14E-6-610 Cranes and hoists.
The provisions of Article 610 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modification:
1.   Revise section 610.11 to read:
"Wiring Method. Conductors shall be enclosed in metal raceways, or be Type MC cable or Type MI cable unless otherwise permitted or required in 610.11(A) through (E).
(A)   Contact Conductor. Contact conductors shall not be required to be enclosed in raceways.
(B)   Exposed Conductors. Short lengths of exposed conductors at resistors, collectors, and other equipment shall not be required to be enclosed in raceways.
(C)   Flexible Connections to Motors and Similar Equipment. Where flexible connections are necessary, flexible stranded conductors shall be used. Conductors shall be in flexible metal conduit, liquidtight flexible metal conduit, multiconductor cable, or an approved metallic flexible raceway.
(D)   Pushbutton Station Multiconductor Cable. Where multiconductor cable is used with a suspended pushbutton station, the station shall be supported in some satisfactory manner that protects the electrical conductors against strain.
(E)   Flexibility to Moving Parts. Where flexibility is required for power or control to moving parts, listed festoon cable or a cord suitable for the purpose shall be permitted, provided the following apply:
(1)   Suitable strain relief and protection from physical damage is provided.
(2)   In Class I, Division 2 locations, the cord is approved for extra-hard usage."