10-20-530 Width of sidewalk.
   The space between the street (lot) line and curb line to be reserved for sidewalks shall be of the width herein specified, unless a different width has been, or shall be, fixed by ordinance of the city council. On all streets which are 100 feet in width and upward, 20 feet; on streets 80 feet and less than 100 feet in width, 16 feet; on streets 66 feet and less than 80 feet in width, 14 feet; on streets 60 feet and less than 66 feet in width, 12 feet; on streets 50 feet and less than 60 feet in width, ten feet; on streets 40 feet and less than 50 feet in width, six feet, and on streets 30 feet and less than 40 feet in width, four feet. The widths herein specified shall be measured from the street (lot) line to the face of the curb nearest the roadway.
   No person shall extend or build any sidewalk beyond the established width of the sidewalk space; and on all streets where open spaces are allowed for planting trees or for grass plots, the same shall not be covered with plank or other material, except such parts and portions of said space as may be allowed to be used for coal vaults or in front of business houses; provided, however, that sidewalks not to exceed two feet in width may be constructed adjoining the curb to permit access to and from vehicles.
(Prior code § 33-41; Amend Coun. J. 1-14-97, p. 37762, § 47)
10-20-535 Level of sidewalk.
   No part of any sidewalk or sidewalk space shall be taken for private use by lowering or cutting down the same next to the building, or railing off the same by any wooden or iron railing, or by shutting off the public from using the same; and said sidewalk shall not be raised next to the building by constructing a platform of wood, iron, concrete or stone, but said sidewalk shall be built flush up to the building on a uniform grade as herein provided.
(Prior code § 33-42; Amend Coun. J. 1-14-97, p. 37762, § 48)
10-20-540 Grade.
   The grade for sidewalks shall be established by ordinance of the city council, and a record of the same, accessible to the public, shall be kept on file in the department of transportation. No person shall build or assist in building any sidewalk where no grade has been established by ordinance, or contrary to any grade which may have been or may be established by ordinance, or contrary to any of the provisions of this section. Every day that he shall fail to remove or reconstruct any sidewalk which does not conform to established grade after notice by the commissioner of transportation shall constitute a separate offense.
   All sidewalks heretofore constructed that do not conform to the grade established by ordinance shall be relaid to the proper grade by the owner of the abutting property. Each day he shall fail to relay or reconstruct such sidewalk after notice by the commissioner of transportation shall constitute a separate offense.
   No part or portion of any sidewalk, where the grade has been established, shall be laid or relaid at any different grade or any other level than the adjacent portions of such sidewalk, except as provided in the provisions of this chapter relating to driveways and sidewalk ramps. The person violating this provision shall alter said sidewalk so as to make the same conform to the established grade, and in case he neglects and refuses so to do within a reasonable time it shall be lawful for the department of transportation to alter the same, and the cost and expense of the same shall be paid by such owner and may be recovered from him in an action in the name of the city.
(Prior code § 33-43; Amend Coun. J. 5-4-94, p. 49718; Amend Coun. J. 1-14-97, p. 37762, § 49)