2-4-120 Gender-based violence task force.
   (a)   The Mayor shall create a gender-based violence task force. The purpose of the task force is to build a whole-of-government approach to address the pervasiveness of gender-based violence and human trafficking. The task force shall advise the Mayor on how to:
      (1)   increase capacity and expertise within City departments to address gender-based violence and human trafficking; and
      (2)   enhance coordination of prevention and intervention efforts among City departments and with key outside organizations focused on preventing gender-based violence and human trafficking; and
      (3)   improve law enforcement response to gender-based violence; and
      (4)   shift cultural norms on what constitutes gender-based violence and human trafficking and its acceptability; and
      (5)   collect, analyze, and use data and research to enhance gender-based violence and human trafficking intervention efforts; and
      (6)   create alternate responses to gender-based violence and human trafficking outside of the criminal justice system; and
      (7)   reform policies that perpetuate or create opportunities for gender-based violence and human trafficking.
   (b)   The task force shall be made up of a minimum of 10 members and a maximum of 21 members. The Commissioner of Family Support Services and the Commissioner of Public Health shall serve ex officio as members but shall not be counted toward the maximum number of members. One member shall be a member of the Advisory Council on Women and one member shall be a member of the Advisory Council on LGBTQ+ issues as those councils are established under Section 2-120-500. The Mayor shall appoint the membership and shall prioritize representatives from community-based organizations that focus on one or more of the following areas to be members on the task force:
      (1)   Sexual assault; and
      (2)   Domestic violence; and
      (3)   Human trafficking; and
      (4)   Sexual harassment and workplace violence; and
      (5)   Indigenous populations; and
      (6)   Immigrants; and
      (7)   People with disabilities; and
      (8)   LGBQTIA+ communities; and
      (9)   Philanthropy.
   The Mayor shall designate a chairperson and vice-chairperson for the task force. Members shall not be compensated by the City for their service on the task force. Except for the ex officio members, appointees shall be appointed and hold office for two years. Vacancies on the task force shall be filled within 90 days.
   The task force shall meet at least quarterly. Additional meetings may be called by the chairperson of the task force or by a majority of the members of the task force. A majority of members of the task force shall constitute a quorum.
   (c)   When appropriate, the task force may invite others, such as representatives of other governmental units and subject matter experts, to assist the task force in carrying out the duties of subsection (a).
(Added Coun. J. 4-19-23, p. 62493, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 10-4-23, p. 3653, § 1)