10-20-100 License.
   (a)   No person shall make an opening in, or construct or repair any pavement in, any public way or other public place pursuant to this chapter unless that person holds a public way work license as required by this article. The public way work permit required by this article to make an opening in, or construct or repair any pavement in, any public way or other public place shall only be issued to a person holding such a license. Before the department of transportation issues any such permit, the department of transportation shall first require proof that the permit applicant holds such a license. Such a license shall be effective for one calendar year, and the fee for such a license shall be $125.00. Such a license may be issued at any time during a calendar year, but shall be effective only for the calendar year in which it is issued. The commissioner of transportation is hereby authorized to issue such a license and is authorized to promulgate regulations relating to such a license, including but not limited to terms and conditions for the issuance, maintenance and renewal of the license, the scope of work that may be performed under the license, and terms and conditions applicable to the insurance and letter of credit required by this article.
   (b)   The public way work license specified in this section shall not be required for the placement, planting, cultivation, maintenance or removal of any tree, shrub, flower, sod or other plant material in the public way, as long as the surface disturbance requires a hole of less than six inches deep.
   (c)   The public way work license specified in this section shall not be required of a government agency or of any person (or such person's designee) for the operation, maintenance, improvement, installation and removal of either (i) parking meters acting pursuant to a concession agreement with the city governing the operation, improvement, installation, removal and maintenance of and the collection of fees from, certain designated parking meters, or (ii) city digital signs pursuant to a coordinated city digital sign program agreement with the city governing the operation, improvement, installation, removal and maintenance of such city digital signs.
(Added Coun. J. 1-14-97, p. 37762, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 12-7-05, p. 64870, § 1.9; Amend Coun. J. 11-19-08, p. 47220, Art. IX, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-4-08, p. 50506, § 13; Amend Coun. J. 12-12-12, p. 44485, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 9-14-21, p. 35804, § 2)