Quantities of ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate fertilizer, having no organic coating, in the form of crystals, flakes, grains or pills including fertilizer grade, dynamite grade, nitrous oxide grade and technical grade ammonium and ammonium nitrate phosphate (containing 60 percent or more ammonium nitrate by weight) or more than 50 tons total weight shall be stored only in building of Type IA, IB, or IIA construction.
Type III or IV construction may be used if such building is equipped with a complete system of automatic sprinklers in accordance with Chapter 14B-9.
The maximum height and areas of such buildings shall be in accordance with Chapter 14B-5. Quantities in excess of 2,500 tons shall be stored only in buildings of Type I or II construction and such buildings shall also have a complete installation of automatic sprinklers. All such buildings shall have ventilation in accordance with the requirements of Section 15-28-260.
There shall be no connections to the city sewer system nor shall there be allowed any drain, trap, basement pit into which any molten ammonium nitrate could flow and be confined in the event of a fire. The storage of ammonium nitrate, coated or mixed with organic anticaking materials except blasting agents permitted in Chapter 15-20, shall not be permitted.
(Prior code § 92-25; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. VI, § 76)
The storage and handling of ammonium nitrate shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) Each storage pile of bags or other authorized packages and containers of such materials shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 20 feet in width and 50 feet in length. Such pile units shall be separated by a clear space of not less than 36 inches in width from the base to the top of the piles, serving as cross aisles. At least one service or main aisle in the storage area shall be not less than four feet in width. A clearance of not less than 30 inches shall be maintained from building walls and partitions and of not less than 36 inches from ceilings or roof structural members with a minimum of 18 inches from sprinkler deflectors.
(2) Ammonium nitrate storage areas shall be separated by a space of 30 feet or by a tight noncombustible partition having a fire-resistive rating of not less than one hour, from the storage of organic chemicals, corrosive liquids, compressed gases, flammable liquids and combustible materials or other contaminating substances such as sulphur, coal, flour and metallic power such as zinc, copper and magnesium where storage of such materials is permitted with ammonium nitrate.
(3) The storage of ammonium nitrate, coated or mixed with organic anticaking materials except blasting agents permitted in Chapter 15-20 shall not be permitted in the city.
(Prior code § 92-26)
Organic peroxides in excess of 50 pounds shall be stored in a separate building with walls constructed of materials having a fire-resistive rating of not less than two hours. The floor of such building shall be noncombustible. The roof of such building shall be insulated and constructed of lightweight noncombustible materials and be so installed so as to be freerising in the event of an explosion. Such building shall be one story and without basement. Ventilation shall conform to the requirements of Section 15-28-080. Each such building shall be equipped with a deluge-type automatic sprinkler system. The maximum amount of organic peroxides allowed in any one building shall be 5,000 pounds.
(Prior code § 92-29)
The storage and handling of organic peroxides shall comply with the following provisions:
(1) Quantities in excess of ten pounds and less than 50 pounds shall be stored only in a separate room having a fire-resistive rating of not less than two hours. No other material shall be permitted in such rooms or buildings. Only one such storage room shall be permitted in any building.
(2) Provide means to prevent the exposures of organic materials to the direct rays of the sun. There shall be no source of heat in any storage room.
(3) The storage of organic peroxides shall be permitted only in the original I.C.C. regulated containers. Such materials shall not be repackaged in odd containers or other containers. The containers shall be plainly labeled to avoid misuse of the materials. Such labels shall properly identify, at all times, the trade name, the chemical composition and the net weight or volume of the material in the container. Care should be taken to completely empty the containers. The empty containers shall be immediately removed from the building and properly disposed.
(4) Containers of organic peroxide shall not be opened in the storage area. A special room or the outside area shall be designated for this purpose.
(5) No secondary or loose storage of organic peroxides shall be permitted in the manufacturing area. The organic peroxides brought into such areas shall be limited to that required for immediate use.
(6) When liquid organic peroxides are shipped in containers equipped with specially vented caps, no other type of cap shall be used.
(7) Organic peroxides shall be kept away from all sources of ignition.
(8) All processing equipment shall be properly grounded in conformity with Title 14E. Conductive and spark-resistant floors shall be provided in all manufacturing areas where organic peroxides are used. Conductive safety shoes shall be worn by all operating personnel. All scoops used for weighing the material shall be made of nonsparking materials.
(9) Containers of organic peroxides shall be provided with covers or kept closed.
(10) "NO SMOKING" signs conforming to Section 15-4-940 shall be posted in conspicuous places throughout the storage and manufacturing areas.
(11) Organic peroxides shall not be subjected to any frictional or grinding operation.
(12) Uncontaminated contents of broken or cracked bags, packages or other containers shall be transferred to new and clean containers before storing. Other spilled materials and discarded containers shall be promptly gathered up and destroyed in a safe and proper manner.
(13) Only wiring complying with the requirements of Title 14E shall be permitted. All electric lights shall be protected with suitable guards.
(14) Explosives or blasting agents shall not be permitted in the same building in which organic peroxides are stored or used.
(15) Appropriate warning signs shall be prominently displayed in all buildings where organic peroxides are stored or used. Such signs shall have a white field with red letters four inches high with a one- half-inch stroke and shall read "DANGER – HANDLE WITH CARE".
(16) Internal combustion motor vehicles or lift trucks shall not be parked or stored in the room where such chemicals are stored or used.
(17) Extreme care shall be taken to avoid rough handling or contamination of organic peroxides.
(Prior code § 92-30; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. II, § 60)