9-115-080 Transportation network provider license – Rescission.
   The commissioner shall have the power to rescind, pursuant to this section, any transportation network provider license erroneously or illegally issued or renewed pursuant to this section. In order for such a rescission to be effective, the commissioner shall notify the licensee of the date the rescission will take effect. The notice shall be provided by first-class mail or in person. The commissioner shall indicate in such notice the basis for the rescission and shall also indicate a date and time, prior to the proposed rescission date, upon which the licensee may appear before the commissioner, or his or her designee, to contest the proposed rescission. The licensee shall also be informed that he or she shall be entitled to present to the commissioner or his or her designee any document, including affidavits, relating to the proposed rescission. Following the appearance of the licensee before the commissioner, the commissioner may affirm or reverse the rescission decision based upon the evidence presented by the licensee. The commissioner's decision shall be in writing and shall be mailed to the licensee at least five days before a license rescission is effective. A licensee may appeal the commissioner's decision to any court of competent jurisdiction.
(Added Coun. J. 5-28-14, p. 82771, § 1)