10-8-505 Selling tickets near a stadium or playing field.
   (a)   It shall be unlawful for any person, while located on the public way within 2,000 feet of a stadium or playing field, to sell, offer, or expose for sale, or solicit any other person to purchase tickets for any amusement produced or presented in that stadium or playing field.
   (b)   For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
   "Stadium" or "playing field" shall mean a stadium or playing field which is not totally enclosed and contains more than 15,000 seats where any such seats are located within 100 feet of 200 or more dwelling units. The 100-foot distance shall be measured from the seat to the nearest point of the buildings in which the dwelling units are contained.
   "Amusement" shall be defined as set forth in Section 4-156-010 of this Code.
   "Dwelling unit" shall mean a room designed or used for sleeping accommodations, including hotel and dormitory rooms.
   (c)   Any person found guilty of violating this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $200.00.
(Added Coun. J. 4-16-97, p. 42633; Amend Coun. J. 12-4-02, p. 99931, § 7.5)
10-8-510 Soliciting business.
   It shall be unlawful for any person including the owner of any business adjacent to or near the public way, either in person or through any agent or employee to stand upon, use or occupy the public ways to solicit the trade, custom or patronage for such business, or to interfere with or impede any pedestrian or any one in a vehicle on a public way, for purpose of soliciting business.
   Any such soliciting of business on any public way is hereby declared to be a nuisance and the owner or proprietor of any such business who shall refuse or neglect to abate such nuisance after being notified in writing so to do by the superintendent of police, shall be fined not less than $500.00 nor more than $1,000.00 for each and every day he shall refuse or neglect to abate such nuisance.
   Provided, nothing in this section shall be construed to include any business operated wholly or entirely upon any public way under or by virtue of a lawful permit or license issued therefor.
(Prior code § 36-49; Amend Coun. J. 6-28-00, p. 36848, § 1)
10-8-515 Soliciting unlawful business.
   (a)   No person may: (I) stand upon, use or occupy the public way to solicit any unlawful business; or (ii) interfere with or impede any pedestrian or anyone in a vehicle on the public way, for the purpose of soliciting any unlawful business.
   (b)   As used in this section, "unlawful business", means any exchange of goods or services for money or anything of value, where the nature of the goods or services, or the exchange thereof, is unlawful. Unlawful business includes, but is not limited to, prostitution or the illegal sale of narcotics. For purposes of this section, "soliciting" may be by words, gestures, symbols or any similar means.
   (c)   A person who violates this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than $500.00 and/or imprisonment for: (I) not less than ten days and not more than six months for a first offense; (ii) not less than 20 days and not more than six months for a second offense; and (iii) not less than 30 days and not more than six months for a third or subsequent offense. In addition to the penalties specified above, a person who violates this section shall be ordered to perform up to 200 hours of community service.
(Added Coun. J. 4-1-98, p. 65278)
10-8-520 Street vendors.
   Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no person shall sell, offer or expose for sale, or solicit any person to purchase any article or service whatsoever on any public way.
(Prior code § 36-49.1; Amend Coun. J. 2-26-86, p. 28157; Amend Coun. J. 5-12-99, p. 2313; Amend Coun. J. 4-15-15, p. 106578, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 11-1-16, p. 35386, § 2)