A mechanical refrigeration or cooling system may not be installed, erected, or repaired, nor may any reconstruction of old apparatus or old systems for mechanical refrigeration or cooling purposes be undertaken, unless plans and specifications for such work have been approved by the building official. The plans and specifications must identify the kind and amount of refrigerant used.
A permit for construction that anticipates the demolition of existing buildings or existing structures on the site may not be issued before the building official has received a substantially complete permit application or has issued a permit for the demolition of the buildings or structures. The construction permit is conditional, subject to lawful demolition of the existing buildings and existing structures before occupancy.
A permit for plumbing work must be obtained in accordance with Section 18-29-106 of the Municipal Code. A permit application for plumbing work may be submitted as part of a general building permit application that clearly identifies the scope of plumbing work to be performed or as a separate permit application.
A permit must be obtained before relocating an existing building or structure, either on the same lot or from one lot to another. The permit application must be accompanied by plans demonstrating compliance with Chapter 14 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code.