15-28-250 Safety clearances.
   Nitromethane. Outside drum storage areas, if not equipped with a deluge-type automatic sprinkler system, shall be located in the following minimum distances from any building, combustible storage in the open, flammable liquid storage, lot line or public way:
Weight (Pounds)
Distance (Feet)
2,001 – 10,000
10,001 – 20,000
20,001 – 40,000
40,001 – 80,000
   In no case shall a safety clearance of less than 500 feet be provided to any lot line of any plot of ground on which is situated a school, institutional, assembly or open air assembly building.
   It shall be permissible to store nitromethane in underground tanks meeting the requirements of Section 15-24-280 or in aboveground tanks meeting the requirements of Section 15-24-170 and barricaded in accordance with the requirements of Section 15-20-140. However, in no case shall a clearance of less than 500 feet be provided to any lot line of any plot of ground on which is situated a school, institutional, assembly or open air assembly building.
(Prior code §  92-20)
15-28-260 Ventilation.
   Every asphalt, tar, pitch, resin or paraffin heating room, shall be provided with one or more window, skylights or other ventilating opening facing a public way, private alley, yard or other open space not less than 15 feet wide, with closures arranged to open for natural ventilation and having a combined area of not less than five percent of the total wall area of the room. The required combined area of openings which are arranged to open for ventilation shall be provided with sashes or dampers, or other closures, which shall be hung, overbalanced and held in place in such manner that an explosion or fire within the room will cause such sash, damper or closure to open for its full area; provided, however, that in lieu of such requirements it shall be permissible to provide a vent flue or flues extending directly to the outside air, which shall be used solely for the purposes of ventilating such room, which shall have a combined area of not less than five percent of the total wall area of the room, with an enclosure of the same fire-resistive value as is required for the enclosures of the room, and equipped with a normally closed noncombustible trap door arranged to open automatically in case of explosion or fire within the room. No such window, skylight, ventilating opening or vent flue required by this section shall be nearer than four feet, six inches to any other building or structure on the same premises or to any interior lot line.
(Prior code §  92-21)