There are hereby created and established zones of quiet during school hours in all public ways surrounding every block within which is located a building used, controlled, leased or operated for free common school education in the city.
It shall be the duty of the commissioner of transportation to place, or cause to be placed, on lampposts or some other conspicuous place, as near to each of the corners as practicable of every such block wherein such zone of quiet is established, as provided in this section, signs or placards displaying the words, "Notice Zone Of Quiet".
(Prior code § 36-6; Amend Coun. J. 12-7-05, p. 64870, § 1.9)
The making, causing or permitting to be made of any unnecessary noise of any kind whatsoever, or the playing of itinerant musicians, or the making of noises for the purpose of advertising any goods, wares or merchandise, or of attracting the attention or inviting the patronage of any person to any business, or the playing of itinerant musicians upon the public ways within any zone of quiet established in accordance with this chapter, is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and is hereby prohibited.
(Prior code § 36-7)
No permit for solicitation of charitable contributions on the public way shall be issued to any person unless such person is either (a) a benevolent, philanthropic, patriotic or eleemosynary organization registered and in good standing with the Attorney General of the State of Illinois under "An Act to regulate solicitation and collection of funds for charitable purposes, providing for violations thereof, and making appropriations therefor", effective July 26, 1963, as amended; or (b) an organization exempt from compliance with said Act pursuant to section 3 thereof, as amended.
(Prior code § 36-9; Added Coun. J. 12-18-84, p. 12004)
Application for a charitable solicitation permit shall be made on a form issued by committee on finance. The application shall include the name, address and telephone number of the soliciting organization; proof of registration and good standing, or proof of initial registration and exemption as described in Section 10-8-090(b) of this Code, issued by the Attorney General of the State of Illinois; the names, residence addresses and telephone numbers of the officers of the organization; the dates and locations of the solicitation; the approximate number of persons engaging in the solicitation; a description or facsimile of the tag, badge, emblem or other token (if any) which will be distributed as part of the solicitation; an application fee of ten dollars ($10) for each day of solicitation requested; and such other information as the committee on finance may require. The application fee charged by this section shall not be waived by any action of the City Council including by order or ordinance. Application for a charitable solicitation permit shall be made no less than 30 days before the commencement of the solicitation. The application shall be signed and verified by at least one officer of the organization.
(Prior code § 36-10; Added Coun. J. 12-18-84, p. 12004; Amend Coun. J. 11-17-10, p. 107315, § 2)
The committee on finance shall review each application for a charitable solicitation permit at the first meeting following filing of the application. The committee may continue the hearing on an application if additional proceedings are necessary to determine the applicant's compliance with the requirements of this chapter. If all requirements have not been met, the committee shall deny the application and shall notify the applicant of its decision and the grounds therefor. Notice of the denial shall be sent by mail, addressed to the applicant at the address stated in the application. All decisions of the committee shall be reported to the city council at the next regular meeting thereof.
(Prior code § 36-11; Added Coun. J. 12-18-84, p. 12004)
If more than one organization applies for a permit to solicit charitable contributions on the same date and at the same location, the committee on finance shall resolve the conflict. Preference shall be given to organizations whose fundraising activities are well recognized, so as to promote the efficiency and coordination of such activities. Any organization which has engaged in solicitation of charitable contributions on the public way in the same manner and at the same approximate time of year for five consecutive years shall be permitted to select its dates one year in advance of actual solicitation. The committee may offer alternate dates and/or sites as a means of resolving conflicts.
(Prior code § 36-12; Added Coun. J. 12-18-84, p. 12004)
A charitable solicitation permit shall bear the legend "City of Chicago Charitable Solicitation Permit" and shall state the name of the organization to which it is issued and the dates and places of the permitted solicitation. Each permit shall be sequentially numbered to indicate the year of its issuance and the number of permits then outstanding. Each permit shall be signed by the chairman of the committee on finance.
(Prior code § 36-13; Added Coun. J. 12-18-84, p. 12004)