A permit must be obtained for the erection or alteration of any sign or sign structure in accordance with Article XIII of Chapter 13-20 of the Municipal Code.
In any location where a driveway or driveways across a public sidewalk are required in connection with the installation of a tank for flammable liquids, a permit may not be issued until the applicant has first obtained from the Commissioner of Transportation a use of public way permit for the driveway or driveways as prescribed by Chapter 10-20 of the Municipal Code.
A separate permit for work involving a connection to the Chicago Waterworks System regulated by Chapter 11-12 of the Municipal Code must be obtained in accordance with that chapter before undertaking such work.
A permit must be obtained before the installation, alteration, or replacement of a warm air heating furnace or connected ducts and registers. The application for such a permit must be accompanied by drawings or plans, and such specifications or statements as are necessary to indicate conformance of the installation with the requirements of the Chicago Construction Codes.
A separate permit for work on or above the public way must be obtained before beginning such work in accordance with Sections 14A-4-404.22.1 through 14A-4-404.22.3.
A permit may not be issued for the construction or rehabilitation of any building or structure, the operation of which will require a driveway across a public sidewalk, until the applicant has first obtained from the Commissioner of Transportation a driveway permit as prescribed by Chapter 10-20 of the Municipal Code or the Commissioner of Transportation has notified the building official that the application for such a driveway permit is substantially complete and under review.
A permit may not be issued for the construction or rehabilitation of any structure where windows or other openings located in a wall abutting and below the level of the public way require the use of subsidewalk space for light or ventilation before the applicant has first obtained specific authority for such use as provided in Section 10-28-010 of the Municipal Code.