19.06.040   Council action on amendments.
   A.   Upon receipt of the Commission's or the Architectural Review and Historic Preservation Board’s recommendation, the Council shall approve, approve in modified form, or deny the proposed amendment based on the findings required by this chapter.
   B.   If the Council proposes to adopt any substantial modification to the amendment not previously considered by the Commission or the Architectural Review and Historic Preservation Board during its hearing, the proposed modification shall be first referred back to the Commission or the Architectural Review and Historic Preservation Board for its recommendation.
   C.   The provisions of this chapter relating to the Commission's or the Architectural Review and Historic Preservation Board’s recommendations on a proposed amendment and compliance with Chapter 19.10 (Noticing and Public Hearings) shall not apply to emergency ordinances adopted by the Council in compliance with the City Charter.
(Ord. 2185, Ord. 2410 §5)