As used in this chapter:
"Corrosive liquid" means a liquid such as hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, hydrofluoric acid or any other corrosive acid, or other corrosive liquids, which when in contact with living tissue, will immediately cause severe damage of such tissue by chemical action; or in case of leakage will materially damage or destroy other containers or hazardous commodities by chemical action and cause the release of their contents; or are liable to cause a fire when in contact with organic matter or with certain chemicals.
"Corrosive liquid storage building" means a building or part of a building, designed, intended or used for no purposes other than that of the storage of corrosive liquids.
"Hazardous chemical" means a chemical such as aluminum powder, calcium carbide, calcium phosphide, metallic potassium, metallic sodium, phosphorus, sodium peroxide or any other chemical or material which, as determined by the committee on standards and tests will in fact create an equally or more serious flame hazard or an equally or more serious explosion hazard, or an equally or more serious flame and explosion hazard when coming in contact with water or moisture or any solid substance other than one classified as an explosive which is liable to cause fires through friction, through spontaneous chemical changes or as a result of retained heat from manufacturing or processing.
"Hazardous chemical room" means a room designed, intended or used for the purposes of storing or using of hazardous chemicals.
"Hazardous chemical storage building" means a building, or part of a building, designed, intended or used for no purpose other than that of the storage of any hazardous chemical.
"Highly toxic materials" means materials so toxic to man as to afford an unusual hazard to life and health during firefighting operations. Such materials as parathion, TEEP (tetraethyl phosphate), HETP (hexaethyl tetra phosphate) and similar insecticides or pesticides. Any material classed as Poison "A" or Poison "B" by the Federal Department of Transportation shall be considered highly toxic by this Code.
"Oxidizing materials" means chlorates, permanganates, inorganic peroxides or nitrates, and other substances which readily yield free oxygen when heated.
"Potentially explosive chemicals" means any chemical substance, other than one defined as an explosive or blasting agent, which has a tendency to be unstable and which can be exploded by heat or shock or a combination thereof. Among others, potentially explosive chemicals shall include organic peroxides, nitromethane, ammonium nitrate and others which have an equal or greater potential explosive hazard.
"Radioactive materials" means any material or combination of materials that spontaneously emits ionizing radiation.
"Sealed source" means a quantity of radiation so enclosed as to prevent the escape of any radioactive materials but at the same time permitting radiation to come out for use.
"Smokehouse" means a building, or part of a building, designed, intended or used for no purpose other than that of smoking meats or fish.
"Smokeroom" means an enclosure designed, intended or used for the smoking of meats or fish, located within any building other than a smokehouse.
(Prior code § 92-2)
No hazardous chemicals, as defined in Section 15-28-020, shall be used for any purpose in any room other than a hazardous chemical room constructed as required.
It shall be unlawful to store in any building more than ten pounds of metallic potassium, metallic sodium, phosphorous or sodium peroxide, or more than 20 pounds of aluminum powder or calcium phosphide, or more than 600 pounds of calcium carbide or more of any other such chemical or material than is determined by the fire commissioner to be a safe limit except in a hazardous chemical storage building or vault constructed as required in Chapter 15-28 of this Code. If stored in a vault, such chemicals shall be stored upon a platform or upon a shelf or shelves not less than one foot, six inches above the floor. No such chemical or material shall be stored or used in any building room or vault now existing or hereafter designed, erected, altered or converted, which is equipped with a sprinkler system or sprinkler heads.
(Prior code § 92-4; Amend Coun. J. 6-14-95, p. 2841; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 152)