10-8-350 Performance in public ways.
   No person shall engage in any game, sport, amusement, performance or exhibition, or exhibit any machine or show or any animal, or indulge in any acrobatic or gymnastic feats, on any public way in the city, except as provided in Section 10-8-330 and Chapter 4-244.
   Nor shall any person give or cause to be given any performance, show or exhibition of any kind or nature whatsoever in any show window or in or on any premises immediately abutting upon any public way in the city, which is designed or intended to or which in fact does collect, attract or cause to be collected or attracted a sufficient number of persons to interfere with the passage of the public along the public way upon which such show window or premises abut. If said show, performance or exhibition results in the collection or attraction of a sufficient number of persons to interfere with the passage of the public along such public way, any member of the department of police shall have the power and it shall be his duty to enter such premises and cause such show, performance or exhibition to be discontinued forthwith, and to cause any performer, figure, apparatus, or other thing of any kind or nature whatsoever, engaged in or used in or about such show, performance or exhibition, to be removed from such show window or premises forthwith.
   Any person violating any of the provisions of this section or interfering with the enforcement thereof shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $100.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 36-33; Amend Coun. J. 4-21-99, p. 92524, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 4-14-10, p. 88490, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19230, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 5-9-12, p. 27485, § 166)