The City is divided into four wards, described as follows:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 372.4 & 372.13[7])
1. First Ward. The First Ward shall include all that part of the City of Carroll lying, for the most part, north and east of the following described lines:
Beginning at the northern corporate limits, located approximately eleven hundred seventy-two feet north of the intersection of North West Street and Thirtieth Street; thence southerly along the center of corporate limits and all described streets to the centerline of Fairway Heights; thence easterly and southerly to the centerline of Randall Road; thence easterly to the second centerline of Todd Terrace; thence easterly to the centerline of Grant Road; thence southerly to the centerline of Eighteenth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of Pike Avenue; thence southerly to the centerline of Bass Street; thence easterly to the centerline of Grant Road; thence southerly to the centerline of Twelfth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of Clark Street; thence southerly to the centerline of Eleventh Street; thence easterly to the centerline of Forest Street; thence southerly to the centerline of Woodland Drive; thence easterly to the centerline of Bella Vista Drive; thence southerly to the center of U. S. Highway 30; thence easterly to the east corporate line.
2. Second Ward. The Second Ward shall include all that part of the City of Carroll lying, for the most part, north and west of the following described lines:
Beginning at the northern and western corporate limits, located approximately one hundred feet north of the intersection of North West Street and Fairway Heights; thence southerly along the center of all described streets to the centerline of Fairway Heights; thence easterly and southerly to the centerline of Randall Road; thence easterly to the second centerline of Todd Terrace; thence easterly to the centerline of Grant Road; thence southerly to the centerline of Eighteenth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of Pike Avenue; thence southerly to the centerline of Bass Street; thence easterly to the centerline of Grant Road; thence southerly to the centerline of Twelfth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of Adams Street; thence northerly to the centerline of Thirteenth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of North West Street; thence northerly to the centerline of Fourteenth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of Quint Avenue; thence northerly to the centerline of Fifteenth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of U. S. Highway 71; thence northerly to the centerline of Heires Avenue; thence westerly to the centerline of U. S. Highway 30; thence northwesterly and westerly to the corporate line, located approximately three thousand five hundred ninety-seven feet west of the centerline of Burgess Avenue.
3. Third Ward. The Third Ward shall include all that part of the City lying, for the most part, south and west of the following described lines:
Beginning at the west corporate line, located approximately three thousand five hundred ninety-seven feet west of the centerline of Burgess Avenue, at the centerline of U. S. Highway 30 and following the centerline of all described streets, thence east and southeasterly to the centerline of Heires Avenue, thence easterly to the centerline of U. S. Highway 71, thence southerly to the centerline of Fifteenth Street; thence easterly to the centerline of Quint Avenue; thence southerly to the centerline of Fourteenth Street; thence easterly to the centerline of North West Street; thence south to the centerline of Thirteenth Street; thence east to the centerline of Adams Street; thence southerly to the centerline of Twelfth Street; thence easterly to the centerline of Main Street; thence southerly to the centerline of Timberline Road; thence westerly to the centerline of Hidden Valley Road; thence southerly to the corporate line.
4. Fourth Ward. The Fourth Ward shall include all that part of the City, for the most part, south and east of the following described lines:
Beginning at the east corporate line at U.S. Highway 30, following the centerline of all described streets, thence westerly along U. S. Highway 30 to the centerline of Bella Vista Drive; thence northerly to the centerline of Woodland Drive; thence westerly to the centerline of Forest Street; thence northerly to the centerline of Eleventh Street; thence westerly to the centerline of Clark Street; thence northerly to the centerline of Twelfth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of Main Street; thence southerly to the centerline of Timberline Road; thence westerly to the centerline of Hidden Valley Road; thence southerly to the corporate line.
