(a) Smokehouses. Every smokehouse shall be of Type IA, IB, or IIA construction, and no combustible material shall be used in the construction thereof.
(b) Smokerooms.
(1) General. Every smokeroom 30 square feet or less in floor area, or having a volume of 210 cubic feet or less, shall be enclosed with not less than three-hour fire-resistive construction, and every smokeroom of greater floor area or of greater volume shall be enclosed by a four-hour fire separation. No combustible material shall be used in the construction of any smokeroom.
(2) Floor Construction. Every smokeroom 30 square feet or less in area, which is supported by the floor construction of the building in which located, shall be built upon a standard furnace foundation, meeting the requirements of Title 14M installed on top of the building floor.
(3) Superimposed Smokerooms. For smokerooms superimposed one above another, in a building of other than Type IA, IB, or IIA construction, the enclosing walls shall be supported by independent foundations and shall carry no floor or roof load other than a smokeroom floor or roof load. Any floor separation between such rooms in a building of any type of construction may be an open grillwork of metal designed for a uniformly distributed live load of 75 pounds per square foot. The ceiling or roof of the uppermost room shall be as required for Type IA construction regardless of the type of construction of the building in which located.
(c) Fire Pits. Every fire pit for a smokehouse or smokeroom shall have a floor and walls of not less than four-hour fire-resistive construction, except as otherwise provided for a fire pit in a portable smokeroom under Section 15-28-690.
(d) Doors and Frames. Every doorway to a smokehouse or smokeroom shall be provided with a door formed of iron or steel not less than 100 and nine-thousandths inch thick, stiffened around all edges and crosswise at intervals of three feet or less in height with angles, tees or other iron or steel shapes. Every such door shall be hung in an iron or steel frame, not less in thickness at any point than three-sixteenths inch anchored to the wall construction.
(e) Openings for Trolleys. It shall be permissible to provide an opening for a trolley in or above any door to a smokehouse or smokeroom; provided, however, that every such opening shall have an iron or steel cover of the same thickness as required for the door, and so equipped that in case of fire, it shall close automatically by the release of a fusible link or the actuation of a thermostatic device.
(g) Windows. Any window provided in a smokehouse or smokeroom shall be a fire window.
(Prior code § 92-57; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 33; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. VI, § 87)
It shall be permissible to install and use a smokeroom having an enclosure of metal construction in lieu of the construction required under Section 15-28-680 of this Code.
Foundations. Every portable smokeroom shall be built upon a standard furnace foundation as described in Title 14M; provided, however, that such a foundation shall not be required for a portable smokeroom in a building of Type IA, IB, or IIA construction, unless there is a combustible finish on such floor.
Walls and Ceilings. The walls and ceiling of every portable smokeroom shall consist of an inner and outer shell of sheet metal, not less than three-eightieths inch thick, with riveted or welded seams and joints secured to a rigid framework of suitable iron or steel shapes. The inner and outer metal shells shall be separated not less than one and one-half inches, the space between being filled solid with fused noncombustible insulating material not less than one and one-fourth inches thick.
Fire Pits. The fire pit in every portable smokeroom shall be entirely of metal and set upon legs with the bottom of the pit not less than two inches above the floor surface.
Smoke Flues. Every smoke flue for a portable smokeroom shall be a metal flue connected with a masonry chimney, or a metal flue extended through the roof of the building. Every metal smoke flue shall be formed of sheet metal not less than one-sixteenth inch thick with riveted or welded seams and joints. Where a metal smoke flue is extended through combustible construction, the flue shall be as required by Title 14M.
Doors. Every doorway to any portable smokeroom shall be provided with a door formed of sheet metal as required by Section 15-28-680 for smokerooms.
Clearances. No part of a wall or ceiling of any portable smokeroom shall be located nearer to any combustible construction than is permitted under Title 14M for low-pressure boiler breechings.
(Prior code § 92-58; Amend Coun. J. 11-9-16, p. 36266, § 33; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. VI, § 88)