14A-4-404.6.1 Electrical contractor.
Each electrical contractor that will perform electrical work under the permit must be identified on the permit application. Electrical contractors must be registered under Chapter 4-290 of the Municipal Code. Where contracts to install electrical work have been obtained by persons who are not registered as electrical contractors and the contract is assigned or sublet to a registered electrical contractor on a subcontract basis, the name of such registered electrical contractor must immediately be disclosed by the registered electrical contractor to the other party to the contract in writing.
14A-4-404.7 Fences.
It is unlawful to erect a fence more than 5 feet (1524 mm) in height without first obtaining a permit from the building official.
14A-4-404.7.1 Chicago Landmarks.
It is unlawful to erect a solid fence or wall of any height that is visible from a public street on a property containing a Chicago Landmark without obtaining a permit from the building official.
14A-4-404.8 Fire escapes.
An existing fire escape or fire escape stairway may not be altered or removed without a permit. The permit application must clearly identify that the scope of work involves a fire escape. The permit application must be accompanied by documents establishing compliance with the requirements of Section 307 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code.
14A-4-404.9 Fire protection systems.
A separate permit must be obtained before the construction, installation, or alteration of an automatic sprinkler system, automatic fire-extinguishing system, standpipe system, or fire alarm system.
14A-4-404.9.1 Automatic sprinkler systems and alternative automatic fire-extinguishing systems.
A permit must be obtained from the fire code official in accordance with Section 15-16-190 of the Municipal Code before the construction, installation, or alteration of an automatic sprinkler system or automatic fire- extinguishing system.
14A-4-404.9.2 Standpipe systems.
A permit must be obtained from the fire code official in accordance with Section 15-16-740 of the Municipal Code before the construction, installation, or alteration of a standpipe system.
14A-4-404.9.3 Fire alarm systems.
A separate permit must be obtained from the building official before the construction, installation, or alteration of a fire alarm system. The application for a fire alarm permit must be accompanied by complete plans and specifications of the proposed system.