1. Precinct One: Boundaries Correspond with Ward 1 (incorporated territory) and that part of Grant Township, shall include all of the unincorporated area of Grant Township that is South of 180th Street and West of Noble Avenue and North of 190th Street and West of Noble Avenue and all that part of the City of Carroll lying, for the most part, north and east of the following described lines: Beginning at the northern corporate limits, located approximately eleven hundred seventy-two feet north of the intersection of North West Street and Thirtieth Street; thence southerly along the center of corporate limits and all described streets to the centerline of Fairway Heights; thence easterly and southerly to the centerline of Randall Road: thence easterly to the second centerline of Todd Terrace; thence easterly to the centerline of Grant Road; thence southerly to the centerline of Eighteenth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of Pike Avenue; thence southerly to the centerline of Bass Street; thence easterly to the centerline of Grant Road; thence southerly to the centerline of Twelfth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of Clark Street; thence southerly to the centerline of Eleventh Street; thence easterly to the centerline of Forest Street; thence southerly to the centerline of Woodland Drive; thence easterly to the centerline of Bella Vista Drive; thence southerly to the center of U.S. Highway 30; thence easterly to the east corporate line. To also include the following described lines beginning 1,326.41 feet north of the intersection of 18th Street and Grant Road; thence east 1,971.96 feet; thence north 290 feet; thence west 1,971.96 feet; thence south 290 feet. And the following described lines: beginning 1,301.39 feet north of the intersection of 18th Street and Noble Avenue; thence west 2,580.31 feet, thence north 1,650.21 feet; thence east 2,580.31 feet; thence south 1,650.21 feet.
(Ord. 2201 - Jul. 22 Supp.)
2. Precinct Two: Boundaries Correspond with Ward 2 & that part of the North Half of Maple River Township, shall include all of the unincorporated area of Maple River Township that is North of U.S. Highway 30; to exclude the area south of 160th Street east to Granite Avenue and west of Hawthorne Avenue and north of 180th Street and also to exclude that area south of 180th Street, east of Granite Avenue and west of Ivy Avenue; and to exclude that part east of Ivy Avenue south of the line of the Union Pacific Railroad to Kittyhawk Avenue; and all that part of the City of Carroll lying, for the most part, north and west of the following described lines: Beginning at the northern and western corporate limits, located approximately one hundred feet north of the intersection of North West Street and Fairway Heights; thence southerly along the center of all described streets to the centerline of Fairway Heights; thence easterly and southerly to the centerline of Randall Road; thence easterly to the second centerline of Todd Terrace; thence easterly to the centerline of Grant Road; thence southerly to the centerline of Eighteenth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of Pike Avenue; thence southerly to the centerline of Bass Street; thence easterly to the centerline of Grant Road; thence southerly to the centerline of Twelfth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of Adams Street; thence northerly to the centerline of Thirteenth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of North West Street; thence northerly to the centerline of Fourteenth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of Quint Avenue; thence northerly to the centerline of Fifteenth Street; thence westerly to the centerline of U. S. Highway 71; thence northerly to the centerline of Heires Avenue; thence westerly to the centerline of U.S. Highway 30; thence northwesterly and westerly to the corporate line, located approximately two thousand five hundred thirty-nine feet west of the centerline of Burgess Avenue.
3. Precinct Three: Boundaries Correspond with Ward 3 & the South Half of Maple River Township, shall include all of the unincorporated area of Maple River Township that is South of U.S. Highway 30; to include the area south of 160th Street east to Granite Avenue and west of Hawthorne Avenue and north of 180th Street and also to include that area south of 180th Street, east of Granite Avenue and west of Ivy Avenue; and to include that part east of Ivy Avenue south of the line of the Union Pacific Railroad to Kittyhawk Avenue; and all that part of the City of Carroll lying, for the most part, south and west of the following described lines: Beginning at the west corporate line, located approximately two thousand five hundred thirty-nine feet west of the centerline of Burgess Avenue, at the centerline of U. S. Highway 30 and following the centerline of all described streets, thence east and southeasterly to the centerline of Heires Avenue, thence easterly to the centerline of U. S. Highway 71, thence southerly to the centerline of Fifteenth Street; thence easterly to the centerline of Quint Avenue; thence southerly to the centerline of Fourteenth Street; thence easterly to the centerline of North West Street; thence south to the centerline of Thirteenth Street; thence east to the centerline of Adams Street; thence southerly to the centerline of Twelfth Street; thence easterly to the centerline of Main Street; thence southerly to the centerline of Timberline Road; thence westerly to the centerline of Hidden Valley Road; thence southerly to the corporate line.
4. Precinct Four: Boundaries Correspond with Ward 4.
(Ch. 3 - Ord. 2107 - Jan. 22 Supp.)