ARTICLE VII. VIADUCTS (10-20-700 et seq.)
10-20-700 Definition.
   The term "highway viaduct" is hereby defined as any viaduct used for public highway purposes extending over any railroad track or over any public way or any other public or private property.
(Prior code § 33-55; Amend Coun. J. 1-14-97, p. 37762, § 61)
10-20-705 License and permit required.
   No person shall construct, reconstruct, or repair any highway viaduct in the city without first complying with the licensing and permitting requirements of this chapter.
(Prior code § 33-56; Amend Coun. J. 12-11-91, p. 10925; Amend Coun. J. 1-14-97, p. 37762, § 62)
10-20-710 Specifications and plans.
   In addition to the licensing and permitting requirements otherwise imposed by this chapter, highway viaducts shall be designed, constructed and erected to the satisfaction of the commissioner of transportation in accordance with printed specifications that he or she shall keep on file and which shall be subject to change from time to time as required, but shall at any time be uniform in application throughout the city.
   Whenever any person shall desire to construct, reconstruct, or repair any such highway viaduct in the city, such person shall first submit to the commissioner of transportation the plan in accordance with which it is proposed to so construct, reconstruct or repair such viaduct, and no permit may be issued for such work unless the commissioner of transportation finds that such plan complies with the terms of that part of this chapter dealing with viaducts and the printed specifications on file in the office of the commissioner of transportation.
(Prior code § 33-57; Amend Coun. J. 12-11-91, p. 10925; Amend Coun. J. 1-14-97, p. 37762, § 63; Amend Coun. J. 12-7-05, p. 64870, § 1.9; Amend Coun. J. 11-19-08, p. 47220, Art. IX, § 1)
10-20-715 Violation – Penalty.
   Any person that shall violate any of the provisions of that part of this chapter or applicable regulations dealing with viaducts shall be fined not less than $200.00 nor more than $500.00 for each offense, and every such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each day that such violation shall continue.
(Prior code § 33-58; Amend Coun. J. 1-14-97, p. 37762, § 64)