It is the purpose and intent of this ordinance to establish a vacant property code registration and maintenance program as a mechanism for preserving and promoting public health, safety, prosperity, and welfare; to abate and prevent public and private nuisances and potential fire hazards; and to provide for administration, enforcement, and penalties. This ordinance applies to all property types in the City of Carroll.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
1. ACCESSORY BUILDING/STRUCTURE. A separate subordinate building the use of which is incidental to that of the principal use or of the principal building or land and is located on the same parcel as the principal building.
2. AGENT. A designated representative of the property owner who may act on behalf of and make decisions for the owner with regard to the vacant property.
3. AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL. Members of the City Staff, including, but not limited to, the Building Official, Code Compliance Officer, or Fire Department Chief, shall oversee the administration and enforcement of this code. Work may include but is not limited to completion of administrative work, inspections or assessments, and/or other necessary actions in order to ensure compliance.
4. BUILDING. Any Structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
5. DANGEROUS BUILDING. A building is deemed to be dangerous if it meets any of the definitions set forth in Chapter 145, City Code of Ordinances.
6. EXTERIOR PREMISES. The open space on the property or the portion of the property upon which there is not a structure.
7. GOOD REPAIR. Shall mean free from blight and hazardous conditions, clean, sanitary, and safe.
8. ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED. Shall include any occupancy in violation of City ordinances.
9. IMMINENT HAZARD. A condition which could cause serious or life-threatening injury or death at any time.
10. JUNK. Scrap metals or scrap materials, abandoned, dismantled or partially dismantled machinery, motor vehicles, other vehicles or appliances, and other items defined as junk in Chapter 51, City Code of Ordinances.
11. MIXED OCCUPANCY. Occupancy of a building in part for residential use and in part for some other use not accessory thereto.
12. OCCUPANT. An occupant is any person other than the record owner who leases or otherwise lawfully resides in a building or premises, or a portion of a building or premises.
13. OWNER. Any person holding title to the property, or with a legal or equitable interest in the property, as recorded in the Office of the Recorder for Carroll County.
14. PARTIALLY VACANT. A building that has one (1) or more stories or dwelling units vacant.
15. RESPONSIBLE PERSON. A natural person who is the owner, operator, agent or manager of any building, structure, or property and is responsible for the property's maintenance and/or management.
16. REFUSE. All garbage, rubbish, ashes, or other substances offensive to sight or smell, dangerous to the public health, or detrimental to the best interests of the community.
17. STRUCTURE. Anything constructed or erected, which requires location on the ground or attached to something having location on the ground.
18. UNOCCUPIED. A building which lacks a physical presence of any occupant for at least 180 consecutive days for the purpose for which it was erected or a building unfit for occupancy due to a failure to meet minimum standards set out by City Code of Ordinances. The storage of products, materials, or other personal property does not constitute occupancy unless otherwise authorized by the City zoning ordinance.
19. UNSECURED. A building or portion of a building that is open to entry by unauthorized persons without the use of tools.
20. VACANT BUILDING. A building shall be deemed to be vacant if it is unoccupied and/or no person currently resides in the building or operates a lawful business open regularly for business with the exception of holidays and seasonal businesses, and if it meets one or more of the following:
A. Unsecured or secured by means other than those used in the design of the building;
B. Declared unfit for occupancy as determined by the Building Official, Code Compliance Officer, Fire Department Chief, or other authorized City representative;
C. Been deemed a dangerous and/or dilapidated building by the City of Carroll;
D. Subject to housing, building, fire, health and safety, nuisance, or zoning code violations; or
E. Lacks one or more utilities for a period of at least one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days. Vacant buildings do not include any buildings being constructed pursuant to a valid building permit issued by the City of Carroll that is progressing in accordance with timelines authorized under the issuance of the permit.
21. VACANT PROPERTY. Includes vacant buildings.
22. WASTE. Shall mean garbage, ashes, rubbish, refuse, or trash.
23. WEEDS. Dense growth of all weeds, vines, brush, or other vegetation which may constitute a health, safety, or fire hazard.