The Board, working closely with the Parks and Recreation Department, will make recommendations to the City Council concerning parks, recreation and cultural matters. The Parks and Recreation Department will provide recreational and cultural opportunities for all people in the City regardless of age, and/or skill level. The Parks and Recreation Department will aim not only to maintain but to improve all parks, recreational, and cultural facilities in the City in order to best meet the overall needs of the community.
The Board shall be composed of no more than nine members and shall be appointed by the City Council at the first regular meeting in May of each year or as needed to fill vacant positions. Members shall be residents of the City and at least sixteen (16) years of age with two exceptions. One opening will be available (not required) to a Carroll Community School Board member or school administrator when at all possible for them to be involved. This position will be appointed by the Carroll Community School Board and approved by the City Council. A second opening may (not required) be filled by a resident of Carroll County, outside the City of Carroll. A Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall be elected from the members by the members at its regular May meeting each year. A City staff member, selected by the City Manager, shall serve as the secretary. City staff members shall have voice but no vote at the meetings.
(Ord. 1603 - Jun. 16 Supp.)