agility test;
5. Written test;
6. Medical examination;
7. Psychological test.
S. “Job description.” A written statement of the essential factors which distinguish one job title from other job titles. The requisite parts of a job description are the title, definition, typical duties performed and the desired qualifications.
T. “Job title.” A descriptive name given to a position.
U. “Layoff.” The voluntary or involuntary separation of employees due to lack of work or funds, or due to the abolition of positions for such lack of work or funds, due to organizational changes, or due to changes in the methods for performing work.
V. “Majority representative.” An employee organization, or its duly authorized representative, that has been granted exclusive recognition by the City Council as representing the majority of employees in an appropriate unit.
W. “Mediation or conciliation.” The efforts of an impartial third person, or persons, functioning as intermediaries, to assist the parties in reaching a voluntary resolution to an impasse, through interpretation, suggestion and advice. Mediation and conciliation are interchangeable terms.
X. “Meet and confer in good faith.” (Sometimes referred to herein as “meet and confer” or “meeting and conferring”), as defined in Section 3505 of the California Government Code.
Y. “Memorandum of Understanding.” A written statement, setting forth the matters on which agreement has been reached through meeting and conferring.
Z. “Officer.” As defined in Chapter 2.04 of this Code, provided, however, unless otherwise provided for in this chapter, “officer” shall not include Councilmembers and members of the Airport Commission and Bidwell Park and Playground Commission.
AA. “Pay plan.” A schedule of pay-plan ranges and steps as adopted by the City Council either through the annual budget or a memorandum of understanding or an adopted pay and benefit resolution.
BB. “Pay plan range.” A designated series of pay plan steps ranging from the lowest to the highest step as incorporated in the duly adopted pay plan.
CC. “Pay plan step.” A specific amount of pay as adopted within a pay plan range.
DD. “Position.” A group of responsibilities requiring the full or part-time services of one person as designated by a job title and described by a job description as duly adopted in the City of Chico classification plan.
EE. “Probationary Rejection.” The discharge of an employee from an initial probationary position or the demotion of an employee from a promotional probationary position to the previously held position in which the employee successfully completed the probationary period.
FF. “Probationary period.” A working test period during which an employee is required to demonstrate fitness for the duties to which appointment is made.
GG. “Promotion.” A change in employment status from one job title to a second job title which requires a higher level of desired qualifications, is assigned more difficult duties and responsibilities, and is assigned a higher pay range.
HH. “Protected group members.” Ethnic and racial minorities, women and the disabled.
II. “Reclassification.” The resulting modification of job duties and title supported by classification analysis which identifies a difference between the existing job description and the actual job duties.
JJ. “Recognized employee organization.” As defined in Section 3501(b) of the California Government Code.
KK. “Reduction.” A pay decrease within the limits of the pay range established for a job title.
LL. “Reinstatement.” The return to employment of a person to the same position which the individual held at the time of separation.
MM. “Resignation.” Voluntary separation from a position.
NN. “Scope of representation.” All matters relating to employment conditions and employer-employee relations, including, but not limited to wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment except however, that the scope of representation shall not include consideration of the merits, necessity or organization of any service or activity provided by law or executive order.
OO. “Suspension.” The temporary, involuntary separation of an employee for disciplinary reasons for a specific period of time.
PP. “Transfer.” The change of an employee's employment status resulting from:
1. A voluntary or involuntary transfer from one job title to another job title having similar qualifications, duties and responsibilities, which does not result in any diminution of salary, benefits or other emoluments;
2. A voluntary transfer from one job title to another job title having lesser qualifications and/or duties and/or responsibilities which may or may not result in a diminution of salary and/or benefits and/or other emoluments.
3. A voluntary or involuntary transfer from one job title to the same job title in a different department.
QQ. “Working hours.” As defined in the Administrative Procedure and Policy Manual or adopted memorandum of understanding or pay and benefit resolution.
RR. “Work week.” As defined in the Administrative Procedure and Policy Manual or adopted memorandum of understanding or pay and benefit resolution.
SS. “Y-Rate.” The maintenance of an employee's salary or pay rate at the level achieved by the employee immediately prior to a reduction in job class until such time as the pay level of the lower job class reaches or surpasses such achieved salary or pay rate.
(Res. No. 143 95-96)