Every driver of a motor vehicle on a street shall drive the same at a careful and prudent speed not greater than nor less than is reasonable and proper, having due regard to the traffic, surface, and width of the street and of any other conditions then existing, and no person shall drive a vehicle on any street at a speed greater than will permit said driver to bring it to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead, such driver having the right to assume, however, that all persons using said street will observe the law.
The following speed limits are established in Section 321.285 of the Code of Iowa and any speed in excess thereof is unlawful unless specifically designated otherwise in this chapter as a special speed zone:
1. Business District - twenty (20) miles per hour
2. Residence or School District - twenty-five (25) miles per hour
3. Suburban District - forty-five (45) miles per hour
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.285)
A speed in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour in any public park, cemetery, or parking lot, unless specifically designated otherwise in this chapter, is unlawful.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.236[5], 321.285)
4. Special Speed Zones. In accordance with requirements of the Iowa Department of Transportation, or whenever the Council shall determine upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that any speed limit hereinbefore set forth is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at any intersection or other place upon any part of the City street system, the Council shall determine and adopt by ordinance such higher or lower speed limit as it deems reasonable and safe at such location. The following special speed zones have been established:
A. Eighteenth Street. Speed limits on Eighteenth Street are as follows:
(1) 25 MPH from U.S. 71 to High Ridge Road;
(2) 35 MPH from High Ridge Road to 1,000 feet east of High Ridge Road;
(3) 45 MPH from 1,000 feet east of High Ridge Road to the east corporation line.
B. Grant Road. Speed limits on Grant Road are as follows:
(1) 45 MPH from the south corporation line to Carroll County E37 (Pleasant Ridge Road Extended);
(2) 35 MPH from Carroll County E37 (Pleasant Ridge Road extended) to East Anthony Street;
(3) 25 MPH from East Anthony Street to 480 feet north of the centerline of Todd Terrace;
(4) 35 MPH from 480 feet north of the centerline of Todd Terrace to Thirtieth Street, except that the speed shall be 25 MPH when children are present in the school zone which is located between Thirtieth Street on the north to a point 185 feet south of the centerline of Elmwood Drive, and such school zone shall apply to both directions of traffic;
(Ord. 2402 - Aug. 24 Supp.)
(5) 45 MPH from Thirtieth Street to 1173 feet north of Thirtieth Street, except that the speed limit shall be 25 MPH when children are present in this school zone (which is located between Thirtieth Street and 1173 feet north of Thirtieth Street).
C. Thirtieth Street. Speed limit on Thirtieth Street is 40 MPH from North West Street, east to Grant Road, except that the speed limit shall be 25 MPH when children are present in the school zone which is located between Grant Road on the east to a point 755 feet east of the centerline of North West Street, and such school zone shall apply to both directions of traffic.
D. West Street. Speed limits on West Street are as follows:
(1) 25 MPH from Bluff Street to 985 feet north of Fairway Heights;
(2) 40 MPH from 985 feet north of Fairway Heights to Thirtieth Street.
E. Brookdale Drive. Speed limit on Brookdale Drive is 20 MPH.
F. Deer Creek Lane. Speed limit on Deer Creek Lane is 20 MPH.
G. Bella Vista. Speed limit on Bella Vista south of Highway 30 to East Anthony is 35 MPH.
H. East Anthony Street. Speed limits on East Anthony Street are as follows:
(1) 40 MPH from Bella Vista to 758 feet east of Grant Road;
(2) 25 MPH from 758 feet east of Grant Road to Grant Road.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.290, 321.285)
I. Speed limits of U.S. 30 and U.S. 71 shall be as outlined in Section 140.06 of the Code of Ordinances.
5. Fines. Fines for violations of this chapter shall be in accordance with the Compendium of Scheduled Violations and Scheduled Fines as provided under Section 805.8A, subsection 5, Code of Iowa. This paragraph (5), along with one of the subsections below, shall be included along with the Code Section (63.01), when issuing citations so as to specifically identify the violation.
A. Speed (1 thru 5 over limit)
B. Speed (6 thru 10 over limit)
C. Speed (11 thru 15 over limit)
D. Speed (16 thru 20 over limit)
E. Speed (21 mph and greater over limit)
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.285, 805.8A)
A person shall not drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation, or in compliance with law.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.294)
(Ch. 63 - Ord. 1501 - Feb. 15 Supp.)