A permit must be obtained from the fire code official in accordance with Section 15-16-740 of the Municipal Code before the construction, installation, or alteration of a standpipe system.
A permit may not be issued for the alteration of or addition to a building containing a licensed industrial private event venue if such work will increase the floor area of the building by more than 10% of the total amount of floor area existing in the building on February 10, 2016.
A separate permit must be obtained before the construction, installation, alteration, or repair of a mechanical amusement riding device. A permit issued for other work does not authorize the installation, alteration, or repair of a mechanical amusement riding device.
The permit application must specify the number of devices and type of equipment to be installed, or the nature of the alteration or repair to be made. The application must identify the address of the building or structure where the device is to be installed and specify the location within the building or structure. The application must be accompanied by drawings and specifications sufficient to establish conformance of the proposed work to requirements of the Chicago Conveyance Device Code.