The provisions of Article 701 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise section 701.3 to read:
"Tests and Maintenance
(A) Initial Test. A full load test based on the rating of the generator shall be performed when a generator(s) is first installed. This test shall be witnessed by the authority having jurisdiction, and the required inspection fee shall be paid prior to the test being performed.
(B) Annual Test. The generator shall be tested annually for a period of at least one hour under heavy load. This test shall be witnessed by the authority having jurisdiction, and the required inspection fee shall be paid prior to the test being performed.
(C) Monthly Tests. Each generator installation shall be tested monthly under load conditions. A log shall be maintained of these tests. The log shall record the following:
(a) Date and time of day
(b) Voltage and ampere reading (load)
(c) Running time reading at the start of test
(d) Running time reading at the end of the test
(e) Any abnormalities discovered, and other significant data
For testing purposes, a transfer switch(es) shall be provided with a "time-delay on return to normal" which will keep the engine generator running for a minimum of 20 minutes under load once a transfer to the generator has occurred.
(D) Maintenance. Legally required standby system equipment shall be maintained in accordance with manufacturer instructions and industry standards. These instructions shall be kept on-site and made available to the authority having jurisdiction upon request.
(E) Written Record. A written record shall be kept on such tests and maintenance, maintained on the premises for not less than 10 years, and made available to the authority having jurisdiction upon request.
(F) Testing Under Load. Means for testing legally required standby systems under load shall be provided.
Informational note: For information on testing and maintenance of emergency power supply systems (EPSSs), see NFPA 110-2013, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems."
1a. Revise section 701.5 by adding a new subsection (E) to read:
"(E) Location. Transfer equipment shall not be located in the same room as the generator or service entrance equipment."
2. Insert new section 701.8 to read:
"Signal Annunciator. A storage-battery powered remote annunciator shall be installed outside of the generator room in a location readily observed by operating personnel at a regular work station. In addition, unless a regular work station is continuously manned, an appropriately labeled audible and visual signal shall be installed at a manned location. The remote annunciator panel shall include a voltage meter and a lamp test function and shall be permitted to have an alarm silencing switch and pilot light to indicate alarm silenced. In addition to the signals described in 701.6 (A), (B), (C) and (D) there also shall be a signal to indicate when the generator is not in the automatic position."
3. Insert new section 701.9 to read:
"Plans Required. Complete and detailed plans and specifications of all emergency generators shall be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction for review before any construction work is started. These documents shall include the following:
(1) A single line drawing of the complete emergency and/or essential electrical system. The drawing shall include all components of the system(s) including utility source(s), generator(s), transfer switch(es), feeder distribution panel(s), and branch circuit panelboard(s).
(2) A floor or site plan of the engine generator room or location which shows to scale the location of all equipment and the working space provided.
(3) Specifications for the method to refuel the generator motor."
3a. Revise section 701.10 to read:
"The legally required standby system wiring shall comply with 700.63."
4. Revise subsection 701.12(B)(2) by replacing "2 hours" with "4 hours".
5. Insert new Part V to read:
"Other Requirements
701.29 Generator auxiliary equipment. Auxiliary electrical equipment essential to the running of the generator shall be connected to one or more of the generator disconnect switches. This disconnect switch(es) shall feed no other loads. Essential generator auxiliary equipment includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Cooling fan motor for a remote radiator
(b) Auxiliary water pump
(c) Storage tank fuel pump
(d) Normally off, unswitched emergency lights at the generator, control panel, main distribution and service switchboard locations
(e) Cool-down timer
701.30 Cool-down timer(s). A cool-down timer(s) shall be installed so that in every case when generator operation is initiated and after the normal source of current supply is restored, the generator shall run without load for time equal to, or greater than, the generator manufacturers recommendations.
701.31 Isolated wiring. The conduit and wiring of emergency systems shall be completely separate from all other wiring from the source to the load in accordance with Article 700. The wiring of emergency systems shall not occupy common raceways, wireways, junction boxes, or header boxes with other conductors.
701.32 Identification. All elements of the emergency system such as, transfer switches, distribution centers, transformers and service switches shall be plainly and visibly identified by appropriate nameplates as being part of the emergency system. The legends for all branch circuit and feeder distribution panels shall be filled out identifying the circuits and the loads they serve.
A copy of the one-line wiring diagram of the entire emergency system describing its basic mode of operation as described in 700.3(c) shall be displayed at the service switch location, the generator location, and the transfer switch locations for the reference of operating and maintenance personnel."
(Amend Coun. J. 1-23-19, p. 94952, Art. I, § 26; Amend Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100029, Art. VI, § 7)