* Editor’s note – Title 14A was added by Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100029, Art. I, § 1. Provisions governing effective dates for provisions of this title are found in Section 14A-1-105.
Ch. 14A-1 Scope and Application
Ch. 14A-2 Definitions
Ch. 14A-3 Enforcement
Ch. 14A-4 Permits
Ch. 14A-5 Inspection and Observation of Permitted Work
Ch. 14A-6 Inspection of Existing Structures and Systems
Ch. 14A-7 Occupancy
Ch. 14A-8 Posting Requirements
Ch. 14A-9 Reserved
Ch. 14A-10 Approvals and Appeals
Ch. 14A-11 Referenced Standards
Ch. 14A-12 Schedules
This title, together with the Chicago Building Code, Chicago Conveyance Device Code, Chicago Electrical Code, Chicago Fire Prevention Code, Chicago Fuel Gas Code, Chicago Mechanical Code, Chicago Energy Conservation Code, Chicago Plumbing Code, Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code, and Chicago Minimum Requirements for Existing Buildings may be referred to as the Chicago Construction Codes. Throughout this title the Chicago Construction Codes are referred to individually as "each code."