14E-6-669 Electroplating.
The provisions of Article 669 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference without modification.
14E-6-670 Industrial machinery.
The provisions of Article 670 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference without modification.
14E-6-675 Electrically driven or controlled irrigation machines.
The provisions of Article 675 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference without modification.
14E-6-680 Swimming pools, fountains, and similar installation.
The provisions of Article 680 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference with the following modification:
1.   Revise section 680.11 to read:
"Underground Wiring Location. Underground wiring shall be permitted where installed in rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit, rigid polyvinyl chloride conduit, or reinforced thermosetting resin conduit. Underground wiring shall not be permitted under the pool unless this wiring is necessary to supply pool equipment permitted by this article. The minimum cover depths shall be as given in Table 300.5."
14E-6-682 Natural and artificially made bodies of water.
The provisions of Article 682 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference without modification.
14E-6-685 Integrated electrical systems.
The provisions of Article 685 of NFPA 70 are adopted by reference without modification.